2015-11-26 77 views

我最近一直在試圖檢測玩家是否「瞄準」一個物體,但是我的探測有問題。Ray-Sphere Intersection


(ray * (origin-center))^2 - ||origin-center||^2 + r^2 >= 0 




public boolean collideWithSphere(Vector3f c, Vector3f o, float r) { 
    float delta = 0; 
    Vector3f omc = Vector3f.sub(o, c); 
    float b = Vector3f.Dot(ray, omc); 
    delta = b*b-Vector3f.Dot(omc,omc)+r*r; 
    return delta >= 0; 

我已經做了幾次測量,對於我來說,問題是ray * omc不是>=||omc||當從原點到球體的距離很大時,因爲沒有射線分量會精確地爲+ -1。







你的'ray'有多長?這很重要,因爲你使用一個標量產品來處理從相機到球體的矢量。另外,你的'omc'應該是'cmo',因爲你想從攝影機獲取矢量到球體中心。 –


射線是一個單位矢量。我想我已經嘗試了cmo的東西,但它沒有解決,但我可以再試一次。 – Nifil


@MartinHennig光線的長度不是要求。你根據Origin的方向計算它;請參閱下面提供的代碼。 – Krythic



對於我目前的遊戲引擎,我將這兩個類用於Ray-> Sphere相交測試。


using System; 
using OpenTK; 

namespace DestinyEngine.Framework.Maths 
    public struct BoundingSphere : IEquatable<BoundingSphere> 

