2011-04-21 47 views


#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <string.h> 
#include <math.h> 

#include "csort.h" 
#include "sort.h" 

// array points to array of pointers to strings, count is number of entries in array 

void sortC(char** array, unsigned int count){ 
    array = merge_sort(array, count); 
    // testing: 
    /*for (int i = 0; i < count; i++){ 
    printf("%s ", array[i]); 

char** merge_sort(char** array, int count){ 
    if (count <= 1) return array; 
    else { 
    int lcount = 0; 
    int rcount = 0; 
    int middle = count/2; 
    lcount = middle; 
    char* left[lcount]; 
    subArray(array, left, 0, middle); 
    rcount = count-middle; 
    char* right[rcount]; 
    subArray(array, right, middle, count); 
    return merge(merge_sort(left, lcount), merge_sort(right, rcount), array, 0, lcount, rcount); 

void subArray(char** array, char** subarray, int start, int end){ 
    int ai; // index in original array 
    int si; // index in subarray 
    for (ai = start, si = 0; ai < end; ai++, si++){ 
    subarray[si] = array[ai]; 

char** merge(char** left, char** right, char** output, int oi, int lcount, int rcount){ 
    if (lcount > 0 && rcount > 0){ 
    int lmin = findMinimum(left, lcount); 
    int rmin = findMinimum(right, rcount); 
    if (strcmp(left[lmin], right[rmin]) < 0){ 
     output[oi] = left[lmin]; 
     removeFromArray(left, lmin, lcount); 
    else { 
     output[oi] = right[rmin]; 
     removeFromArray(right, rmin, rcount); 
    else if (lcount == 0) { 
    if (rcount == 1) { 
     output[oi] = right[0]; 
     return output; 
    } else { 
     int rmin = findMinimum(right, rcount); 
     output[oi] = right[rmin]; 
     removeFromArray(right, rmin, rcount); 
    else if (rcount == 0) { 
    if (lcount == 1) { 
     output[oi] = left[0]; 
     return output; 
    } else { 
     int lmin = findMinimum(left, lcount); 
     output[oi] = left[lmin]; 
     removeFromArray(left, lmin, lcount); 
    return merge(left, right, output, ++oi, lcount, rcount); 

int findMinimum(char** array, int count){ 
    char* minvalue = array[0]; 
    char* currentvalue = minvalue; 
    int minindex = 0; 
    for (int i = 1; i < count; i++){ 
    currentvalue = array[i]; 
    if (strcmp(currentvalue, minvalue) < 0){ 
     minvalue = currentvalue; 
     minindex = i; 
    return minindex; 

void removeFromArray(char** array, int index, int count){ 
    // removes specified index from an array 
    for (int i = index; i < count; i++){ 
    if (i+1 == count){ 
     array[i] = 0; // this entry will be gone when count decrements 
    } else { 
     array[i] = array[i+1]; 

這裏有一個具體問題嗎?你有沒有在調試器中運行它以查看它在哪裏進行分割? – 2011-04-21 17:11:42


(gdb)運行 輸入文件名:kjvbible.txt 790691單詞被讀取。 編程接收到的信號SIGSEGV,分段故障。 0x08048a1d在合併中(左= 0xff518910,右= 0xff5006e0,輸出= 0xff530bd0,oi = 35226,lcount = 7036,rcount = 7157)at csort.c:48 /home/elijah_houle/cs261/sort/csort.c:48 :1185:乞求:0x8048a1d – Elijah 2011-04-21 17:14:03


爲什麼它會出現故障?回溯沒有幫助,因爲它只顯示「merge()」被稱爲數千次。 – Elijah 2011-04-21 17:15:26




對於大數據集,您必須使用malloc(),這將在HEAP而不是堆棧上分配空間。 堆棧空間有限。這可以解釋爲什麼使用較小的數據,程序可以正常工作,而數據集越大,它就會崩潰。



如果是這樣的話,你會認爲他會得到一個'Stack Overflow'錯誤。 (雖然他可能是,並且由於這個問題在細節上相當短暫,所以不會告訴我們)。 – 2011-04-21 17:26:06


另外不要忘記檢查malloc的錯誤代碼。 – 2011-04-21 17:31:20


已更新的答案。 – karlphillip 2011-04-21 17:35:51




char* left[lcount]; 

char* right[rcount]; 

對於您的評論的值,其中數== 7157,這將是在棧空間方面相當昂貴的。
