您的操作系統內核調度程序/調度程序是一個狀態機。線程具有狀態 - 正在運行,準備就緒,睡眠,eventWaiting,暫停,終止。事件是來自IO設備驅動程序的硬件中斷和來自運行線程的軟件中斷。
顯示典型導航路徑的網站設計(類似於@ duffymo的答案)。下面是一個不完整的例子(由 「UML和模式應用」 的啓發(Craig Larman與)):
船閘軟件: http://cruise.eecs.uottawa.ca/umpleonline/?example=CanalLockStateMachine&diagramtype=state
電信呼叫處理: http://cruise.eecs.uottawa.ca/umpleonline/?example=Phone&diagramtype=state
車庫門軟件: http://cruise.eecs.uottawa.ca/umpleonline/?example=GarageDoor&diagramtype=state
預訂在航空公司預定系統: http://cruise.eecs.uottawa.ca/umpleonline/?example=Booking&diagramtype=state
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
// DESC: QAD-FSM (Quick And Dirty Finite State Machine)
// Notes: In its simplest form a state machine is
// • A set of states
// • A set of events
// • A set of transitions that define
// the next state given the current state and event.
// • A method of tracking current state
// Example:
// I want to create a different kind of door lock that
// has the following states:
// 1. LBS - Locked_Both_Sides
// 2. UBS - Unlocked_Both_Sides
// 3. LFO - Locked_From_Outside
// and has the following events:
// 1. OKT - Outside Key Turn
// 2. IKT - Inside Key Turn
// Transistions will be as follows:
// CurrState Event NextState Desc
// ========================================================
// LBS OKT UBS When both sides locked, outside key turn unlocks both sides
// LBS IKT LFO When both sides locked, inside key turn unlocks inside
// UBS OKT LFO When both sides unlocked, outside key turn locks outside
// UBS IKT LBS When both sides unlocked, inside key turn locks both sides
// LFO OKT UBS When only outside locked, outside key turn unlocks outside
// LFO IKT LBS When only outside locked, inside key turn locks both sides.
namespace FSM
// The FSM states
enum State
// The FSM events
enum Event
class Transition
public State currState { get; set; }
public Event evnt { get; set; }
public State nextState { get; set; }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var fsm = new FSM();
System.Console.WriteLine("Current State: " + fsm.StateDesc[fsm.CurrentState]);
string input = "";
while (input != "x")
System.Console.Write("Enter key turn [IKT, OKT] or x to exit: ");
input = System.Console.ReadLine();
if (input == "x") break;
Event evnt;
if (!Enum.TryParse(input, out evnt))
System.Console.WriteLine("Invalid input: " + input + ", enter one of [IKT,OKT,x]");
System.Console.WriteLine("New State: " + fsm.StateDesc[fsm.CurrentState]);
System.Console.WriteLine("CurrState(Event) => NextState");
.Select(h => h.currState.ToString() + "(" + h.evnt.ToString() + ") => " + h.nextState.ToString())
.ForEach(h => System.Console.WriteLine(h));
class FSM
public Dictionary<State, String> StateDesc = new Dictionary<State, String>()
{State.LBS, "Both Sides Locked"},
{State.LFO, "Locked From Outside"},
{State.UBS, "Both Sides Unlocked"}
public List<Transition> hist = new List<Transition>();
// Create FSM transitions.
List<Transition> trans = new List<Transition>
new Transition() { currState = State.LBS, evnt = Event.OKT, nextState = State.UBS },
new Transition() { currState = State.LBS, evnt = Event.IKT, nextState = State.LFO },
new Transition() { currState = State.UBS, evnt = Event.OKT, nextState = State.LFO },
new Transition() { currState = State.UBS, evnt = Event.IKT, nextState = State.LBS },
new Transition() { currState = State.LFO, evnt = Event.OKT, nextState = State.UBS },
new Transition() { currState = State.LFO, evnt = Event.IKT, nextState = State.LBS },
public State CurrentState { get { var lt = hist.FirstOrDefault(); return lt == null ? State.UBS : lt.nextState; } }
public State? ChangeState(Event evnt)
var t = trans.Find(r => r.currState == CurrentState && r.evnt == evnt);
if (t == null) return null; // If you don't create transitions that cover all combinations this could happen.
hist.Insert(0, t);
return t.nextState;
- 1. HWUT狀態機步行者示例
- 2. 示例分機Js狀態提供?
- 3. 狀態機表示
- 4. React無狀態示例
- 5. 用例,類和狀態圖示例
- 6. 狀態機運行完成範例
- 7. 狀態機和狀態圖表示相同嗎?
- 8. ObjectOutputStream狀態機?
- 9. 在狀態機
- 10. VHDL狀態機
- 11. 狀態機,
- 12. Android狀態機
- 13. 「實例顯示狀態」沒有編譯
- 14. 顯示在相機imagePicker狀態欄
- 15. 將有限狀態機表示爲RDF?
- 16. Ruby中的動態狀態機?狀態機必須是類嗎?
- 17. UML狀態機子狀態轉換
- 18. Rails cancan和狀態機 - 授權狀態
- 19. 無狀態自動推進狀態機
- 20. 有限狀態機過度狀態
- 21. VHDL狀態機正在跳過狀態
- 22. 流星狀態機
- 23. 狀態機問題
- 24. 狀態機實現
- 25. 狀態機導軌
- 26. 改善狀態機
- 27. 有限狀態機
- 28. 狀態機執行
- 29. GKEntity和狀態機
- 30. 狀態機問題
請參閱http://stackoverflow.com/questions/255797/uses-for-state-machines。雖然不確定,但並不完全重複 – CharlesB 2012-04-20 20:15:49