function foo()
client 1 executes an update/delete
// client 2 calls foo() and breaks data integrity
client 1 executes an update/delete
function foo()
client 1 executes an update/delete
// client 2 calls foo() and breaks data integrity
client 1 executes an update/delete
// This makes it so that each operation is not automatically commited (saved)
// It implicitly makes all sequences of operations into transactions
execute("set autocommit=0");
// This gets you some data from table_B and also gets a read lock to prevent that data from changing
result = execute("SELECT * FROM `table_B` WHERE `condition` = 1 LOCK IN SHARE MODE");
// This gets some data from table_C and gets a write lock to prevent the data from changing and allowing you to write to it in the future
result2 = execute("SELECT * FROM `table_C` WHERE `condition` = 1 FOR UPDATE");
// This performs your update to table_A
execute("UPDATE `table_A` SET `value` = 1234 WHERE `condition` = 1");
// This performs your update to table_C
execute("UPDATE `table_C` SET `value` = 4321 WHERE `condition` = 1");
// This saves all of the changes that you made during your transaction and releases all locks
// Note: autocommit is still turned off
items (id int not null primary key, user_id int not null, item_type int not null)
accounts (user_id int not null primary key, balance int not null)
prices (item_type int not null primary key, price int not null)
limits (item_type int not null primary key, max_count int not null)
注意,我要跳過爲簡潔起見輸入環境衛生,不這樣做,真的。 (http://xkcd.com/327/)
function purchase(user_id, item_type) {
execute("set autocommit=0");
// I am assuming that price and max_count can be changed but they require consistency with each other hence the read locks
var price = execute("SELECT `price` FROM `prices` WHERE `item_type` = " + item_type + " LOCK IN SHARE MODE")[0].price;
var max_count = execute("SELECT `max_count` FROM `limits` WHERE `item_type` = " + item_type + " LOCK IN SHARE MODE")[0].max_count;
// I need the write lock to prevent double spending
var account = execute("SELECT * FROM `accounts` WHERE `user_id` = " + user_id + " FOR UPDATE")[0];
// I need to guarantee that the user is not over the limit
var count = execute("SELECT count(*) AS `count` FROM `items` WHERE `user_id` = " + user_id + " FOR UPDATE")[0].count;
var new_balance = account.balance - price;
if(count >= max_count || new_balance < 0) {
return false;
execute("INSERT INTO `items` (`user_id`, `item_type`) VALUES (" + user_id + ", " + item_type + ")");
execute("UPDATE `accounts` SET `balance` = " + new_balance + " WHERE `user_id` = " + user_id);
return true;
如果您可以提供一些架構和您擔心的數據完整性的示例,這將會很有幫助。這允許推薦更多更具體的解決方案。 –
查詢1驗證父母身份證,查詢2引用父母身份證在另一行...之間的兩個第二任務刪除父母身份證的行... – sveva