2016-06-10 20 views

因爲任何使用設計不當的/維護良好的Lotus Notes數據庫的人都可以證實,並非所有具有相同表單名稱的記錄具有相同數量的項目,甚至項目順序。導出爲CSV - 使用排序項目收集的所有文檔





'Whole database export via collection with Sorted items, created by CodeJack 
'Export CSV based on http://searchdomino.techtarget.com/tip/How-to-export-data-from-a-Lotus-Notes-database-to-a-CSV-file 
'sortValues based on http://per.lausten.dk/domino/sortNotesDocumentCollection.html 

    Sub Initialize 

     On Error Goto processerror 

     Dim session As New NotesSession 
     Dim dbPri As NotesDatabase 
     Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace 
     Dim dc As NotesDocumentCollection 
     Dim docPri As NotesDocument 
     Dim curView As NotesUIView 
     Dim NumRec As String 
     Dim msgOutputs As String 

     'Get useable date and time values for file naming 
     Dim fDate As String 
     Dim fTime As String 

     If Month(Date()) < 10 Then 
      If Day(Date()) < 10 Then 
       fDate = Year(Date()) & "0" & Month(Date()) & "0" & Day(Date()) 
       fDate = Year(Date()) & "0" & Month(Date()) & Day(Date()) 
      End If 
      If Day(Date()) < 10 Then 
       fDate = Year(Date()) & Month(Date()) & "0" & Day(Date()) 
       fDate = Year(Date()) & Month(Date()) & Day(Date()) 
      End If  
     End If 

     fTime = Hour(Time()) & "-" & Minute(Time()) 

     'Set the NewLine variable for breaking message boxes 
     Dim NewLine As String 
     NewLine = Chr(10)+Chr(13) 

     'declare the Pri database 
     Set dbPri = session.CurrentDatabase 
     Set curView = ws.CurrentView 

     'Set the Primary DB collection to retrieve the list of selected documents in the view 
     Set dc = curView.Documents 

     'Collection1s collection 
     Dim dcCollection1 As NotesDocumentCollection  
     Dim docCollection1 As NotesDocument 
     Dim NumCollection1 As String 

     'Collection2 collection 
     Dim dcCollection2 As NotesDocumentCollection  
     Dim docCollection2 As NotesDocument 
     Dim NumCollection2 As String 

     'Open collections 
     If dbPri.IsOpen Then 
      Set dcCollection1 = dbPri.CreateDocumentCollection 
      Set dcCollection2 = dbPri.CreateDocumentCollection 
      Msgbox "Database has not been opened" 
      Exit Sub 
     End If 

     'Set Export path 
     Dim sFilepath As String 
     Dim sFilename As String 
     sFilepath = "C:\Data\Testing\" 

     'Continue if collection has documents 
     NumRec = dc.Count 

     If NumRec > 0 Then 
      msgOutputs = NumRec & " records processed." & NewLine 
       'Split out documents to their individual Collections 
      If (Not dc Is Nothing) Then 

       For a = 1 To dc.Count 'a = all documents 
        Set docPri = dc.GetNthDocument(a) 

       'Assign document to relevant collection based on the form name 
        If docPri.Form(0) = "VID" Then 
         Call dcCollection1.AddDocument (docPri) 

        Elseif docPri.Form(0) = "SI" Then 
         Call dcCollection2.AddDocument (docPri) 

        End If 

      End If 
      Msgbox "No records in collection" 
      Exit Sub 
     End If 

     'Process Collection1 
     'Count # of records in collection 
     NumCollection1 = dcCollection1.Count 

     'Continue if collection has documents 
     If NumCollection1 > 0 Then 
      'Compile output message 
      msgOutputs = msgOutputs & NumCollection1 & " - " & dcCollection1.GetFirstDocument.Form(0) & "'s" & NewLine 

      'Set the export filename 
      sFilename = dcCollection1.GetFirstDocument.Form(0) & "_" & fDate &"_" & fTime & ".csv" 

    'Export Collection 
    Call exportCSV(dcCollection1, sFilepath, sFilename) 
     End If 

     'Process Collection2 
     NumCollection2 = dcCollection2.Count 

     'Continue if collection has documents 
     If NumCollection2 > 0 Then  

     'Compile output message 
      msgOutputs = msgOutputs & NumCollection2 & " - " & dcCollection2.GetFirstDocument.Form(0) & "'s" & NewLine 

       'Set the export filename   
      sFilename = dcCollection2.GetFirstDocument.Form(0) & "_" & fDate &"_" & fTime & ".csv"  

    'Export Collection 
      Call exportCSV(dcCollection2, sFilepath, sFilename) 
     End If 

     'Display output message to user 
     Msgbox msgOutputs 

     Exit Sub  

     If Err <> 0 Then 
      Msgbox "Initialize: ERROR on line " & Cstr(Erl) & " (" & Cstr(Err) & ") - " & Error$ 

      Exit Sub 

     End If 

    End Sub 

    Sub exportCSV(col As NotesDocumentCollection, sFilepath As String, sFilename As String) 
    'CSV write method based on http://searchdomino.techtarget.com/tip/How-to-export-data-from-a-Lotus-Notes-database-to-a-CSV-file 
    'Altered by Andrew Lambert to fit purpose of sorting and exporting all items on documents in a collection 

