2013-05-28 72 views


默認get將數據提取爲Stringsee it in a plunker)。這是very cumbersome。那麼,如何獲得它在ArrayBuffer? (注意,由於XHR2這是already possible。)

<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <title>Using $http.get to read binary data</title> 
    <body ng-app> 
    <h1>$http to load binary data</h1> 
    <div ng-controller="FetchCtrl" > 
     <button ng-click="fetch()">fetch</button><br/> 
    <script src="http://code.angularjs.org/1.0.6/angular.min.js"></script> 
    // Controller 
    function FetchCtrl($scope, $http) { 
     // See note 1 
     $scope.URL = "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/24/Lenna.png"; 
     $scope.info = "Click 'fetch' to fetch an image" ; 

     $scope.fetch = function() { 
     delete $http.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With']; // See note 2 
      success(function(data) { 
      $scope.info = "Read '" + $scope.URL + "' with " + data.length 
      + " chars in a variable of type '" + typeof(data) + "'"; 
      }).error(function(data, status) { 
      $scope.info = "Request failed with status: " + status; 

注2:如果獲取所述圖像屬於不同的域,重置標頭可能有必要執行一個simple cross-site request:默認情況下,AngularJS 1.0.6設置X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest頭,迫使preflighted request,即,瀏覽器發送的HTTP OPTIONS要求在GET之前。這可能不受服務器支持(例如,在此示例中,服務器返回403 HTTP method not allowed)。
This header was removed六個月前雖然,(也就是從AngularJS 1.1.1開始),並且不需要重新設置(感謝路線this answer to AngularJS performs an OPTIONS HTTP request for a cross-origin resource)。



幸運的是,Vojta Jina已在branch 1.1中執行this feature。以下代碼(see it in a plunker)在ArrayBuffer中提取二進制數據。注意,這裏使用的(如今天)仍然不穩定AngularJS 1.1.5

<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <title>Using $http.get to read binary data</title> 
    <body ng-app> 
    <h1>Using $http.get to read binary data</h1> 
    <div ng-controller="FetchCtrl" > 
     <button ng-click="fetch()">fetch</button><br/> 
    <script src="http://code.angularjs.org/1.1.5/angular.min.js"></script> 
    // Controller 
    function FetchCtrl($scope, $http) { 
     // See note 1 
     $scope.URL = "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/24/Lenna.png"; 
     $scope.info = "Click 'fetch' to fetch an image" ; 
     $scope.fetch = function() { 
     delete $http.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With']; // See note 2 
     $http.get($scope.URL, {responseType: "arraybuffer"}). 
      success(function(data) { 
      $scope.info = "Read '" + $scope.URL + "' with " + data.byteLength 
      + " bytes in a variable of type '" + typeof(data) + "'"; 
      error(function(data, status) { 
      $scope.info = "Request failed with status: " + status; 



很簡單!非常感謝。 – gustavohenke


這是否適用於Angular 1.2?我嘗試(在Chrome中)並獲取一個字符串,而不是ArrayBuffer – Guard


我希望在花費那麼多時間想要如何處理從CDN獲得的數據之前,我會找到這個。.. –