2012-09-19 181 views


cv::Mat capturedFrame (height, width, CV_8UC3); 
int i, j; 
int nsamples = 1000; 
cv::Mat samples (nsamples, 2, CV_32FC1); 
cv::Mat labels; 
cv::Mat img = cv::Mat::zeros (height, height, CV_8UC3); 
img = capturedFrame; 
cv::Mat sample (1, 2, CV_32FC1); 
CvEM em_model; 
CvEMParams params; 
samples = samples.reshape (2, 0); 

    for (i = 0; i < N; i++) 
     //from the training samples 
     cv::Mat samples_part = samples.rowRange (i*nsamples/N, (i+1)*nsamples/N); 

     cv::Scalar mean (((i%N)+1)*img.rows/(N1+1),((i/N1)+1)*img.rows/(N1+1)); 
     cv::Scalar sigma (30,30); 


    samples = samples.reshape (1, 0); 

    //initialize model parameters 
    params.covs   = NULL; 
    params.means  = NULL; 
    params.weights  = NULL; 
    params.probs  = NULL; 
    params.nclusters = N; 
    params.cov_mat_type = CvEM::COV_MAT_SPHERICAL; 
    params.start_step = CvEM::START_AUTO_STEP; 
    params.term_crit.max_iter = 300; 
    params.term_crit.epsilon = 0.1; 
    params.term_crit.type = CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS;  
    //cluster the data 
    em_model.train (samples, Mat(), params, &labels);  

    cv::Mat probs; 
    probs = em_model.getProbs(); 

    cv::Mat weights; 
    weights = em_model.getWeights(); 

cv::Mat modelIndex = cv::Mat::zeros (img.rows, img.cols, CV_8UC3); 

for (i = 0; i < img.rows; i ++) 
    for (j = 0; j < img.cols; j ++) 
     sample.at<float>(0) = (float)j; 
    sample.at<float>(1) = (float)i;  

    int response = cvRound (em_model.predict (sample)); 
    modelIndex.data [ modelIndex.cols*i + j] = response; 




其次,這裏我的示例數據點是「100」,它需要將近3秒。但我想在不超過30毫秒的時間內完成所有這些事情。我知道使用GMM的OpenCV背景提取非常快速,低於20ms,這意味着,我必須在30毫秒內爲所有600x800 = 480000像素完成所有這些操作。我發現predict函數是最耗時的。


這個問題仍然有效嗎?或者它解決了[有](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12909343/opencv-how-to-categorize-gmm-calculated-probs/12909985#12909985)? Regards – remi


@remi:這個問題是一個老問題,但在我問了你回答的另一個問題後,我用顏色提取和計算速度更新了這個問題。你可以幫幫我嗎?謝謝。 –


我真的不明白這個問題。提取顏色對我來說沒有意義。你想要計算主色嗎?或量化顏色?你的代碼不會幫助我很多。關於速度問題,在大多數情況下使用'params.cov_mat_type = COV_MAT_DIAGONAL'就足夠了,並且會加快你的過程。 – remi





#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> 

int main(int argc, char** argv) { 

    cv::Mat source = cv::imread("test.jpg"); 

    //ouput images 
    cv::Mat meanImg(source.rows, source.cols, CV_32FC3); 
    cv::Mat fgImg(source.rows, source.cols, CV_8UC3); 
    cv::Mat bgImg(source.rows, source.cols, CV_8UC3); 

    //convert the input image to float 
    cv::Mat floatSource; 
    source.convertTo(floatSource, CV_32F); 

    //now convert the float image to column vector 
    cv::Mat samples(source.rows * source.cols, 3, CV_32FC1); 
    int idx = 0; 
    for (int y = 0; y < source.rows; y++) { 
     cv::Vec3f* row = floatSource.ptr<cv::Vec3f > (y); 
     for (int x = 0; x < source.cols; x++) { 
      samples.at<cv::Vec3f > (idx++, 0) = row[x]; 

    //we need just 2 clusters 
    cv::EMParams params(2); 
    cv::ExpectationMaximization em(samples, cv::Mat(), params); 

    //the two dominating colors 
    cv::Mat means = em.getMeans(); 
    //the weights of the two dominant colors 
    cv::Mat weights = em.getWeights(); 

    //we define the foreground as the dominant color with the largest weight 
    const int fgId = weights.at<float>(0) > weights.at<float>(1) ? 0 : 1; 

    //now classify each of the source pixels 
    idx = 0; 
    for (int y = 0; y < source.rows; y++) { 
     for (int x = 0; x < source.cols; x++) { 

      const int result = cvRound(em.predict(samples.row(idx++), NULL)); 
      //get the according mean (dominant color) 
      const double* ps = means.ptr<double>(result, 0); 

      //set the according mean value to the mean image 
      float* pd = meanImg.ptr<float>(y, x); 
      //float images need to be in [0..1] range 
      pd[0] = ps[0]/255.0; 
      pd[1] = ps[1]/255.0; 
      pd[2] = ps[2]/255.0; 

      //set either foreground or background 
      if (result == fgId) { 
       fgImg.at<cv::Point3_<uchar> >(y, x, 0) = source.at<cv::Point3_<uchar> >(y, x, 0); 
      } else { 
       bgImg.at<cv::Point3_<uchar> >(y, x, 0) = source.at<cv::Point3_<uchar> >(y, x, 0); 

    cv::imshow("Means", meanImg); 
    cv::imshow("Foreground", fgImg); 
    cv::imshow("Background", bgImg); 

    return 0; 


enter image description here




我試過你的代碼,除了它的計算速度,它工作得很好。無論如何,我會盡力解決這個問題。非常感謝你的回答。 –


那麼,我是否正確地想要將算法實時應用於某些圖像流?如果是的話,也許你不需要在每一幀中訓練EM,而是用第一幅圖像進行訓練,然後在連續幀中進行預測,或者如果需要在每幅圖像中進行訓練,則從前一列車和COV_MAT_DIAGONAL的值開始(請請參閱OpenCV文檔中針對列車方法給出的示例中的代碼文檔) –


它不是耗時的培訓部分,但它是「預測」部分。我正在處理視頻幀,並預測一個600x800大小的幀需要約3秒鐘!你有任何其他想法來加快速度嗎? –