<div class="item">
<a href="#">
<span class="title">Short Title </span><br/>
<span class="date">June 21st, 2013</span>
</div>okay, this is good
<div class="item">
<a href="#">
<span class="title">A title which is medium </span><br/>
<span class="date">June 21st, 2013</span>
</div>still working...
<div class="item">
<a href="#">
<span class="title">A much longer title than normal to accommodate </span><br/>
<span class="date">June 21st, 2013</span>
</div>yikes, it's being pushed down
<div class="item-ideal">
<a href="#">
<span class="title">A much longer title than normal to accommodate </span><br/>
<span class="date">June 21st, 2013</span>
</div>how I want it to look in this case
瀏覽的所有4 ..第四div有一個獨特的類理想的硬編碼尺寸。
是否有任何創造性的解決方案使這項工作? 我希望塊的標籤保持相同的大小。
謝謝,但我希望他們都是相同的高度。 –