2013-03-21 47 views








見http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4047031/help-with-the-theory-behind-a-pixelate-algorithm – Michael 2013-03-21 12:12:03






有一個代碼Google使用此方法提供的示例:https://android.googlesource.com/platform/development/+/master/samples/devbytes/graphics/ImagePixelization/src/com/example/android/imagepixelization/ImagePixelization.java – 2017-05-12 12:21:37




int avR,avB,avG; // store average of rgb 
    int pixel; 
    Bitmap bmOut = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, src.getConfig()); 

    for(int x = 0; x < width; x+= pixelationAmount) { // do the whole image 
     for(int y = 0; y < height; y++ pixelationamount) { 
      avR = 0; avG = 0; avB =0; 

      for(int xx =x; xx <pixelationAmount;xx++){// YOU WILL WANT TO PUYT SOME OUT OF          BOUNDS CHECKING HERE 
       for(int yy= y; yy <pixelationAmount;yy++){ // this is scanning the colors 
        pixel = src.getPixel(x, y); 
        avR += (int) (color.red(pixel); 
        avG+= (int) (color.green(pixel); 
        avB += (int) (color.blue(pixel); 
      avrR/= pixelationAmount^2; //divide all by the amount of samples taken to get an average 
      avrG/= pixelationAmount^2; 
      avrB/= pixelationAmount^2; 

      for(int xx =x; xx <pixelationAmount;xx++){// YOU WILL WANT TO PUYT SOME OUT OF BOUNDS CHECKING HERE 
       for(int yy= y; yy <pixelationAmount;yy++){ // this is going back over the block 
        bmOut.setPixel(xx, yy, Color.argb(255, avR, avG,avB)); //sets the block to the average color 






Bitmap bmOut = Bitmap.createBitmap(OriginalBitmap.getWidth(),OriginalBitmap.getHeight(),OriginalBitmap.getConfig()); 
    int pixelationAmount = 50; //you can change it!! 
    int width = OriginalBitmap.getWidth(); 
    int height = OriginalBitmap.getHeight(); 
    int avR,avB,avG; // store average of rgb 
    int pixel; 

    for(int x = 0; x < width; x+= pixelationAmount) { // do the whole image 
     for(int y = 0; y < height; y+= pixelationAmount) { 
      avR = 0; avG = 0; avB =0; 

      int bx = x + pixelationAmount; 
      int by = y + pixelationAmount; 
      if(by >= height) by = height; 
      if(bx >= width)bx = width; 
      for(int xx =x; xx < bx;xx++){// YOU WILL WANT TO PUYT SOME OUT OF          BOUNDS CHECKING HERE 
       for(int yy= y; yy < by;yy++){ // this is scanning the colors 

        pixel = OriginalBitmap.getPixel(xx, yy); 
        avR += (int) (Color.red(pixel)); 
        avG+= (int) (Color.green(pixel)); 
        avB += (int) (Color.blue(pixel)); 
      avR/= pixelationAmount^2; //divide all by the amount of samples taken to get an average 
      avG/= pixelationAmount^2; 
      avB/= pixelationAmount^2; 

      for(int xx =x; xx < bx;xx++)// YOU WILL WANT TO PUYT SOME OUT OF BOUNDS CHECKING HERE 
       for(int yy= y; yy <by;yy++){ // this is going back over the block 
        bmOut.setPixel(xx, yy, Color.argb(255, avR, avG,avB)); //sets the block to the average color 





平均值計算錯誤。avR = avR/n,其中n在avR + =(int)(Color.red(pixel))時遞增;發生。如果你解決這個問題,你會得到一個正確的像素化圖像,而不僅僅是隨機顏色塊。 – lxknvlk 2016-07-02 15:39:27


我已經完全改變以前的算法,它真的做到像馬賽克過濾器! 想法是與它下面的塊的像素來替換每個塊的像素 使用該功能簡單地:

public void filter(){ 
    Bitmap bmOut = Bitmap.createBitmap(OriginalBitmap.getWidth(),OriginalBitmap.getHeight(),OriginalBitmap.getConfig()); 