     /// <summary> 
     /// The sphere center. 
     /// </summary> 
     public readonly Vector3 Center; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// The sphere radius. 
     /// </summary> 
     public readonly float Radius; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Constructs a bounding sphere with the specified center and radius. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="center">The sphere center.</param> 
     /// <param name="radius">The sphere radius.</param> 
     public BoundingSphere(Vector3 center , float radius) 
      this.Center = center; 
      this.Radius = radius; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Test if a bounding box is fully inside, outside, or just intersecting the sphere. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="box">The box for testing.</param> 
     /// <returns>The containment type.</returns> 
     public ContainmentType Contains(BoundingBox box) 
      //check if all corner is in sphere 
      bool inside = true; 
      for(int index = 0; index < box.GetCorners().Length; index++) 
       Vector3 corner = box.GetCorners()[ index ]; 
       if(this.Contains(corner) == ContainmentType.Disjoint) 
        inside = false; 
       return ContainmentType.Contains; 
      double dmin = 0; 
      if(Center.X < box.Min.X) 
       dmin += (Center.X - box.Min.X) * (Center.X - box.Min.X); 
      else if(Center.X > box.Max.X) 
       dmin += (Center.X - box.Max.X) * (Center.X - box.Max.X); 
      if(Center.Y < box.Min.Y) 
       dmin += (Center.Y - box.Min.Y) * (Center.Y - box.Min.Y); 
      else if(Center.Y > box.Max.Y) 
       dmin += (Center.Y - box.Max.Y) * (Center.Y - box.Max.Y); 
      if(Center.Z < box.Min.Z) 
       dmin += (Center.Z - box.Min.Z) * (Center.Z - box.Min.Z); 
      else if(Center.Z > box.Max.Z) 
       dmin += (Center.Z - box.Max.Z) * (Center.Z - box.Max.Z); 
      return dmin <= Radius * Radius ? ContainmentType.Intersects : ContainmentType.Disjoint; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Test if a sphere is fully inside, outside, or just intersecting the sphere. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="sphere">The other sphere for testing.</param> 
     /// <returns>The containment type.</returns> 
     public ContainmentType Contains(BoundingSphere sphere) 
      float sqDistance = DestinyEngineMath.DistanceSquared(sphere.Center , Center); 
      if(sqDistance > (sphere.Radius + Radius) * (sphere.Radius + Radius)) 
       return ContainmentType.Disjoint; 
      else if(sqDistance <= (Radius - sphere.Radius) * (Radius - sphere.Radius)) 
       return ContainmentType.Contains; 
       return ContainmentType.Intersects; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Test if a point is fully inside, outside, or just intersecting the sphere. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="point">The vector in 3D-space for testing.</param> 
     /// <returns>The containment type.</returns> 
     public ContainmentType Contains(Vector3 point) 
      float sqRadius = Radius * Radius; 
      float sqDistance = DestinyEngineMath.DistanceSquared(point , Center); 
      if(sqDistance > sqRadius) 
       return ContainmentType.Disjoint; 
      else if(sqDistance < sqRadius) 
       return ContainmentType.Contains; 
       return ContainmentType.Intersects; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Creates the smallest <see cref="BoundingSphere"/> that can contain a specified <see cref="BoundingBox"/>. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="box">The box to create the sphere from.</param> 
     /// <returns>The new <see cref="BoundingSphere"/>.</returns> 
     public static BoundingSphere CreateFromBoundingBox(BoundingBox box) 
      Vector3 center = new Vector3(
       (box.Min.X + box.Max.X)/2.0f , 
       (box.Min.Y + box.Max.Y)/2.0f , 
       (box.Min.Z + box.Max.Z)/2.0f); 
      float radius = DestinyEngineMath.Distance(center , box.Max); 
      return new BoundingSphere(center , radius); 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Compares whether current instance is equal to specified <see cref="BoundingSphere"/>. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="other">The <see cref="BoundingSphere"/> to compare.</param> 
     /// <returns><c>true</c> if the instances are equal; <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> 
     public bool Equals(BoundingSphere other) 
      return this.Center == other.Center && this.Radius == other.Radius; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Compares whether current instance is equal to specified <see cref="Object"/>. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="obj">The <see cref="Object"/> to compare.</param> 
     /// <returns><c>true</c> if the instances are equal; <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> 
     public override bool Equals(object obj) 
      if(obj is BoundingSphere) 
       return this.Equals((BoundingSphere)obj); 
      return false; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Gets the hash code of this <see cref="BoundingSphere"/>. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <returns>Hash code of this <see cref="BoundingSphere"/>.</returns> 
     public override int GetHashCode() 
      return this.Center.GetHashCode() + this.Radius.GetHashCode(); 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Gets whether or not a specified <see cref="BoundingBox"/> intersects with this sphere. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="box">The box for testing.</param> 
     /// <returns><c>true</c> if <see cref="BoundingBox"/> intersects with this sphere; <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> 
     public bool Intersects(BoundingBox box) 
      return box.Intersects(this); 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Gets whether or not the other <see cref="BoundingSphere"/> intersects with this sphere. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="sphere">The other sphere for testing.</param> 
     /// <returns><c>true</c> if other <see cref="BoundingSphere"/> intersects with this sphere; <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> 
     public bool Intersects(BoundingSphere sphere) 
      float sqDistance = DestinyEngineMath.DistanceSquared(sphere.Center , Center); 
      return !(sqDistance > (sphere.Radius + Radius) * (sphere.Radius + Radius)); 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Returns a <see cref="String"/> representation of this <see cref="BoundingSphere"/> in the format: 
     /// {Center:[<see cref="Center"/>] Radius:[<see cref="Radius"/>]} 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <returns>A <see cref="String"/> representation of this <see cref="BoundingSphere"/>.</returns> 
     public override string ToString() 
      return "{Center:" + this.Center + " Radius:" + this.Radius + "}"; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Compares whether two <see cref="BoundingSphere"/> instances are equal. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="a"><see cref="BoundingSphere"/> instance on the left of the equal sign.</param> 
     /// <param name="b"><see cref="BoundingSphere"/> instance on the right of the equal sign.</param> 
     /// <returns><c>true</c> if the instances are equal; <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> 
     public static bool operator ==(BoundingSphere a , BoundingSphere b) 
      return a.Equals(b); 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Compares whether two <see cref="BoundingSphere"/> instances are not equal. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="a"><see cref="BoundingSphere"/> instance on the left of the not equal sign.</param> 
     /// <param name="b"><see cref="BoundingSphere"/> instance on the right of the not equal sign.</param> 
     /// <returns><c>true</c> if the instances are not equal; <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> 
     public static bool operator !=(BoundingSphere a , BoundingSphere b) 
      return !a.Equals(b); 


using System; 
using OpenTK; 
using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL; 

namespace DestinyEngine.Framework.Maths 
    public struct Ray : IEquatable<Ray> 
     public readonly Vector3 Origin; 
     public readonly Vector3 Direction; 

     public Ray(Vector3 origin , Vector3 direction) 
      this.Origin = origin; 
      this.Direction = direction; 

     public Ray(float originX , float originY , float originZ , float directionX , float directionY , float directionZ) 
      this.Origin = new Vector3(originX , originY , originZ); 
      this.Direction = new Vector3(directionX , directionY , directionZ); 

