(define pointInstance
(let ((myx 1) (myy 2))
(lambda msg
(((eq? (car msg) getx) myx)
((eq? (car msg) gety) myy)
((eq? (car msg) setx) (set! myx x))
((eq? (car msg) show) (begin (display "[") (display myx) (display ",") (display myy) (display "]"))))))))
;;;; PART1 --- A super-easy set of classes. Just models points and lines. Tests all of >the
;; basics of class behavior without touching on anything particularly complex.
(class pointInstance (parent:) (constructor_args:)
(ivars: (myx 1) (myy 2))
(getx() myx)
(gety() myy)
(setx (x) (set! myx x))
(show() (begin (display "[") (display myx) (display ",") (display myy) (display "]")))
(require (lib "trace.ss"))
;; Continue reading until you hit the end of the file, all the while
;; building a list with the contents
(define load-file
(lambda (port)
(let ((rec (read port)))
(if (eof-object? rec)
(cons rec (load-file port))))))
;; Open a port based on a file name using open-input-file
(define (load fname)
(let ((fport (open-input-file fname)))
(load-file fport)))
;(define lis (load "C:\\Users\\Logan\\Desktop\\simpletest.txt"))
;(define lis (load "C:\\Users\\Logan\\Desktop\\complextest.txt"))
(define lis (load "C:\\Users\\Logan\\Desktop\\pointinstance.txt"))
;(display (cdaddr (cdddar lis)))
(define makeMethodList
(lambda (listToMake retList)
;(display listToMake)
[(null? listToMake)
;(display "The list passed in to parse was null")
(makeMethodList (cdr listToMake) (append retList (list (getMethodLine listToMake))))
;(trace makeMethodList)
;this works provided you just pass in the function line
(define getMethodLine
(lambda (functionList)
`((eq? (car msg) ,(caar functionList)) ,(caddar functionList))))
(define load-classes
(lambda paramList
[(null? paramList) (display "Your parameters are null, man.")]
[(null? (car paramList))(display "Done creating class definitions.")]
[(not (null? (car paramList)))
(let* ((className (cadaar paramList))
(classInstanceVars (cdaddr (cddaar paramList)))
(classMethodList (cdr (cadddr (cddaar paramList))))
(desiredMethodList (makeMethodList classMethodList '()))
;(display "Classname: ")
;(display className)
;(display "Class Instance Vars: ")
;(display classInstanceVars)
;(display "Class Method List: ")
;(display classMethodList)
;(display "Desired Method List: ")
;(display desiredMethodList))
;do not delete the below code!`
`(define ,className
(let ,classInstanceVars
(lambda msg
;return the function list here
(cond ,(makeMethodList classMethodList '())))
(load-classes lis)
;(load-classes lis)
;(load-classes-helper lis)
;(load-classes "simpletest.txt")
;(load-classes "complextest.txt")
;method list
;(display (cdr (cadddr (cddaar <class>))))
我知道,我不知道如何擺脫它。對於如何擺脫方法的外部括號,你有什麼建議嗎? – Logan 2010-03-29 05:27:40
@Logan:更新了答案。 – leppie 2010-03-29 06:12:48
@John:請不要將問題標記爲家庭作業,除非OP聲明它確實是家庭作業,或者除非您有水晶球。 – 2010-03-29 19:25:36