    int pixelationAmount = 10; 
    Bitmap a = Bitmap.createBitmap(pixelationAmount,pixelationAmount,OriginalBitmap.getConfig()); 
    Bitmap b = Bitmap.createBitmap(pixelationAmount,pixelationAmount,OriginalBitmap.getConfig()); 
    int width = OriginalBitmap.getWidth(); 
    int height = OriginalBitmap.getHeight(); 
    int pixel; 
    int counter = 1; 
    int px = 0;int py = 0;int pbx=0;int pby=0; 
    for(int x = 0; x < width; x+= pixelationAmount) { // do the whole image 
     for(int y = 0; y < height; y+= pixelationAmount) { 
      int bx = x + pixelationAmount; 
      int by = y + pixelationAmount; 
      if(by >= height) by = height; 
      if(bx >= width)bx = width; 
      int xxx = -1; 
      int yyy = -1; 
      for(int xx =x; xx < bx;xx++){// YOU WILL WANT TO PUYT SOME OUT OF          BOUNDS CHECKING HERE 
       yyy = -1; 
       for(int yy= y; yy < by;yy++){ // this is scanning the colors 
        pixel = OriginalBitmap.getPixel(xx, yy); 
        if(counter == 1) 
         a.setPixel(xxx, yyy, pixel); 
         px = x;//previous x 
         py = y;//previous y 
         pbx = bx; 
         pby = by; 
         b.setPixel(xxx, yyy, pixel); 
      if(counter == 3) 
       int xxxx = -1; 
       int yyyy = -1; 
       for(int xx =x; xx < bx;xx++) 
        yyyy = -1; 
        for(int yy= y; yy <by;yy++){ 
         bmOut.setPixel(xx, yy, b.getPixel(xxxx, yyyy)); 
       for(int xx =px; xx < pbx;xx++) 
        for(int yy= py; yy <pby;yy++){ 
         bmOut.setPixel(xx, yy, a.getPixel(xxxx, yyyy)); //sets the block to the average color 

       counter = 1; 





public abstract class ImageFilter { 

protected int [] pixels; 
protected int width; 
protected int height; 

public ImageFilter (int [] _pixels, int _width,int _height){ 

public void setPixels(int [] _pixels, int _width,int _height){ 
    pixels = _pixels; 
    width = _width; 
    height = _height; 

* a weighted Euclidean distance in RGB space 
* @param c1 
* @param c2 
* @return 
public double colorDistance(int c1, int c2) 
    int red1 = Color.red(c1); 
    int red2 = Color.red(c2); 
    int rmean = (red1 + red2) >> 1; 
    int r = red1 - red2; 
    int g = Color.green(c1) - Color.green(c2); 
    int b = Color.blue(c1) - Color.blue(c2); 
    return Math.sqrt((((512+rmean)*r*r)>>8) + 4*g*g + (((767-rmean)*b*b)>>8)); 

public abstract int[] procImage(); 


public class PixelateFilter extends ImageFilter { 

int pixelSize; 
int[] colors; 

* @param _pixels 
* @param _width 
* @param _height 
public PixelateFilter(int[] _pixels, int _width, int _height) { 
    this(_pixels, _width, _height, 10); 

public PixelateFilter(int[] _pixels, int _width, int _height, int _pixelSize) { 
    this(_pixels, _width, _height, _pixelSize, null); 

public PixelateFilter(int[] _pixels, int _width, int _height, int _pixelSize, int[] _colors) { 
    super(_pixels, _width, _height); 
    pixelSize = _pixelSize; 
    colors = _colors; 

/* (non-Javadoc) 
* @see imageProcessing.ImageFilter#procImage() 
public int[] procImage() { 
    for (int i = 0; i < width; i += pixelSize) { 
     for (int j = 0; j < height; j += pixelSize) { 
      int rectColor = getRectColor(i, j); 
      fillRectColor(rectColor, i, j); 
    return pixels; 

private int getRectColor(int col, int row) { 
    int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; 
    int sum = 0; 
    for (int x = col; x < col + pixelSize; x++) { 
     for (int y = row; y < row + pixelSize; y++) { 
      int index = x + y * width; 
      if (index < width * height) { 
       int color = pixels[x + y * width]; 
       r += Color.red(color); 
       g += Color.green(color); 
       b += Color.blue(color); 

    sum = pixelSize * pixelSize; 
    int newColor = Color.rgb(r/sum, g/sum, b/sum); 
    if (colors != null) 
     newColor = getBestMatch(newColor); 
    return newColor; 

private int getBestMatch(int color) { 
    double diff = Double.MAX_VALUE; 
    int res = color; 
    for (int c : colors) { 
     double currDiff = colorDistance(color, c); 
     if (currDiff < diff) { 
      diff = currDiff; 
      res = c; 
    return res; 

private void fillRectColor(int color, int col, int row) { 
    for (int x = col; x < col + pixelSize; x++) { 
     for (int y = row; y < row + pixelSize; y++) { 
      int index = x + y * width; 
      if (x < width && y < height && index < width * height) { 
       pixels[x + y * width] = color; 


public static final Bitmap changeToPixelate(Bitmap bitmap, int pixelSize, int [] colors) { 
    int width = bitmap.getWidth(); 
    int height = bitmap.getHeight(); 

    int[] pixels = new int[width * height]; 
    bitmap.getPixels(pixels, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height); 

    PixelateFilter pixelateFilter = new PixelateFilter(pixels, width, height, pixelSize, colors); 

    int[] returnPixels = pixelateFilter.procImage(); 
    Bitmap returnBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(returnPixels, width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); 

    return returnBitmap; 




int [] colors = new int [] { Color.BLACK,Color.WHITE,Color.BLUE,Color.CYAN,Color.RED}; 
    final Bitmap bmOut = PixelateFilter.changeToPixelate(OriginalBitmap, pixelSize,colors);