2013-10-23 64 views


Item Category  Reason     Review 
Vacuum Performance  Bad Suction   I bought the vacuum. The suction was bad, the cord is too short, and it is the wrong color. 
Vacuum Design   Cord is too short  I bought the vacuum. The suction was bad, the cord is too short, and it is the wrong color. 
Vacuum Color   Wrong Color   I bought the vacuum. The suction was bad, the cord is too short, and it is the wrong color. 
Boat Size   too big    The boat was way too big, and was slow. 
Boat Performance  slow     The boat was way too big, and was slow. 
Tube Inflation  low inflation   The tube was not inflated enough 



Item Category.1 Category.2 Category.3 Reason.1  Reason.2   Reason.3  Review 
Vacuum Performance Design  Color  Bad Suction Cord is too short Wrong Color I bought the vacuum. The suction was bad, the cord is too short, and it is the wrong color. 
Boat Size   Performance NA  too big  slow    NA   The boat was way too big, and was slow. 
Tube Inflation  NA    NA  low inflation NA     NA   The tube was not inflated enough 


reshape(data, direction = "wide", 
     idvar = c("Item", "Review"), 
     timevar = c("Category", "Reason")) 


structure(list(Item = c("Vacuum", "Vacuum", "Vacuum", "Boat", 
"Boat", "Tube"), Category = c("Performance", "Design", 
"Color", "Size", "Performance", "Inflation" 
), Reason = c("Bad Suction", "Cord is too short", "Wrong Color", 
"too big", "slow", "low inflation"), Review = c("I bought the vacuum. The suction was bad, the cord is too short, and it is the wrong color.", 
"I bought the vacuum. The suction was bad, the cord is too short, and it is the wrong color.", 
"I bought the vacuum. The suction was bad, the cord is too short, and it is the wrong color.", 
"The boat was way too big, and was slow.", "The boat was way too big, and was slow.", 
"The tube was not inflated enough")), .Names = c("Item", "Category", 
"Reason", "Review"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

你能發佈'dput(data)'的結果,以便我們可以重現您的虛擬數據並自行嘗試? –


當然可以。完成。 – Bryan




Data$UniqueReview <- ave(Data$Item, Data$Item, FUN = seq_along) 
out <- reshape(Data, direction = "wide", idvar="Item", timevar="UniqueReview") 
# [1] "Item"  "Category.1" "Reason.1" "Review.1" "Category.2" "Reason.2" 
# [7] "Review.2" "Category.3" "Reason.3" "Review.3" 


out[, grep("Item|Category|Reason", names(out))] 
#  Item Category.1  Reason.1 Category.2   Reason.2 Category.3 Reason.3 
# 1 Vacuum Performance Bad Suction  Design Cord is too short  Color Wrong Color 
# 4 Boat  Size  too big Performance    slow  <NA>  <NA> 
# 6 Tube Inflation low inflation  <NA>    <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 



reshape(Data, direction = "wide", idvar=c("Item", "Review"), timevar="UniqueReview") 
#  Item 
# 1 Vacuum 
# 4 Boat 
# 6 Tube 
#                      Review 
# 1 I bought the vacuum. The suction was bad, the cord is too short, and it is the wrong color. 
# 4              The boat was way too big, and was slow. 
# 6               The tube was not inflated enough 
# Category.1  Reason.1 Category.2   Reason.2 Category.3 Reason.3 
# 1 Performance Bad Suction  Design Cord is too short  Color Wrong Color 
# 4  Size  too big Performance    slow  <NA>  <NA> 
# 6 Inflation low inflation  <NA>    <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 

它看起來像您的解決方案,使多個審查列('Review.1,Review.2,Review.3') - 是否有辦法做到只有一個審查列?否則,我會摺疊該列。 – Bryan


非常好!我會接受你的回答。 – Bryan