     public override bool Equals(object obj) 
      return (obj is Ray) && this.Equals((Ray)obj); 

     public bool Equals(Ray other) 
      return this.Origin.Equals(other.Origin) && this.Direction.Equals(other.Direction); 

     public override int GetHashCode() 
      return Origin.GetHashCode()^Direction.GetHashCode(); 

     public float? Intersects(BoundingBox box) 
      const float epsilon = 1e-6f; 
      float? tMin = null, tMax = null; 
      if(Math.Abs(Direction.X) < epsilon) 
       if(Origin.X < box.Min.X || Origin.X > box.Max.X) 
        return null; 
       tMin = (box.Min.X - Origin.X)/Direction.X; 
       tMax = (box.Max.X - Origin.X)/Direction.X; 
       if(tMin > tMax) 
        var temp = tMin; 
        tMin = tMax; 
        tMax = temp; 
      if(Math.Abs(Direction.Y) < epsilon) 
       if(Origin.Y < box.Min.Y || Origin.Y > box.Max.Y) 
        return null; 
       float tMinY = (box.Min.Y - Origin.Y)/Direction.Y; 
       float tMaxY = (box.Max.Y - Origin.Y)/Direction.Y; 
       if(tMinY > tMaxY) 
        float temp = tMinY; 
        tMinY = tMaxY; 
        tMaxY = temp; 
       if((tMin.HasValue && tMin > tMaxY) || (tMax.HasValue && tMinY > tMax)) 
        return null; 
       if(!tMin.HasValue || tMinY > tMin) 
        tMin = tMinY; 
       if(!tMax.HasValue || tMaxY < tMax) 
        tMax = tMaxY; 
      if(Math.Abs(Direction.Z) < epsilon) 
       if(Origin.Z < box.Min.Z || Origin.Z > box.Max.Z) 
        return null; 
       float tMinZ = (box.Min.Z - Origin.Z)/Direction.Z; 
       float tMaxZ = (box.Max.Z - Origin.Z)/Direction.Z; 
       if(tMinZ > tMaxZ) 
        float temp = tMinZ; 
        tMinZ = tMaxZ; 
        tMaxZ = temp; 
       if((tMin.HasValue && tMin > tMaxZ) || (tMax.HasValue && tMinZ > tMax)) 
        return null; 
       if(!tMin.HasValue || tMinZ > tMin) 
        tMin = tMinZ; 
       if(!tMax.HasValue || tMaxZ < tMax) 
        tMax = tMaxZ; 
      if((tMin.HasValue && tMin < 0) && tMax > 0) 
       return 0; 
      return tMin < 0 ? null : tMin; 

     public float? Intersects(BoundingSphere sphere) 
      Vector3 difference = sphere.Center - this.Origin; 
      float differenceLengthSquared = DestinyEngineMath.LengthSquared(difference); 
      float sphereRadiusSquared = sphere.Radius * sphere.Radius; 
      float distanceAlongRay; 
      if(differenceLengthSquared < sphereRadiusSquared) 
       return 0.0f; 
      Vector3 refDirection = this.Direction; 
      Vector3.Dot(ref refDirection , ref difference , out distanceAlongRay); 
      if(distanceAlongRay < 0) 
       return null; 
      float dist = sphereRadiusSquared + distanceAlongRay * distanceAlongRay - differenceLengthSquared; 
      return (dist < 0) ? null : distanceAlongRay - (float?)Math.Sqrt(dist); 

     public static bool operator !=(Ray a , Ray b) 
      return !(a.Origin.Equals(b.Origin) && a.Direction.Equals(b.Direction)); 

     public static bool operator ==(Ray a , Ray b) 
      return a.Origin.Equals(b.Origin) && a.Direction.Equals(b.Direction); 

     public override string ToString() 
      return "{{Origin:" + Origin + " Direction:" + Direction + "}}"; 

     public void DrawImmediate() 
      Vector3 end = this.Origin + this.Direction * 400.0f; 


Ray ray = new Ray(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(1, 1, 1)); 
      BoundingSphere sphere = new BoundingSphere(new Vector3(1,1,1), 0.5f); 
      Console.WriteLine(ray.Intersects(sphere)); // Gives length until intersection. 



謝謝,明天我會試試 – Nifil


@Nifil沒問題!祝你的項目好運! – Krythic



ray = ray * lengthOfCmO 



請留下評論爲什麼你downvoted。 –


您對當前算法的假設和建議完全錯誤。 – Krythic
