2013-02-13 40 views




這是'return(printf);'你的程序的一部分還是錯字? – Ganesh 2013-02-13 16:27:48


可能你應該詳細說明'scanf(「%s」,fileName);'因爲在fileName'char fileName [30];'中只有30個字符的空間。設想一個用戶進入。 「ThisFilenameIsittleittleBitTooLongToFitInOurThirtyCharacterArray」或類似的東西。 – mikyra 2013-02-13 17:00:50


好吧,我會嘗試;)thnx – NoWorries 2013-02-14 10:51:59



從你的問題1,即菜單, 1)我想要爲例菜單:[1] OAD - [S] AVE,當我寫的 「L」 然後我去:


對於這部分, char inpChar;

do { 
    printf("enter menu: [l]oad - [s]ave\n"); 
    scanf("%c", &inpChar); 
} while((inpChar != 'l') && (inpChar != 'L') && (inpChar != 's') && (inpChar != 'S')); 

if((inpChar == '1') || (inpChar == 'L')) 
    printf("Enter the name of the file containing ship information: "); 
    scanf("%s", filename); 


file = fopen(filename, "a"); 
fprintf(file, "%s", line); 

我想我明白了,我試圖修復它,並感謝你;) – NoWorries 2013-02-14 11:07:35


我居然做了一個 「文件EN /解密」 日前。它不僅有一個相當不錯的選項菜單,它還處理filehandeling。不是最好的評論,也許有點混亂,但我很肯定,如果你閱讀它,你會發現它很有用,或者至少得到一些檢查。

我推薦首先閱讀「man()」函數,或者使用「./a.out -h」編譯並運行它,以獲得更簡單的代碼概述。

#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 

    By Morten Lund */ 

#define ALPHA "\\~!?=#)%(&[{]}|@,.;:-_*^+<>1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFG HIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/$" 
#define CRYPT_ALPHA "/#UwVM{>12E+j,4amN&stin]Ao_6}Q|7q[!f(FJKcLBz^)[email protected];35yHrg< P*pSGTx=Ib~%R0$O.8:-DC\\" 
#define ALPHA_SIZE sizeof(ALPHA) 

void man(); 
void crypt(FILE *fpIN, FILE *fpOUT, char mode); 
void replaceOriginal(char *inFileName, char *outFileName); 

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { 

// Check if ALPHA and CRYPT_ALPHA is same size 
if (sizeof(ALPHA) != sizeof(CRYPT_ALPHA)) { 
    printf("ALPHA and CRYPT_ALPHA is not the same size!!"); 
    return EXIT_FAILURE; 

/*------START-------OPTIONS MENU:-------START-----*/ 

char *inFileName;    // Input file name/dir 
char *outFileName = "out.txt"; // Output file name/dir 

char mode = 'N';    // E=encrypt, D=decrypt mode. N=Not set 
int replaceMode = 0;   // Replace original file :default is OFF 

int x; 
for (x = 1; x < argc; x++) { 

    if (strcmp(argv[x], "-e") == 0) { // Encryption mode 
     mode = 'E'; 
    if (strcmp(argv[x], "-d") == 0) { // Decryption mode 
     mode = 'D'; 
    if (strcmp(argv[x], "-r") == 0) { // Replace original file 
     replaceMode = 1; 
    if (strcmp(argv[x], "-f") == 0) { // Input file option 
     inFileName = argv[x]; 
    if (strcmp(argv[x], "-o") == 0) { // Output file option 
     outFileName = argv[x]; 
/*------END-------OPTIONS MENU:--------END-------*/ 

FILE *fpIN, *fpOUT; // Creating file pointer to in and output file 

// Check if mode is set to E OR D. Check if input and output file is set. 
if (mode == 'E' || mode == 'D' && inFileName != NULL && outFileName != NULL) { 

