Hand playerCards1 = new Hand(cards);
Hand playerCards2 = new Hand(cards);
Hand playerCards3 = new Hand(cards);
Hand playerCards4 = new Hand(cards);
我一直在使用playerCards [I] & playerCards(我)試過了,但它說,他們沒有在這方面存在的。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace BlackJackGameX
public class MainClass
public static void Main (string[] args)
// Creates a new instance of the Deck Class, giving us access to a shuffled deck of cards.
Deck cards = new Deck();
// Create 5 new instances of the Hand Class, one for each player, one for the dealer. Will use List to store cards from the Deck,
//and use Print function to displayer those cards.
Hand playerCards0 = new Hand(cards);
Hand playerCards1 = new Hand(cards);
Hand playerCards2 = new Hand(cards);
Hand playerCards3 = new Hand(cards);
Hand dealerCards = new Hand(cards);
// Creates the player's bank, defaults to 1000.
int iBank0 = 1000;
int iBank1 = 1000;
int iBank2 = 1000;
int iBank3 = 1000;
// Stores the player's bet amount.
int iBet0 = 0;
int iBet1 = 0;
int iBet2 = 0;
int iBet3 = 0;
int iNumOfPlayers = 0;
// Creates a bool that will be used to stay in or out of the Hit or Stick loop.
bool bStick = false;
// Creates a string to store the user's input.
string sUserInput;
// Writes a line to the console welcoming the player.
Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Black Jack\n\nPress Enter To Start!");
//Causes a pause in the console untill Enter is hit.
Console.WriteLine ("Select between 1-4 players?");
sUserInput = Console.ReadLine();
iNumOfPlayers = int.Parse (sUserInput);
// This while loop willly repeated loop the entire BlackJack game untill the player exits.
while (true)
for (int i = 0; i <iNumOfPlayers; i++)
bStick = false;
// Uses a function from the Deck Class to count how many cards are left in the Deck called "cards".
// Checks to see if there is less than 21 cards left in the Deck "cards". If there is a new Deck is created.
if (cards.iDeckTotal < 21)
cards = new Deck();
Console.WriteLine ("New Deck!\n");
// Emptys both the player's and the dealer's Hand Lists of Cards.
//Clears the console screen of information, displays the user's current amount in the bank
Console.WriteLine ("New Round!");
Console.WriteLine ("\nYou have " + iBank[i] + " in the Bank.");
Console.WriteLine ("\nPlace your Bet, Or Enter Exit to Quit.\n");
sUserInput = Console.ReadLine();
if (sUserInput == "Exit" && iNumOfPlayers == 1)
Environment.Exit (0);
if (sUserInput == "Exit")
iNumOfPlayers = iNumOfPlayers - 1;
iBet[i] = int.Parse (sUserInput);
iBank[i] = (iBank[i] - iBet[i]);
cards.PlayerHit (playerCards[i]);
cards.PlayerHit (playerCards[i]);
**手**的實現在哪裏? – Blachshma 2013-03-24 15:20:49