當我創建這樣的位圖: Unknown file type! H:\test.bmp is not a Windows BMP file!
但在Windows我可以打開的文件: var testImage = new Bitmap(320, 240);
var testDataLock = testImage.LockBits(new Rectangle(new Point(),
首先,如果有人想編譯服務器並運行它 去http://pastebin.com/qPnE3jV0 編譯並運行它 去你的瀏覽器,鍵入http://localhost:7191/ 我看着特別的功能是: void serveHTML (int socket) {
char *message;
int i;
int j;
//image data
我有以下代碼: cout<<"Please enter the name of your BMP image file: "<<endl;
nP = fname.c_str();
CImage input = CImage();
// allocate space for host source image
unsigned c