我有一個第三方估算工具,它始終如一地提供比應該高30%的結果,並且讓公司更新工具不是一種選擇。那麼,我該如何使用Javascript/jQuery DOM調整渲染的數字呢?JavaScript減少了一個類別中的百分比
<div class="general-avg"><strong>$276,000</strong></div>
我想捕獲$ 276,000作爲一個變量,然後減少30%。任何人都可以解釋如何做到這一點? TIA
我有一個第三方估算工具,它始終如一地提供比應該高30%的結果,並且讓公司更新工具不是一種選擇。那麼,我該如何使用Javascript/jQuery DOM調整渲染的數字呢?JavaScript減少了一個類別中的百分比
<div class="general-avg"><strong>$276,000</strong></div>
我想捕獲$ 276,000作爲一個變量,然後減少30%。任何人都可以解釋如何做到這一點? TIA
// first lets get the divs by class name
var values = document.getElementsByClassName('general-avg');
// then lets go through each of the divs and select strong element inside
[].forEach.call(values, function (item) {
// assumption is that your 3rd party gives you always just one strong tag inside
var strong = item.getElementsByTagName('strong')[0];
// once we have that element selected, take the number from inside, strip $ and remove commas, parse it to float
var newValue = parseFloat(strong.innerText.replace('$','').replace(',',''));
// once we have that, multiply by 0.7 (I sure hope that is how you deduct 30%, otherwise this is emberassing)
newValue = newValue * 0.7;
// once we have that value we just need to format it a bit, this is shameless copy paste from
// http://stackoverflow.com/a/10899795/3963682
var formatNewValue = newValue.toString().split(".");
newValue = formatNewValue[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",") + (formatNewValue[1] ? "." + formatNewValue[1] : "");
// at the end, put the number back in, and add $ sign in front
strong.innerText = '$' + newValue;
var Numbers = document.getElementsByClassName("general-avg");
for (var i = 0; i < Numbers.length; i++) {
Numbers[i].innerText = "$" + Math.round(Number(Numbers[i].innerText.replace(/\D/g, '')) * 0.7).toString().replace(/(...)(.)/g, "$1,$2")
斷裂完全在其上是不產生圓結果號碼:https://jsfiddle.net/ btvLnqyt/4/ –
Miroslav我已經修復它,使它圍繞整個n umber:jsfiddle.net/btvLnqyt/5 –
OP沒有具體說明在這種情況下發生了什麼,你不能只是收集財務數字 –
$('.general-avg strong').each(function() {
var $avgPrice = $(this)
var number = Number($avgPrice[0].innerHTML.replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g,""));
// the 1000s avoid rounding issues
number = number - (number * 0.3 * 1000/1000)
$avgPrice[0].innerHTML = `$${numberWithCommas(number)}`
//put the commas back in
function numberWithCommas(x) {
return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="general-avg"><strong>$100,000</strong></div>
<div class="general-avg"><strong>$276,000</strong></div>
功能came from here.
謝謝。我非常感謝。你是對的,JS不是我的主要工作......主要是設計和一些UI的東西。再一次,謝謝......這很有幫助。 –
Miroslav,我將如何四捨五入到最接近的整數?我試過strong.innerText ='$'+ Math.round(Number(newValue));在最後一行,但這不適合我。 –
沒關係,我明白了! :) 增加了「newValue = Math.round(newValue);」緊隨「newValue = newValue * 0.7;」之後 –