我想編寫一個PROCEDURE,它將首先打印員工的員工編號和工資(即7839)。 然後,它會增加僱員7839的薪水(這將是在表中僱員僱員 號),按照以下條件:使用HR數據庫的步驟
Condition-1: If experience is more than 10 years, increase salary by 20%.
Condition-2: If experience is greater than 5 years, increase salary by 10%.
Condition-3: All others will get an increase of 5% in the salary.
程序將前和增加 後打印員工編號和工資我嘗試了以下步驟,但不知道它有多準確。我需要將其轉換爲PROCEDURE代碼。
veno emp.empno%type:=&veno;
vsal emp.sal%type;
vexp number;
select empno,sal,trunc(to_char(months_between(sysdate,hiredate)/12))into veno,vsal,vexp from emp where empno=veno;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('before update:' ||chr(10)||veno||chr(10)||vsal);
if vexp>=10 then
update emp set sal=sal+(sal*.20) where empno=veno;
select sal into vsal from emp where empno=veno;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('after update:' ||chr(10)||vsal);
elsif vexp>=5 then
update emp set sal=sal+(sal*.10) where empno=veno;
select sal into vsal from emp where empno=veno;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('after update:' ||chr(10)||vsal);
update emp set sal=sal+(sal*.05) where empno=veno;
select sal into vsal from emp where empno=veno;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('after update:' ||chr(10)||vsal);
end if;
BTW哪裏是'where'條件? – Crazy2crack
不知道如何寫它 – Shak
給我們表名和它們如何相互關聯如何? – mmmmmpie