public class Players
public int ID;
public string IP;
public string name;
public int locationX;
public int locationY;
public int locationXLatest;
public int locationYLatest;
public int dir;
public bool PlayerConnected = false;
public bool PlayerDisconnected = false;
Addind玩家在遊戲中:一是製造新的HashSet:public static HashSet<Players> PlayersList = new HashSet<Players>();
for (int i = 0; i < Globals.Globals.PlayersList.Count; i++)
var ent = Globals.Globals.PlayersList[i]; //<-- ERROR! WORKING IF USING LIST BUT GETTING THIS ERROR IF I'M USING HASHSET: Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<Players>
if (ent.name != null && !ent.PlayerConnected && !ent.PlayerDisconnected)
ent.PlayerConnected = true;
//My secret code :D Addind player in game :3
Addind的球員,但如果LIST改進 - > CRASH)
foreach (var ent in Globals.Globals.PlayersList)
if (ent.name != null && !ent.PlayerConnected && !ent.PlayerDisconnected)
ent.PlayerConnected = true;
//My secret code :D Addind player in game :3
無需初始化'PlayerConnected'和'PlayerDisconnected'到'假'。他們默認已經是'假'了。 – haim770