2014-02-12 7 views
require 'app_tokens2.php'; 
require 'tmhOAuth-master/tmhOAuth.php'; 

$query = htmlspecialchars($_GET['query']); 
if (empty($query)) 
    $query = "pitbull"; 
$connection = new tmhOAuth(array(
    'consumer_key' => $consumer_key, 
    'consumer_secret' => $consumer_secret, 
    'user_token' => $user_token, 
    'user_secret' => $user_secret 

// Get the timeline with the Twitter API 
$http_code = $connection->request('GET',$connection->url('1.1/search/tweets'), 
    array('q' => $query,'count' => 4, 'lang' => 'en')); 

// Request was successful 
if ($http_code == 200) 
    // Extract the tweets from the API response 
    $response = json_decode($connection->response['response'],true); 
    $tweet_data = $response['statuses']; 
    // Accumulate tweets from results 
    $tweet_stream = '['; 

    foreach ($tweet_data as $tweet) 
     // Add this tweet's text to the results 
     $tweet_stream .= '{ "tweet":' . json_encode($tweet['text']) . ' },'; 

    $tweet_stream = substr($tweet_stream, 0, -1); 
    $tweet_stream .= ']'; 

    // Send the tweets back to the Ajax request 
    print $tweet_stream; 

    // Connect to Mongo and set DB and Collection 
    $mongo = new Mongo(); 
    $db = $mongo->sample1; 
    $collection = $db->trial3; 

    // Convert JSON to a PHP array 
    $tweet_stream = json_decode($tweet_stream,true); 

    // Loop array and create seperate documents for each tweet 
    foreach ($tweet_stream as $item) 

    // fetch all tweets from the collection 
    $posts = $collection->find(); 
    foreach ($posts as $post) { 
     // display the posts 
     //print $post; 
     print_r($post);  //print_r prints a variable in a more human-readable form: 
    var_dump($collection->count());  //counts number of documents in a collection 
// Handle errors from API request 
    if ($http_code == 429) 
     print 'Error: Twitter API rate limit reached'; 
     print 'Error: Twitter was not able to process that request'; 


'Error: Twitter was not able to process that request'



_「但是,當我嘗試用帖子替換」_ - 顯示我們_how_你試過了。 – CBroe



您想在哪裏使用POST方法? 如果你打算在搜索查詢中使用它,那麼你不能。

看看推特Documentation的搜索推文。您不能使用POST方法。對於搜索Tweet,您只能使用GET HTTP方法。


要提取帶有經度和緯度的推文,我需要使用post方法 – user3219417