要取消訂閱,客戶的卡不會被再次 充電,但沒有錢會退還任何。如果您想要 退款,您可以通過Stripe的儀表板或通過 API來完成。
我創建了月度訂閱,我只想退還訂閱月份內尚未通過的天數的金額。我怎樣才能從尚未完成Stripe API的訂閱中退款?
要取消訂閱,客戶的卡不會被再次 充電,但沒有錢會退還任何。如果您想要 退款,您可以通過Stripe的儀表板或通過 API來完成。
我創建了月度訂閱,我只想退還訂閱月份內尚未通過的天數的金額。我怎樣才能從尚未完成Stripe API的訂閱中退款?
您需要計算退款金額,然後將條碼refund API call設置爲Stripe。退款後,您必須再次撥打Subscription cancellation
要詳細說明此技巧,您需要將數量設置爲零,然後檢索即將到來的發票以獲取已退回的金額(comingInvoice.total * -1)。要簽發退款,請抓取最新的付款發票(不是即將推出的),並使用付款ID發出退款。 – claviska
refundAndUnsubscribe = async function() {
try {
// Set proration date to this moment:
const proration_date = Math.floor(Date.now()/1000);
let sub = await stripe.subscriptions.retrieve("sub_CILnalN9HpvADj");
// See what the next invoice would look like with a plan switch
// and proration set:
let items = [{
quantity: 0,
id: sub.items.data[0].id,
plan: "your_plan" // Switch to new plan
let invoices = await stripe.invoices.retrieveUpcoming('cus_CIP9dtlq143gq7', 'sub_CILnalN9HpvADj', {
subscription_items: items,
subscription_proration_date: proration_date
//List all invoices
let payedInvoicesList = await stripe.invoices.list({
customer: 'cus_CIP9dtlq143gq7'
// Calculate the proration cost:
let current_prorations = [];
let cost = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < invoices.lines.data.length; i++) {
let invoice_item = invoices.lines.data[i];
if (invoice_item.period.start == proration_date) {
cost += invoice_item.amount;
//create a refund
if (cost !== 0) {
cost = (cost < 0) ? cost * -1 : cost //A positive integer in cents
let refund = await stripe.refunds.create({
charge: payedInvoicesList.data[0].charge,
amount: cost
// delete subscription
return stripe.subscriptions.del('sub_CILnalN9HpvADj');
} catch (e) {
這是中期-2016,它的驚人的條紋仍然沒有實現整個預訂生命週期(特別是生命週期結束) – DeepSpace101