第一個問題:這個說法'最快'是真的嗎? ;)
import graph_tool as gt
#from graph_tool.all import *
edgeList = [[(0.5,1),(2.1,4.3)],[(2.1,4.3),(5.4,3.3)],[(5.4,3.3),(1.3,3.5)],[(4.4,3.3),(2.3,3.5)]] #A lot more coordinate values....
# Initialize the graph
routableNetwork = gt.Graph()
# Initialize the vertex property "position" to store the vertex coordinates
vpPosition = routableNetwork.new_vertex_property("vector<double>")
routableNetwork.vertex_properties["position"] = vpPosition
def getVertexFromGraph(graph, position):
This method checks if a vertex, identified by its position, is in the given graph or not.
:param graph: The graph containing all vertices to check
:param position: The vertex/position to check
:return: The ID of the vertex if the vertex is already in the graph, 'None' otherwise
for v in graph.vertices():
if graph.vp.position[v] == position:
return v
return None
def main():
This method creates the graph by looping over all given edges, inserting every:
- non existent vertex in the graph with its coordinates (property 'position')
- edge with its corresponding length (property 'distance')
:return: -
for e in edgeList:
vertex0 = getVertexFromGraph(routableNetwork,e[0])
vertex1 = getVertexFromGraph(routableNetwork,e[1])
if vertex0 == None:
vertex0 = routableNetwork.add_vertex()
routableNetwork.vertex_properties['position'][vertex0] = e[0]
if vertex1 == None:
vertex1 = routableNetwork.add_vertex()
routableNetwork.vertex_properties['position'][vertex1] = e[1]
edge = routableNetwork.add_edge(vertex0,vertex1)
#routableNetwork.edge_properties['distance'][edge] = calculateDistance(e[0][0],e[0][1],e[1][0],e[1][1])
#graph_draw(routableNetwork, vertex_text=routableNetwork.vertex_index, vertex_font_size=18, output_size=(200, 200), output="two-nodes.png")
if __name__ == "__main__":
感謝您的回答! 「對於大圖,你最好創建一個好的舊python字典,將屬性值映射到頂點,這些頂點的查找成本爲O(1)。」 - 我也這麼想。 – JustSomeone