2017-03-26 54 views

我有兩個表。如何在SQL Server中查找某些條件不存在的記錄?


ID  ChildID1  ChildID2  ChildID3 
9  null   null   null 
49  43   50      //43 in childid1, don't want this record too 
111 112   113   null 
65  68   null   null 
222 221   223   224 
79  null   null   null 
5773 5834   5838   null 


ItemID    StoreId 
9   1001 //ItemID 9,41,5773 belongs to 1001 StoreID 
41  1001 
43  1400 //ItemID 43,45,65,5834 belongs to 1400 StoreID 
45  1400 
65  1400 
68  2000 //ItemID 68,79 belongs to 2000 StoreID 
79  2000 
5773  1001 
5834  1400 
5838  2000 

我想表明從ItemRelation表中的記錄ID F_ItemDailySalesParent在項目ID從F_ItemDailySalesParent在ItemRelation

ItemID StoreID 
49  1001 
111  1001 
65  1001 
222  1001 
79  1001 

9   1400 
111  1400 
222  1400 
79  1400 

9   2000 
49  2000 
111  2000 
222  2000 
5773  2000 

我試過下面的q uery。但是,這將無需StoreID。但是,不知道對上述結果

select ID from HQMatajer.dbo.ItemRelation ir 
where not exists(
    select ID,StoreID 
    from [HQWebMatajer].[dbo].[F_ItemDailySalesParent] Fid 
    where fid.ItemID=ir.ID 
     or fid.ItemID = ir.ChildID1 
     or Fid.ItemID=ir.ChildID2 
     or Fid.ItemID=ir.ChildID3 
     and time between '2017-01-01 00:00:00.000' and '2017-02-28 00:00:00.000' 
    group by ItemID,StoreID 


我有一個的storeCode = F_ItemDailySalesParent.Storeid


你在你的問題中的查詢是不正確的。 。 。至少,這是不太可能的,它有什麼用處。 –


@ PhamX.Bach是不同的。我的表中有重複的值。所以我應該做分組 –


@GordonLinoff是的,這是不正確的查詢,請注意我的問題上面的查詢。如果'F_ItemDailySalesParent'表中沒有'StoreID'字段。這將帶來不存在的記錄。 –



包括檢查是否StoreId匹配使用not exists()

select ID 
from HQMatajer.dbo.ItemRelation ir 
cross join (select distinct storeCode from Hqmatajer.dbo.Store) s 
where not exists(
    select 1 
    from [HQWebMatajer].[dbo].[F_ItemDailySalesParent] Fid 
    where fid.StoreId = s.StoreCode 
    and [time] between '2017-01-01 00:00:00.000' and '2017-02-28 00:00:00.000' 
    and (fid.ItemID=ir.ID 
     or fid.ItemID=ir.ChildID1 
     or Fid.ItemID=ir.ChildID2 
     or Fid.ItemID=ir.ChildID3 

'ItemRelation'表沒有'StoreID'字段 –


@mohamedfaiz更新包括與'StoreId'是主鍵的任何地方的交叉連接。 – SqlZim


'Store'表來自哪裏? –



select i.id, s.storeId 
from (select distinct id from HQMatajer.dbo.ItemRelation ir) i cross join 
    stores s -- assume this exists 
where not exists (select 1 
        from [HQWebMatajer].[dbo].[F_ItemDailySalesParent] idsp 
        where idsp.ItemID = i.ID and idsp.storeId = s.storeId 
       ) and 
     not exists (select 1 
        from [HQWebMatajer].[dbo].[F_ItemDailySalesParent] idsp 
        where idsp.ItemID = i.childID1 and idsp.storeId = s.storeId 
       ) and 
     not exists (select 1 
        from [HQWebMatajer].[dbo].[F_ItemDailySalesParent] idsp 
        where idsp.ItemID = i.childID2 and idsp.storeId = s.storeId 
       ) and 
     not exists (select 1 
        from [HQWebMatajer].[dbo].[F_ItemDailySalesParent] idsp 
        where idsp.ItemID = i.childID3 and idsp.storeId = s.storeId 



你能查看我的更新嗎plz –



select s.StoreId, i.ItemId 
from Stores s 
cross apply Items i 
left join ItemRelation ir 
on s.StoreId = ir.StoreId 
and i.ItemId = ir.ItemId 
where ir.Id is null 