2016-09-21 89 views

我正在研究一個物理問題,我必須根據ODE發展參數。有時他們不得不操縱,以便我想有一個數據類型,可以用於例如diagonalisation等例程...因此,我實現了一個類與eigen ::矩陣作爲成員,並希望執行整合與odeint。對於單個eigen ::矩陣,這工作得很好。我做了一個最小的例子:使用幾個特徵矩陣作爲狀態在boost/odeint

#include <iostream> 
#include <fstream> 
#include <cmath> 
#include <string> 

#include <eigen/Eigen/Core> 
#include <boost/numeric/odeint.hpp> 
#include <boost/numeric/odeint/external/eigen/eigen_algebra.hpp> 

// define vector_space_algebra for Eigen::Matrix 
namespace boost { namespace numeric { namespace odeint { 
template<typename B,int S1,int S2,int O, int M1, int M2> 
struct algebra_dispatcher< Eigen::Matrix<B,S1,S2,O,M1,M2> >{ 
typedef vector_space_algebra algebra_type; 

// define abs() for Eigen::Matrix 
namespace Eigen { 
template<typename D, int Rows, int Cols> 
Matrix<D, Rows, Cols> 
abs(Matrix<D, Rows, Cols> const& m) { 
return m.cwiseAbs(); 

typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 3,3> mat; 
using namespace Eigen; 
using namespace std; 

class state { 

    // state components 
    Eigen::Matrix<double, 3,3> M1, M2; 

    // constructors 
    state() : M1(), M2() {};  // constructors 
    state(mat M1in, mat M2in) : M1(M1in), M2(M2in) {}; 

    // in place addition and multiplication 
    state operator+=(const state & X){ 
    M1 += X.M1; M2 += X.M2; 
    return *this; 

    state operator*=(const double a){ 
    M1 *= a; M2 *= a; 
    return *this; 

    // ODE 
    void operator() (const state & X , state & dX, const double){ 
    dX.M1 = X.M1*X.M2.adjoint()*X.M2; 
    dX.M2 = X.M2*X.M1.adjoint()*X.M1; 

// vector space operations 

state operator+(const state &lhs , const state &rhs){ 
    return state(lhs.M1+rhs.M1 ,lhs.M2+rhs.M2); 

state operator*(const state &lhs , const double &rhs){ 
    return state(lhs.M1*rhs ,lhs.M2*rhs); 

state operator*(const double &lhs , const state &rhs){ 
    return state(lhs*rhs.M1 ,lhs*rhs.M2); 

state operator/(const state &lhs , const state &rhs){ 
    return state(lhs.M1.cwiseQuotient(rhs.M1) , lhs.M2.cwiseQuotient(rhs.M2)); 
state abs(const state &X){ 
    return state(abs(X.M1) , abs(X.M2)); 

// lp infinity norm 
namespace boost { namespace numeric { namespace odeint { 
     struct vector_space_norm_inf<state> { 
    typedef double result_type; 
    double operator()(const state &X) const { 
     return max(X.M1.lpNorm<Infinity>() , X.M2.lpNorm<Infinity>()); 
    } } } 

//write to std output 
void write(state &x , const double t){ 
    cout << t << "\t" << x.M1 << "\t" << x.M2 << "\n"; 

    // int main 
    int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ 

    // set values 
     mat M1, M2; 
     double t_end = 1; 
     double t_start = 10; 

    M1 << 0.1,0,0, 0,0.2,0.1 ,0.2,0,0.3; 
    M2 << 0.5,0,0, 0,0.6,0, 0,0,0.7; 

    state values(M1,M2); 

    using namespace boost::numeric::odeint; 

    // type definition for numerical integration 
    typedef runge_kutta_dopri5< state , double, state , double,  vector_space_algebra > stepper; 

    // integration 
    int steps = integrate_adaptive(make_controlled<stepper>(1E-10 , 1E-10 ) , state() , values , t_start , t_end , 0.01); 



當我註釋掉以「INT步驟」的線所截取的示例中,G ++上MAC(我知道,這就是不同的東西,什麼錯誤更方便閱讀......)編譯沒有錯誤。否則,我得到In file included from minimal.cpp:7: In file included from /usr/local/include/boost/numeric/odeint.hpp:25: In file included from /usr/local/include/boost/numeric/odeint/util/ublas_wrapper.hpp:30: /usr/local/include/boost/numeric/odeint/algebra/default_operations.hpp:443:76: error: invalid operands to binary expression ('double' and 'state') ...m_eps_abs + m_eps_rel * (m_a_x * abs(get_unit_value(t1)) + m_a_dxdt * abs(get_unit_value(t2)))...





state operator+(const state &lhs , double rhs){ 
    return state(lhs.M1+rhs ,lhs.M2+rhs); 

state operator+(double lhs , const state &rhs){ 
    return state(lhs+rhs.M1 ,lhs+rhs.M2); 