     On Error Goto processerror 

     Dim datadoc As NotesDocument 
     Dim sorteddoc As NotesDocument 
     Dim db As NotesDatabase 
     Dim session As New NotesSession 
     Dim fileNum As Integer 
     Dim fileName As String 
     Dim headerstring As String 
     Dim values As String 
     Dim item As NotesItem 
     Dim ItemName As String 

     Dim arSort As Variant 

     Set db = session.CurrentDatabase 

     fileNum% = Freefile() 
     fileName$ = sFilepath & sFilename 

     Open fileName$ For Output As fileNum% 

    'Build Files 

     If (Not col Is Nothing) Then 
      For i = 1 To col.Count 
       Set datadoc = col.GetNthDocument(i) 

    'Write record header to file    

       Forall x In datadoc.Items 
        If x.type = 1084 Or x.name = "Photograph" Or x.name = "Signature" Then 'Skip data types/fields which cant be exported via CSV 
        'Do nothing 
         headerstring=headerstring & |"| & x.name &|",| 'Create header string for the record 
        End If 

       End Forall 

       'remove trailing comma 

       'break headerstring into components for array 
       arSort = Split(headerstring,",") 

       'Sort array alphabetically 
       arSort = sortValues(arSort) 

       'Compile sorted array back into string 
       headerstring = Implode(arSort,",") 

       'remove trailing " 

       'Write to file 
       Write #fileNum%, |Header","UNID",| & headerstring & || 

       'Create sorted document for exporting data, this is needed as you can't sort the values of the items separate from the item names 
       Set sorteddoc = db.CreateDocument 

       'Loop through sorted array of item names 
       Forall z In arSort 
        ItemName = Replace(z,|"|,||) 'Remove quotations to avoid ADT error 

        'Copy item from source document to destination in alphabetical order 
        Call sorteddoc.CopyItem(datadoc.GetFirstItem(ItemName),ItemName) 

       End Forall 

    'Write record data to file   

       'loop through all document items 
       Forall x In sorteddoc.Items    
        'retrieve item value 
        values=values & |"| & x.text &|",| 
       End Forall 

       'Write to file 
       Write #fileNum%, |Data",| & |"| & sorteddoc.UniversalID & |",| & values & |"| 

     End If 
     Close fileNum% 

     Exit Sub 

     If Err <> 0 Then 
      Msgbox "Export CSV: ERROR on line " & Cstr(Erl) & " (" & Cstr(Err) & ") - " & Error$ 
      Exit Sub 

     End If 

    End Sub 

    Function sortValues(varValues As Variant) As Variant 
     'from http://per.lausten.dk/domino/sortNotesDocumentCollection.html 

     On Error Goto errHandler 
     ' Use Shell sort to sort input array and return array sorted ascending 

     Dim k As Integer 
     Dim i As Integer 
     Dim j As Integer 
     Dim h As Integer 
     Dim r As Integer 
     Dim temp As String 

     'Set up for Shell sort algorithm 
     k = Ubound(varValues) 
     h = 1 
     Do While h < k 
      h = (h*3)+1 
     h = (h-1)/3 
     If h > 3 Then 
      h = (h-1)/3 
     End If 

     'Shell sort algorithm 
     Do While h > 0 
      For i = 1+h To k 
       temp = varValues(i) 
       j = i-h 
       Do While j >0 
        If varValues(j)>temp Then 
         varValues(j+h) = varValues(j) 
         varValues(j) = temp 
         Exit Do 
        End If 
        j = j-h 
      Next i 
      h = (h-1)/3 

     'Write new sorted values  
     sortValues = varValues 

     Exit Function 

     Dim strMsg As String 
     strMsg = "SortValues: Error #" & Err & Chr$(10) & Error$ & Chr$(10) & "Line #" & Erl & | in sub/function: "| & Lsi_info(2) & |"| 
     Msgbox strMsg, 16, "Unexpected error" 
     sortValues = "ERROR" 
     Resume getOut 

    End Function 





For i = 1 to dc.Count 
    Set doc = dc.GetNthDocument(i) 


Set doc = dc.GetFirstDocument() 
While not doc is Nothing 
    '- do your stuff here 
    Set doc = dc.GetNextDocument(doc) 



Dim ldc List as NotesDocumentCollection 


Forall strForm in varForms 
    Set ldc(strForm) = dbPri.Search({Form = "} & strForm & {"}, Nothing, 0) 
End Forall 





Set doc = dc.GetFirstDocument() 
While not doc is Nothing 
    strForm = doc.GetitemValue("form")(0) 
    If Not iselement(ldc(strForm)) then 
    Set ldc(strForm) = dbPri.CreateDocumentCollection 
    End If 
    Call ldc(strForm).AddDocument(doc) 
    Set doc = dc.GetNextDocument(doc) 


Forall dcForm in ldc 
    Set docWork = dcForm.GetFirstDocument() 
    While not docWork is Nothing 
    '- do your stuff here 
    Set docWork = dcForm.GetNextDocument(docWork) 
End Forall 



而且他可以簡單地通過引用dbPri.Forms來填充varForms。 –


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