- 不要忘了行程寬度。計算形狀和線條的位置時,您會錯過該值。
import android.content.Context;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.graphics.Paint;
import android.graphics.RectF;
import android.text.TextPaint;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.TypedValue;
import android.view.View;
public class Car extends View {
private final Paint mBlackPaint = new Paint();
private final Paint mRedPaint = new Paint();
private final TextPaint mTextPaint;
public static final int BOXES_COUNT = 8;
private float oneDp;
private float textSize;
private float windowHeight;
public Car(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
oneDp = TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 1,
windowHeight = TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 10,
textSize = TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, 15,
mTextPaint = new TextPaint(TextPaint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
mWindowPaint = new Paint();
private Paint mWindowPaint;
RectF rect = new RectF();
RectF rect2 = new RectF();
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
if (getWidth() == 0) return;
int w = canvas.getWidth();
int h = canvas.getHeight();
//draw red rectangles
float mSideRectWidth = TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 5,
canvas.drawRect(0, 0, mSideRectWidth, getHeight(), mRedPaint); //draw left end rectangle
canvas.drawRect(getWidth() - mSideRectWidth, 0, getWidth(), getHeight(),
mRedPaint); //draw right end rectangle
//draw grey boxes
for (int i = 0; i < BOXES_COUNT; i++) {
float leftPosition = mSideRectWidth
+ i * oneDp
+ (getWidth() - mSideRectWidth * 2 - (BOXES_COUNT - 1) * oneDp) * i/BOXES_COUNT;
float rightPosition = mSideRectWidth
+ i * oneDp
+ (getWidth() - mSideRectWidth * 2 - (BOXES_COUNT - 1) * oneDp) * (i + 1)
if (i == 0) {
fillRectLeft(canvas, leftPosition, rightPosition, (i + 1) + "");
} else if (i == BOXES_COUNT - 1) {
fillRectRight(canvas, leftPosition, rightPosition, (i + 1) + "");
} else {
fillRect(canvas, leftPosition, rightPosition, (i + 1) + "");
//draw black lines
for (int i = 1; i < BOXES_COUNT; i++) {
float position = mSideRectWidth + (getWidth() - mSideRectWidth * 2) * i/BOXES_COUNT;
canvas.drawLine(position, 0, position, getHeight(), mBlackPaint);
private void fillRect(Canvas canvas, float left, float right, String number) {
rect.set(left + oneDp/2, 0 + oneDp/2, right - oneDp/2, getHeight() - oneDp/2);
float xPos = left + ((right - left)/2);
float yPos = (canvas.getHeight()/2) - ((mTextPaint.descent() + mTextPaint.ascent())/2);
//((textPaint.descent() + textPaint.ascent())/2) is the distance from the baseline to the center.
canvas.drawText(number, xPos, yPos, mTextPaint);
//canvas.drawRect(rect, mWindowPaint);
// top row
rect2.set(left + oneDp/2, 0 + oneDp/2, left + (right - left) * 20/100 - oneDp/2,
windowHeight - oneDp/2);
canvas.drawRect(rect2, mWindowPaint);
rect2.set(left + (right - left) * 27/100 + oneDp/2, 0 + oneDp/2,
left + (right - left) * 47/100 - oneDp/2, windowHeight - oneDp/2);
canvas.drawRect(rect2, mWindowPaint);
rect2.set(left + (right - left) * 53/100 + oneDp/2, 0 + oneDp/2,
left + (right - left) * 73/100 - oneDp/2, windowHeight - oneDp/2);
canvas.drawRect(rect2, mWindowPaint);
rect2.set(left + (right - left) * 80/100 + oneDp/2, 0 + oneDp/2,
left + (right - left) * 100/100 - oneDp/2, windowHeight - oneDp/2);
canvas.drawRect(rect2, mWindowPaint);
// bottom row
rect2.set(left + oneDp/2, getHeight() - windowHeight + oneDp/2,
left + (right - left) * 20/100 - oneDp/2, getHeight() - oneDp/2);
canvas.drawRect(rect2, mWindowPaint);
rect2.set(left + (right - left) * 27/100 + oneDp/2,
getHeight() - windowHeight + oneDp/2, left + (right - left) * 47/100 - oneDp/2,
getHeight() - oneDp/2);
canvas.drawRect(rect2, mWindowPaint);
rect2.set(left + (right - left) * 53/100 + oneDp/2,
getHeight() - windowHeight + oneDp/2, left + (right - left) * 73/100 - oneDp/2,
getHeight() - oneDp/2);
canvas.drawRect(rect2, mWindowPaint);
rect2.set(left + (right - left) * 80/100 + oneDp/2,
getHeight() - windowHeight + oneDp/2, left + (right - left) * 100/100 - oneDp/2,
getHeight() - oneDp/2);
canvas.drawRect(rect2, mWindowPaint);
private void fillRectLeft(Canvas canvas, float left, float right, String number) {
rect.set(left + oneDp/2, 0 + oneDp/2, right - oneDp/2, getHeight() - oneDp/2);
float xPos = left + ((right - left)/2);
float yPos = (canvas.getHeight()/2) - ((mTextPaint.descent() + mTextPaint.ascent())/2);
//((textPaint.descent() + textPaint.ascent())/2) is the distance from the baseline to the center.
