2017-04-18 28 views


name age sex 
a 21  male 
b 13 female 
c 56  female 
d 12  male 
e 45  nan 
f 10  female 



exampleDF['newColumn'] = exampleDF[['age','sex']].apply(lambda age,sex: 'child' if age < 15 else sex) 

,但我得到一個錯誤missing 1 required positional argument: 'sex'





import pandas as pd 
exampleDF['newColumn'] = exampleDF[['age','sex']].apply(lambda x: 'child' if x['age'] < 15 else x['sex'],axis=1) 


age name sex  newColumn 
0 21 a  male male 
1 13 b  female child 
2 56 c  female female 
3 12 d  male child 
4 45 e  None None 
5 10 f  male child 

在你的代碼試圖定義lambda age,sex:,但你不能這樣做,因爲exampleDF[['age','sex']]是一個數據幀與兩列(而不是兩列)。上述解決方案可解決此問題。另外,您還需要指定軸。


這可能是一個非常愚蠢的問題,但是什麼時候'axis = 1'需要指定?我以前在lambda中使用了apply函數,但沒有指定軸。 – Harj


默認情況下axis = 0,所以你在這些行上應用這個函數(參見http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/generated/pandas.DataFrame.apply.html),我假設這是你以前想要的。但是,在這裏,您想將其應用於x ['age']和x ['sex']兩列,因此您需要指定axis = 1。 –


繼續我以前的評論,這裏有兩個例子:第一個例子是exampleDF ['newColumn'] = exampleDF [['age']] .application(lambda x:x ** 2)。在這裏,您只需在exampleDF [['age']]中的每個元素上應用平方動作,所以您不需要指定axis = 1。然而,在下面的例子中:exampleDF ['newColumn'] = exampleDF [['age']]。apply(lambda x:True if x ['age']> 15 else False,axis = 1) = 1,因爲函數直接應用於整個列。 –


我覺得更好的是使用mask - 如果從sex列其他Trueboolean mask獲取價值得到child字符串新列:

print (exampleDF['age'] < 15) 
0 False 
1  True 
2 False 
3  True 
4 False 
5  True 
Name: age, dtype: bool 

exampleDF['newColumn'] = exampleDF['sex'].mask(exampleDF['age'] < 15, 'child') 
print (exampleDF) 
    name age  sex newColumn 
0 a 21 male  male 
1 b 13 female  child 
2 c 56 female female 
3 d 12 male  child 
4 e 45  NaN  NaN 
5 f 10 female  child 


#small 6 rows df 
In [63]: %timeit exampleDF['sex'].mask(exampleDF['age'] < 15, 'child') 
1000 loops, best of 3: 517 µs per loop 

In [64]: %timeit exampleDF[['age','sex']].apply(lambda x: 'child' if x['age'] < 15 else x['sex'],axis=1) 
1000 loops, best of 3: 867 µs per loop 

#bigger 6k df 
exampleDF = pd.concat([exampleDF]*1000).reset_index(drop=True) 

In [66]: %timeit exampleDF['sex'].mask(exampleDF['age'] < 15, 'child') 
The slowest run took 5.41 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached. 
1000 loops, best of 3: 589 µs per loop 

In [67]: %timeit exampleDF[['age','sex']].apply(lambda x: 'child' if x['age'] < 15 else x['sex'],axis=1) 
10 loops, best of 3: 104 ms per loop 

#bigger 60k df - apply very slow 
exampleDF = pd.concat([exampleDF]*10000).reset_index(drop=True) 

In [69]: %timeit exampleDF['sex'].mask(exampleDF['age'] < 15, 'child') 
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.23 ms per loop 

In [70]: %timeit exampleDF[['age','sex']].apply(lambda x: 'child' if x['age'] < 15 else x['sex'],axis=1) 
1 loop, best of 3: 1.03 s per loop