2016-10-15 63 views



#include <iostream> 
#include <fstream> 
#include <string> 
#include <sstream> 
#include "WeatherForecaster.h" 

using namespace std; 

int main() { 

    ifstream ifs; 
    int counter = 0; 
    ForecastDay yearData[984]; 
     cout<<"File failed to open."<<endl; 
     string line; 

     while(getline(ifs, line, '\n')){ 
      stringstream ss; 
      string date1; 
      string date2; 
      getline(ss, date1, ','); 
      getline(ss, date2, ','); 

       string item; 
       yearData[counter].day = date1; 

       yearData[counter].forecastDay = date2; 

       getline(ss, item, ','); 
       size_t found = item.find(":"); 
       string s; 
       s = item.substr(found+1, item.length()-1); 
       yearData[counter].highTemp = stoi(s); 

       getline(ss, item, ','); 
       found = item.find(":"); 
       s = item.substr(found+1, item.length()-1); 

       yearData[counter].lowTemp = stoi(s); 

       getline(ss, item, ','); 
       yearData[counter].humidity = stoi(item); 

       getline(ss, item, ','); 
       yearData[counter].avgWind = stoi(item); 

       getline(ss, item, ','); 
       yearData[counter].avgWindDir = item; 

       getline(ss, item, ','); 
       yearData[counter].maxWind = stoi(item); 

       getline(ss, item, ','); 
       yearData[counter].maxWindDir = item; 

       getline(ss, item, ','); 
       yearData[counter].precip = stod(item); 



    WeatherForecaster wf; 
    ForecastDay fd; 

    // wf.printLastDayItRained(fd); 

    double totalRain = wf.calculateTotalPrecipitation(); 
    cout << "Total rainfall: " << totalRain << endl; 

    /*cout<< "Enter a date:" << endl; 
    string date; 
    getline(cin, date); 



#include <iostream> 

struct ForecastDay{ 
    std::string day; 
    std::string forecastDay; 
    int highTemp; 
    int lowTemp; 
    int humidity; 
    int avgWind; 
    std::string avgWindDir; 
    int maxWind; 
    std::string maxWindDir; 
    double precip; 


class WeatherForecaster 
     void addDayToData(ForecastDay); 
     void printDaysInData(); 
     void printForecastForDay(std::string); 
     void printFourDayForecast(std::string); 
     double calculateTotalPrecipitation(); 
     void printLastDayItRained(); 
     void printLastDayAboveTemperature(int); 
     void printTemperatureForecastDifference(std::string); 
     void printPredictedVsActualRainfall(int); 
     std::string getFirstDayInData(); 
     std::string getLastDayInData(); 

     int arrayLength = 984; 
     int index; 
     ForecastDay yearData[984]; 


WeatherForecast.cpp錯誤:這裏原型WeatherForecast :: WeatherForecast

#include "WeatherForecaster.h" 
#include <iostream> 
#include <string> 

using namespace std; 

WeatherForecaster::WeatherForecaster(string d, string fd, int ht, int lt, int h, int aw, string awd, int mw, string mwd, double p){ 
    ForecastDay::day = d; 
    ForecastDay::forecastDay = fd; 
    ForecastDay::highTemp = ht; 
    ForecastDay::lowTemp = lt; 
    ForecastDay::humidity = h; 
    ForecastDay::avgWind = aw; 
    ForecastDay::avgWindDir = awd; 
    ForecastDay::maxWind = mw; 
    ForecastDay::maxWindDir = mwd; 
    ForecastDay::precip = p; 




