好吧,事實證明這比預期的要難得多,這可能是一個壞主意。我們真正需要的是將Pod :: Elemental文檔轉換爲(X)HTML(5)的新工具,兼容Pod :: Simple::(X)HTML(以便我們可以繼續使用舊的CSS樣式)。我會接受另一個答案,如果有人寫/找到一個合適的模塊併發布在這裏。
所以這就是我所做的。我不得不繼承POD::Simple::Search,因爲它使用正則表達式檢查POD文件,該正則表達式不包含與Pod :: Weaver一起使用的=method
之類的內容。對於每個文件,我必須創建一個PPI文檔並去除POD,然後連接POD並將其製作爲Pod :: Elemental文檔。這就是它在Pod :: Elemental :: PerlMunger中的工作方式,這是Dist :: Zilla使用的。
package My::Pod;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Pod::Weaver;
use Pod::Elemental;
use Software::License::Perl_5;
use PPI;
use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
use parent qw(Pod::Simple::HTML);
my $weaver = Pod::Weaver->new_with_default_config;
my $license = Software::License::Perl_5->new({
holder => 'DFKI',
sub parse_file {
my ($self, $in_file) = @_;
my $doc = get_doc($in_file);
my $document = $weaver->weave_document({
pod_document => $doc->{pod},
ppi_document => $doc->{ppi},
authors => ['Nathan Glenn <[email protected]>'],
license => $license,
return $self->SUPER::parse_string_document($document->as_pod_string);
#return {ppi, pod}
#Most of this taken from Pod::Elemental::PerlMunger
sub get_doc {
my ($file_name) = @_;
my $ppi_document = PPI::Document->new($file_name);
confess(PPI::Document->errstr) unless $ppi_document;
my @pod_tokens = map {"$_"} @{ $ppi_document->find('PPI::Token::Pod') || [] };
my $finder = sub {
my $node = $_[1];
return 0 unless any { $node->isa($_) }
qw(PPI::Token::Quote PPI::Token::QuoteLike PPI::Token::HereDoc);
return 1 if $node->content =~ /^=[a-z]/m;
return 0;
if ($ppi_document->find_first($finder)) {
warn "can't get POD from $file_name: there is POD inside string literals";
my $pod_str = join "\n", @pod_tokens;
my $pod_document = Pod::Elemental->read_string($pod_str);
return {ppi => $ppi_document, pod => $pod_document};
# search package to tell Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch that everything has POD
package My::Pod::Search;
use parent qw(Pod::Simple::Search);
#override this method to allow whatever kinds of POD commands (=method, etc.)
#mostly copied from Pod::Simple::Search
sub contains_pod {
my($self, $file) = @_;
my $verbose = $self->{'verbose'};
# check for one line of POD
$verbose > 1 and print " Scanning $file for pod...\n";
unless(open(MAYBEPOD,"<$file")) {
print "Error: $file is unreadable: $!\n";
return undef;
local $_;
while(<MAYBEPOD>) {
# a more forgiving pod regex for things like =method
if(m/^=(.+)\b/s) {
close(MAYBEPOD) || die "Bizarre error closing $file: $!\nAborting";
$verbose > 1 and print " Found some pod ($_) in $file\n";
return 1;
close(MAYBEPOD) || die "Bizarre error closing $file: $!\nAborting";
$verbose > 1 and print " No POD in $file, skipping.\n";
return 0;
package main;
my $batchconv = Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch->new;
$batchconv->batch_convert(['path/to/code'], 'path/to/output');
看來你必須先創建一個帶有Pod :: Elemental的文檔。 –