    // If inFileName exists and is readable, it is opened, else return EXIT_FAILURE 
    if ((fpIN = fopen(inFileName, "r")) == NULL) { 
     printf("\nERROR! Input file: %s\nFile does not exist or is not readable!\n\n", inFileName); 

     return EXIT_FAILURE; 

    // Check if Output file allready exist. 
    if ((fopen(outFileName, "r")) != NULL) { 
     printf("\nOutput file: %s\nFile allready exist, do you want to overwrite it? [Y/N]: ", outFileName); 

     char choice; 
     scanf("%c", &choice); 

     while (choice == 'N' || choice == 'n') 
      return EXIT_FAILURE; 

    // If outFileName is writeble, it is opened, else return EXIT_FAILURE 
    if ((fpOUT = fopen(outFileName, "w")) == NULL) { 
     printf("\nERROR! Output file: %s\n File or location is not writeble!\n\n", outFileName); 

     fclose(fpIN); // Closing input pointer 
     fclose(fpOUT); // and output pointer 
     return EXIT_FAILURE; 

    printf("\nInput file: %s\n", inFileName); 
    printf("Output file: %s\n", outFileName); 
    printf("mode (E)ncryption (D)ecrypting: %c\n", mode); 
    crypt(fpIN, fpOUT, mode); 

    fclose(fpIN); // Closing input pointer 
    fclose(fpOUT); // and output pointer 
} else 

// Check if set, and if, then replace original file 
if (replaceMode) 
    replaceOriginal(inFileName, outFileName); 


void crypt(FILE *fpIN, FILE *fpOUT, char mode) { 

char *alphaFrom, *alphaTo;  // Alphabet to copy from, to 

if (mode == 'E') {    // If mode=Encrypt, copy from ALPHA to CRYPT_ALPHA 
    alphaFrom = ALPHA; 
    alphaTo = CRYPT_ALPHA; 
else if (mode == 'D') {   // If mode=Decrypt, copy from CRYPT_ALPHA to ALPHA 
    alphaFrom = CRYPT_ALPHA; 
    alphaTo = ALPHA; 

char curChar; int i;      // Current character, and counter (i) 
while ((curChar = fgetc(fpIN)) != EOF) { // Assign curChar from fpIN as long it's not EOF 

    for (i = 0; i < ALPHA_SIZE; i++) {  // For every character in alphabet size 

     if (curChar == alphaFrom[i])  // If character = alphaFrom, replace with alphaTO 
      fputc(alphaTo[i], fpOUT); 

    if (curChar == '\n')     // Finding \n and inserting with \n 
     fputc('\n', fpOUT); 
    if (curChar == '\t')     // Finding \t and inserting with \t 
     fputc('\t', fpOUT); 


void replaceOriginal(char *inFileName, char *outFileName) { 

    if (remove(inFileName) == 0) {     // Remove inFileName 
     if (rename(outFileName, inFileName) == 0) // Rename outFileName 
      printf("File %s successfully replaced\n", inFileName); 
    } else 
     printf("Couldn't delete %s.. Replace failed", inFileName); 

void man() { 

printf("\n.....Simple Crypter.....\n\nUsage: sCrypter [Arguments] -f [input file]\n\tOr: sCrypter -e -f file.txt\n\tOr: sCrypter -d -r -f file.txt\n\tOr: sCrypter -e -f file.txt -o file2.txt\n\n"); 
printf(" [-h] This page.\n"); 
printf(" [-f] Set input file.\n"); 
printf(" [-o] Set output file [OPTIONAL] default: out.txt.\n"); 
printf(" [-e] Encrypting input file.\n"); 
printf(" [-d] Decrypting input file.\n"); 
printf(" [-r] Replace the input file with the new output file.\n\n"); 

printf("Warning! If [-r] is used, out.txt will be used as tmp file.\n"); 
printf("[-o] can be used in combination with [-r] to insure that another tmp file is used.\n\n"); 



謝謝你,我會嘗試它:) – NoWorries 2013-02-14 10:51:24