2014-09-20 42 views

請問,我有麻煩消化一些代碼塊,我真的很感激,如果有人可以幫我一條線,我真的很困惑。我沒有其他人要問!!!!!typeof extend教程,困惑,請幫我理解


<div id="log"></div> <!-- This is just a container div for the result --> 


//Declare first object, object literal notation: 

var object1 = { 
    apple: 0, 
    banana: { weight: 52, price: 100 }, 
    cherry: 97 

//Declare Second object, object literal notation: 

var object2 = { 
    banana: { price: 200 }, 
    durian: 100 

// Merge object2 into object1 
$.extend(object1, object2); 

//This is were I am confused, why test for **typeof JSON**? 
//Won't it always return "object"? My understanding is that JSON here is just a keyword, 
//so typeof JSON will always return object, so of what use is it? 

var printObj = typeof JSON !== "undefined" ? JSON.stringify : function(obj) { 
    var arr = []; 
    $.each(obj, function(key, val) { 
    var next = key + ": "; 
    next += $.isPlainObject(val) ? printObj(val) : val; 
    return "{ " + arr.join(", ") + " }"; 

//Here they called printObj as a function passing object1, but how is **object 1** being used, 
//when the first statement in printObj is typef JSON? 



因此,在本質我無法理解的條件的typeof JSON怎麼什麼用處,因爲它總是返回「對象」。我也是有無法理解呼叫printObj(object1),以及如何參數object1適合在與printObj時的第一件事有的typeof JSON



很多,是的,JSON將永遠存在 - 至少現在。但它不是關鍵字 - 它是JavaScript中的內置對象,與數字和字符串相同。

你可以在MDN看到舊的瀏覽器不支持它, IE7,Safari 3.所以無論是舊的代碼還是試圖支持舊版本的瀏覽器。




嗚呼!非常感謝你,現在它非常有意義。我只是停留在JSON類型上,但是通過對瀏覽器支持的解釋,它確實將所有內容放在了角度,我可以看到爲什麼要對它進行測試。 – Charles 2014-09-20 22:32:35