/*void addDayToData(ForecastDay yearData[]) { 

    for(int i = 0; i < 984; i++) { 

void printDaysInData(ForecastDay yearData[]) { 
    for(int i = 0; i < 984; i++) { 
     if(yearData[i].day == yearData[i].forecastDay) { 
      cout << yearData[i].day << endl; 
void printForecastForDay(ForecastDay yearData[], string date) { 
    for(int i = 0; i < 984; i++) { 
     if(date == yearData[i].day && date == yearData[i].forecastDay) 
      cout << "" << endl; 
      cout << "Forecast for " << yearData[i].day << ": " << endl; 
      cout << "H: " << yearData[i].highTemp << endl; 
      cout << "L: " << yearData[i].lowTemp << endl; 
      cout << "Humidity: " << yearData[i].humidity << endl; 
      cout << "Avg Wind: " << yearData[i].avgWind << endl; 
      cout << "Avg Wind Direction: " << yearData[i].avgWindDir << endl; 
      cout << "Max Wind: " << yearData[i].maxWind << endl; 
      cout << "Max Wind Direction: " << yearData[i].maxWindDir << endl; 
      cout << "Precipitation: " << yearData[i].precip << endl; 
void printFourDayForecast(string) { 

double calculateTotalPrecipitation(ForecastDay yearData[]) { 
    double totalRain = 0; 
    for(int i = 0; i < 984; i++) { 
     totalRain = totalRain + yearData[i].precip; 
    return totalRain; 
void printLastDayItRained(ForecastDay yearData[]) { 
    string lastRained; 
    for(int i = 0; i < 984; i++) { 
     if(yearData[i].precip > 0) { 
      lastRained = yearData[i].day; 
      cout << lastRained << endl; 

void printLastDayAboveTemperature(ForecastDay yearData[], int avgTemp) { 
    string lastTemp; 
    for(int i = 0; i < 984; i++) { 
     if(yearData[i].day == yearData[i].forecastDay) { 
      if(yearData[i].highTemp > avgTemp) { 
       lastTemp = yearData[i].day; 

    cout << lastTemp << endl; 

void printTemperatureForecastDifference(ForecastDay yearData[], string date) { 
    for(int i = 0; i < 984; i++) { 
     if(yearData[i].forecastDay == date) { 
      cout << "Forecast for " << yearData[i].forecastDay << " issued on " << yearData[i].day << endl; 
      cout << "H: " << yearData[i].highTemp << endl; 
      cout << "L: " << yearData[i].lowTemp << endl; 


     if(yearData[i].forecastDay == date && yearData[i].day == date) { 
      cout << "Actual forecast for " << yearData[i].day << endl; 
      cout << "H: " << yearData[i].highTemp << endl; 
      cout << "L: " << yearData[i].lowTemp << endl; 

void printPredictedVsActualRainfall(int) { 

string getFirstDayInData(ForecastDay yearData[]) { 
    string date; 
    for(int i = 0; i < 984; i++) { 
     if(yearData[i].day == yearData[i].forecastDay) { 
      date = yearData[i].day; 
    return date; 
string getLastDayInData(ForecastDay yearData[]) { 
    string date; 
    string currentDate; 
    for(int i = 0; i < 984; i++) { 
     if(yearData[i].day == yearData[i].forecastDay) { 
      date = yearData[i].day; 

    return date; 


這個非常相同的問題[這裏已經問過](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/40055028/need-help-identifying-issue-with-source-code-c-header-struct-class-complica) 。 – PaulMcKenzie


我在做什麼錯你從那裏解釋?我覺得我正在使構造方法成爲正確的方式。 – PlagueKail


請閱讀該主題上的評論。構造函數在這裏聲明在哪裏? 'WeatherForecaster(string d,string fd,int ht,int lt,int h,int aw,string awd,int mw,string mwd,double p);'?你不能只編寫不存在的函數。你所聲明的是一個不帶任何參數的構造函數。 – PaulMcKenzie




class WeatherForecaster 
     // you declare a constructor that does not take any variables 

    // ... 


// you define a constructor that takes three and a half million variables!!! 
WeatherForecaster::WeatherForecaster(string d, string fd, int ht, int lt, int h, int aw, string awd, int mw, string mwd, double p){ 

    // ...  
