我寫了一個程序,從谷歌財務提取股票數據並執行買入/賣出決定。我用Visual Studio C++編寫它,它在Windows上工作正常,但是當我嘗試在ubautu上使用g++ -std=c++11 stock.cpp
//this function call a function called SMA() twice to calculate two different moving averages
//the second time SMA() is called from inside decisionPoint_model_call() a seg. fault occurs
0xb7f42ac5 in std::basic_ostream >& std::operator<< , std::allocator >(std::basic_ostream >&, std::basic_string, std::allocator > const&)() from /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
using namespace std;
int numberOfDays; //total number of days
int dayNumber = 0; //0 being the starting date
struct each_day {
string date;
float open;
float high;
float low;
float close;
float volume;
float mov_avg[1];
each_day *day = nullptr;
//store parced cotents in structure one day at a time
void float2structure(string date, float open, float high, float low, float close, float volume)
if (dayNumber == 0)
day = new each_day[numberOfDays];
day[dayNumber].date = date;
day[dayNumber].open = open;
day[dayNumber].high = high;
day[dayNumber].low = low;
day[dayNumber].close = close;
day[dayNumber].volume = volume;
if (dayNumber != numberOfDays)
void line2float(string line_string) //reads line and converts appropriate type
string date;
float open;
float high;
float low;
float close;
float volume;
string temp;
int dataBlocks = 1;
istringstream ss(line_string);
while (!ss.eof())
switch (dataBlocks)
case 1:
getline(ss, date, ',');
case 2:
getline(ss, temp, ',');
if (temp == "-") {
temp = "0";
open = stof(temp);
case 3:
getline(ss, temp, ',');
if (temp == "-") {
temp = "0";
high = stof(temp);
case 4:
getline(ss, temp, ',');
if (temp == "-") {
temp = "0";
low = stof(temp);
case 5:
getline(ss, temp, ',');
if (temp == "-") {
temp = "0";
close = stof(temp);
case 6:
getline(ss, temp, ',');
if (temp == "-") {
temp = "0";
volume = stof(temp);
float2structure(date, open, high, low, close, volume);
//gets line, sort in correct order, send each line to next function
void lineGet(ifstream &inFile)
cout << "Reorganizing data... be patient..." << endl;
vector<string> lines_in_reverse;
string line;
while (getline(inFile, line))
// Store the lines in reverse order.
lines_in_reverse.insert(lines_in_reverse.begin(), line);
numberOfDays = lines_in_reverse.size() - 1;
for (int x = 0; x < numberOfDays; x++)
//calculed the SMA and stores that in data.mov_avg[x]
void SMA(int movingAvg, int mv_num)
deque <float> sma;
float smaSize = (float)movingAvg;
float sum_of_elems = 0;
for (dayNumber = 0; dayNumber < numberOfDays; dayNumber++)
cout << day[dayNumber].date << " " <<dayNumber<<endl;
if (dayNumber <= smaSize - 1)
day[dayNumber].mov_avg[mv_num] = 0; //ERROR HERE?
if (dayNumber == smaSize - 1)
for (float n : sma) {
sum_of_elems += n;
day[dayNumber].mov_avg[mv_num] = sum_of_elems/smaSize;
sum_of_elems = 0;
for (float n : sma)
sum_of_elems += n;
day[dayNumber].mov_avg[mv_num] = sum_of_elems/smaSize;
//function to analyze data and report trades
void decisionPoint_model(string startDate)
dayNumber = 0;
bool holdingLong = false;
bool shortSell = false;
float totalProfit = 0;
float buyPrice;
float sellPrice;
float shortPrice;
float coverPrice;
//loop though each day, compare moving averages, buy and sell based on moving averages
for (; dayNumber < numberOfDays; dayNumber++) {
//cout << day[dayNumber].moving_avg[0] << " " << day[dayNumber].moving_avg[1] << endl;
if (day[dayNumber].mov_avg[1] != 0) {
if (day[dayNumber].mov_avg[0] < day[dayNumber].mov_avg[1] && holdingLong == true) {
sellPrice = day[dayNumber + 1].open;
totalProfit += (sellPrice - buyPrice);
cout << "Sell: $" << day[dayNumber + 1].open << " on " << day[dayNumber + 1].date << endl;
cout << "Profit from trade: $" << sellPrice - buyPrice << endl;
cout << "Total profit: $" << totalProfit << endl;