canvas.drawText(number, xPos, yPos, mTextPaint);
//canvas.drawRect(rect, mWindowPaint);
// top row
rect2.set(left + (right - left) * 4/100 + oneDp/2, 0 + oneDp/2,
left + (right - left) * 24/100 - oneDp/2, windowHeight - oneDp/2);
canvas.drawRect(rect2, mWindowPaint);
rect2.set(left + (right - left) * 42/100 + oneDp/2, 0 + oneDp/2,
left + (right - left) * 62/100 - oneDp/2, windowHeight - oneDp/2);
canvas.drawRect(rect2, mWindowPaint);
rect2.set(left + (right - left) * 80/100 + oneDp/2, 0 + oneDp/2,
left + (right - left) * 100/100 - oneDp/2, windowHeight - oneDp/2);
canvas.drawRect(rect2, mWindowPaint);
// bottom row
rect2.set(left + (right - left) * 4/100 + oneDp/2,
getHeight() - windowHeight + oneDp/2, left + (right - left) * 24/100 - oneDp/2,
getHeight() - oneDp/2);
canvas.drawRect(rect2, mWindowPaint);
rect2.set(left + (right - left) * 42/100 + oneDp/2,
getHeight() - windowHeight + oneDp/2, left + (right - left) * 62/100 - oneDp/2,
getHeight() - oneDp/2);
canvas.drawRect(rect2, mWindowPaint);
rect2.set(left + (right - left) * 80/100 + oneDp/2,
getHeight() - windowHeight + oneDp/2, left + (right - left) * 100/100 - oneDp/2,
getHeight() - oneDp/2);
canvas.drawRect(rect2, mWindowPaint);
private void fillRectRight(Canvas canvas, float left, float right, String number) {
rect.set(left + oneDp/2, 0 + oneDp/2, right - oneDp/2, getHeight() - oneDp/2);
float xPos = left + ((right - left)/2);
float yPos = (canvas.getHeight()/2) - ((mTextPaint.descent() + mTextPaint.ascent())/2);
//((textPaint.descent() + textPaint.ascent())/2) is the distance from the baseline to the center.
canvas.drawText(number, xPos, yPos, mTextPaint);
//canvas.drawRect(rect, mWindowPaint);
// top row
rect2.set(left + (right - left) * 0/105 + oneDp/2, 0 + oneDp/2,
left + (right - left) * 20/105 - oneDp/2, windowHeight - oneDp/2);
canvas.drawRect(rect2, mWindowPaint);
rect2.set(left + (right - left) * 38/105 + oneDp/2, 0 + oneDp/2,
left + (right - left) * 58/105 - oneDp/2, windowHeight - oneDp/2);
canvas.drawRect(rect2, mWindowPaint);
rect2.set(left + (right - left) * 78/105 + oneDp/2, 0 + oneDp/2,
left + (right - left) * 98/105 - oneDp/2, windowHeight - oneDp/2);
canvas.drawRect(rect2, mWindowPaint);
// bottom row
rect2.set(left + (right - left) * 0/105 + oneDp/2,
getHeight() - windowHeight + oneDp/2, left + (right - left) * 20/105 - oneDp/2,
getHeight() - oneDp/2);
canvas.drawRect(rect2, mWindowPaint);
rect2.set(left + (right - left) * 38/105 + oneDp/2,
getHeight() - windowHeight + oneDp/2, left + (right - left) * 58/105 - oneDp/2,
getHeight() - oneDp/2);
canvas.drawRect(rect2, mWindowPaint);
rect2.set(left + (right - left) * 78/105 + oneDp/2,
getHeight() - windowHeight + oneDp/2, left + (right - left) * 98/105 - oneDp/2,
getHeight() - oneDp/2);
canvas.drawRect(rect2, mWindowPaint);
所以你必須能夠切換這些rects什麼? – tachyonflux
您可以創建自定義視圖或使用'include'來分隔您的佈局並繞過皮棉警告。我認爲這對性能沒有任何影響。畢竟,這只是一個警告。 – tachyonflux