select tagid,
(select TOP 1 Locations.CostCenter
from item
inner join transactions on transactions.itemid = item.id
inner join recvlocationmapping on recvlocationid = transactions.locationid
left outer join locations on locations.id = servicelocationid
where tagid = c.TagID
and costcenter != ''
and Costcenter is not null
order by transdate desc) as CostCenter
from item as c where createddate between '07-01-2012' and '07-05-2012'
select Count(tagid),
(select TOP 1 Locations.CostCenter
from item
inner join transactions on transactions.itemid = item.id
inner join recvlocationmapping on recvlocationid = transactions.locationid
left outer join locations on locations.id = servicelocationid
where tagid = c.TagID
and costcenter != ''
and Costcenter is not null
order by transdate desc) as CostCenter
from item as c where createddate between '07-01-2012' and '07-05-2012'
group by CostCenter
您可能需要將整個子句放入GROUP BY;我不認爲它可以使用別名。 – 2012-07-16 20:25:36