cout << endl;
holdingLong = false;
if (day[dayNumber].mov_avg[0] < day[dayNumber].mov_avg[1] && shortSell == false) {
shortPrice = day[dayNumber + 1].open;
cout << "Short: $" << day[dayNumber + 1].open << " on " << day[dayNumber + 1].date << ", ";
shortSell = true;
if (day[dayNumber].mov_avg[0] > day[dayNumber].mov_avg[1] && shortSell == true) {
coverPrice = day[dayNumber + 1].open;
totalProfit += (shortPrice - coverPrice);
cout << "Cover: $" << day[dayNumber + 1].open << " on " << day[dayNumber + 1].date << endl;
cout << "Profit from trade: $" << shortPrice - coverPrice << endl;
cout << "Total profit: $" << totalProfit << endl;
cout << endl;
shortSell = false;
if (day[dayNumber].mov_avg[0] > day[dayNumber].mov_avg[1] && holdingLong == false) {
buyPrice = day[dayNumber + 1].open;
cout << "Buy: $" << day[dayNumber + 1].open << " on " << day[dayNumber + 1].date << ", ";
holdingLong = true;
cout << endl;
cout << "Total profits from strategy: $" << totalProfit << endl;
cout << endl;
void decisionPoint_model_call() {
cout << "testing end" << endl;
cout << "\nWe are going to perfrom a decision point analysis." << endl;
cout << "This requires two moving averages relatively close by (eg. 10 and 15 day moving averages)." << endl;
cout << endl;
int movingavg;
cout << "Set the first moving average (ex. 10):";
cin >> movingavg;
SMA(movingavg, 0);
cout << endl;
cout << "Set the second moving average (ex. 15):";
cin >> movingavg;
cout << "\nData stretches from: " << day[0].date << " to " << day[numberOfDays - 1].date << endl;
cout << "NO ERROR" << endl;
string startDate;
cout << "Enter a date to begin analysis: ";
cin >> startDate;
cout << endl;
cout << "Open price on first day (given data): $" << day[0].open << endl;
cout << "Close price on last day (given data): $" << day[numberOfDays - 1].close << endl;
cout << "For a total price change of: $" << day[numberOfDays - 1].close - day[0].open << endl;
cout << endl;
void file_get() {
string filename;
cout << "\nEnter file name (ex. goog.csv):";
cin >> filename;
ifstream inFile(filename.c_str());
if (inFile.is_open()) {
cout << "\nLoading file...\n" << endl;
else {
cout << "No file was found on disk, retrieving one from the web..." << endl;
system("python stockFetch.py");
goto functionStart;
int main()
cout << endl;
cout << "What type on analysis would you like to perform?" << endl;
cout << "1. Decision Point Analysis - based on historical data." << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Enter number: "; //only number that works is 1 currently
int analysisNumber;
cin >> analysisNumber;
switch (analysisNumber) {
case 1:
//order of calls: 1.file_get() -> 2.lineGet() -> 3.line2float() -> 4.float2structure()
//function 2 - 4 are called over and over again to store each line from the cvs file to the structure
//this function call function called SMA() twice to calculate two different moving averages
//the second time SMA() is called from inside decisionPoint_model_call() a seg. fault occurs
return 0;
import sys, os, urllib
#get the csv file from google finance
tickerSymbol= raw_input('Enter the ticker symbol: ')
startDate = raw_input('Enter the start date(Ex. Jan 20, 2015): ')
endDate = raw_input('Enter the end date: ')
startDate.replace (" ", "+")
startDate.replace (",", "2C")
endDate.replace (" ", "+")
endDate.replace (",", "2C")
url = "http://www.google.com/finance/historical?q="+str(tickerSymbol)+"&startdate="+str(startDate)+"&enddate="+str(endDate)+"&output=csv"
urllib.urlretrieve(url, str(tickerSymbol))
if os.path.isfile(str(tickerSymbol)):
os.rename(str(tickerSymbol), str(tickerSymbol)+".csv")
print ("--File Fetched--")
print ("--Could not find file--")
請張貼[MCVE]。關鍵字 - 最小。 –
或使用調試器。您至少需要使用基本的調試技巧來查找崩潰發生的位置,然後問您是否不明白原因。你可能會對矢量和字符串的大小做出假設,或者做一些糟糕的事情,比如從無符號值減去1。 – paddy