private boolean gameEnd() {
// Setting local variables
int x = xMouseSquare;
int y = yMouseSquare;
int[][] g = gameBoard;
int c = CPU;
int h = HUMAN;
// Checking for a winner
/* Checking columns (xMouseSquare)
* Enter the y value, the vertical value, first; then x, the horizontal value, second
// Set y equal to 0 and then add 1
for (y = 0; y < 3; y++) {
// Set CPU c equal to 0
c = 0;
// Set x equal to 0 and then add 1
for (x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
// Add CPU's value to the game board
c += g[x][y];
// If statement returning the absolute value of CPU
if (Math.abs(c) == 3) {
// If these values are correct, return true; the game ends with CPU win horizontally
return true;
// If not, return false; game continues until all marks are filled
return false;
// Set y equal to 0 and then add 1
for (y = 0; y < 3; y++) {
// This time, however, set HUMAN h equal to 0
h = 0;
// Set x equal to 0 and then add 1
for (x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
// Then add HUMAN's value to the game board
h += g[x][y];
// If statement returning the absolute value of HUMAN
if (Math.abs(h) == -3) {
// If these values are correct, return true; the game ends with HUMAN win horizontally
return true;
// If not, return false; game continues until all marks are filled
return false;
/* Checking rows (yMouseSquare)
* Enter the x value, the horizontal value, first; then y, the vertical value, second
// Set x equal to 0 and then add 1
for (x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
// Set CPU equal to 0
c = 0;
// Set y equal to 0 and then add 1
for (y = 0; y < 3; y++) {
// Add CPU's value to the game board, but with y and then x
c += g[y][x];
// If statement returning the absolute value of CPU
if (Math.abs(c) == 3) {
// If these values are correct, return true; the game ends with CPU win vertically
return true;
// If not, return false; game continues until all marks are filled
return false;
// Set x equal to 0 and then add 1
for (x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
// This time, however, set HUMAN h equal to 0
h = 0;
// Set y equal to 0 and then add 1
for (y = 0; y < 3; y++) {
// Then add HUMAN's value to the game board
h += g[x][y];
// If statement returning the absolute value of HUMAN
if (Math.abs(h) == -3) {
// If these values are correct, return true; the game ends with CPU win vertically
return true;
// If not, return false; game continues until all marks are filled
return false;
} // error on this bracket; but when I remove it, some of the code above becomes unreachable. Can anyone point to what I'm doing wrong?
的誤差會更容易找到,如果你的格式(縮進)您的代碼正確。你的IDE甚至可以爲你做。 – jlordo 2013-04-22 03:06:18
首先,修復縮進以匹配括號 - 現在它是非常錯誤的。如果你使用的是一個好的編輯器,它應該能夠自動爲你做到這一點。 – 2013-04-22 03:06:23
當你返回false時,就退出這個方法。您的代碼的2/3碼永遠不會被執行(又稱不可達)。 – Supericy 2013-04-22 03:08:33