我正在操作一些csv的工作。下面的代碼工作,它只是有一個小問題。它將在行「df.insert(0,'ID',' ')
import pandas as pd
# Enter the full file path you want manipulated here
print('Enter Filename Path')
file = input()
# Enter the report category you want added here. This needs to be exact
print('Report Category')
rcat = input()
# Reads the CSV given above
df = pd.read_csv(file)
# This inserts the columns needed to fit the new VulnMan DB
df.insert(0, 'ID', ' ')
df.insert(4, 'Report Category', (rcat))
df.insert(5, 'Status', 'Not Started ')
df.insert(6, 'Comments', ' ')
# Saves the file in the SAME NAME
的可能重複導出的文件擺脫它[大熊貓\ _csv第一個額外列中刪除,怎麼樣?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26786960/pandas-to -csv-first-extra-column-remove-how-to) – fuglede
這看起來像一個重複的謝謝你的頭,並抱歉重複的問題。 – Wo0o