2011-12-21 68 views

我有一個日內圖表,我想知道如何計算 支撐和阻力水平,任何人都知道這樣做的算法,或者一個好的起點?支撐阻力算法 - 技術分析


您可能還需要檢查這個問題: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14861023/resampling-minute-data – ticktock 2015-02-26 14:28:39



是的,一個非常簡單的算法是選擇一個時間範圍,比如說100條,然後查找局部轉折點,或者最大值和最小值。最大值和最小值可以通過使用一階和二階導數(dy/dx和d^2y/dx)從平滑的收盤價計算得出。當dy/dx = 0且d^y/dx爲正值時,當dy/dx = 0且d^2y/dx爲負值時,您有最小值,您有最大值。








  • 回溯週期L(的條數)
  • 收盤價對於L條
  • 平滑因子(平滑收盤價)
  • 誤差或Delta(轉折點之間的最小距離構成匹配)


  • 轉折點的列表,叫他們tPoints [](X,Y)的潛在趨勢線的
  • 列表,每一個與所述線方程(表達式y = mx + c)中



謝謝安德魯·您詳細的答案,我要檢查 – Yaron 2011-12-22 18:30:47


嗨安德魯,我檢查了你的想法,我仍然不知道如何計算最小值和最大值,因爲我沒有公式y(x =時間值,y =價格),我需要它來獲得第一和第二衍生你能解釋一下嗎?非常感謝你。 Yaron – Yaron 2011-12-25 12:01:15


您需要做的是對平滑收盤價進行數值區分以確定dy/dx:en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numerical_differentiation。之後,再次執行分化以發現d^2y/dx。請注意,還有其他更簡單的方法來查找轉折點,請查看鋸齒形指示器:onlinetradingconcepts.com/TechnicalAnalysis/ZigZag.html – 2011-12-25 16:37:32



import numpy as np 
import pandas.io.data as pd 
from matplotlib.pyplot import * 
gentrends('fb', window = 1.0/3.0) 





謝謝!我會試一試 – Yaron 2014-04-14 10:39:48


它只是找到兩個最大和最小的值,並計算從這些點傳遞的線? – nurettin 2014-08-01 18:36:19


對於這個特定的函數,它找到數據的全局最大值和最小值,然後找到您餵食它的窗口週期的第二大最大值和最小值__outside__。所以,如果你給它一個30個週期的窗口,它會發現距離全局最大值/最小值至少30個週期的最大/最小值。它首先向前看,但如果系列中還沒有剩餘30個時段,那麼它會向後看。在這裏我給它提供一個1.0/3.0的窗口,它將其解釋爲數據長度的三分之一。那裏有其他方法,如果你感興趣,可以提供更靈活的方法:) – 2014-08-01 18:56:16





  1. 歇時間序列成大小爲N的分段(說,N = 5)
  2. 確定每個段的最小值,你將有最小值的所有段的數組=: arrayOfMin
  3. 查找最小值(:arrayOfMin)=:minValue
  4. 查看是否有其餘值落在範圍內(X%of:minValue)(說,X = 1。3%)
  5. 使一個單獨的陣列(:supportArr)
    • 範圍內&添加值從刪除這些值:arrayOfMin
    • 還添加:將來自步驟3
  6. 計算支持minValue(最小值)(或電阻)

    • 藉此陣列的平均值= support_level
    • 如果支持多次測試,那麼它被認爲是強大的。
    • strength_of_support = supportArr.length
    • 水平面類型(SUPPORT |電阻)=現在,如果當前價格低於支撐然後支持變化的作用而成爲電阻
  7. 重複步驟3到7,直到:arrayOfMin爲空

  8. 您將擁有所有支持/阻力值與力量。現在平滑這些值,如果任何支持水平太接近,然後消除其中的一個。
  9. 這些支持/阻力計算考慮支持水平搜索。 考慮到電阻值搜索,您需要執行步驟2至9。請參閱註釋和實現。


  • 調整ň& X的值,以獲得更準確的結果。
    • 例如,對於較低揮發性的股票或股票指數使用(N = 10,X = 1.2%)
    • 對於高揮發性股使用(N = 22,X = 1.5%)
  • 對於阻力,過程是完全相反的(使用最大功能代替最小值)
  • 該算法故意保持簡單以避免複雜性,可以改進以提供更好的結果。


public interface ISupportResistanceCalculator { 

* Identifies support/resistance levels. 
* @param timeseries 
*   timeseries 
* @param beginIndex 
*   starting point (inclusive) 
* @param endIndex 
*   ending point (exclusive) 
* @param segmentSize 
*   number of elements per internal segment 
* @param rangePct 
*   range % (Example: 1.5%) 
* @return A tuple with the list of support levels and a list of resistance 
*   levels 
Tuple<List<Level>, List<Level>> identify(List<Float> timeseries, 
     int beginIndex, int endIndex, int segmentSize, float rangePct); 


package com.perseus.analysis.calculator.technical.trend; 

import static com.perseus.analysis.constant.LevelType.RESISTANCE; 
import static com.perseus.analysis.constant.LevelType.SUPPORT; 

import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.Collections; 
import java.util.Date; 
import java.util.LinkedList; 
import java.util.List; 
import java.util.Set; 
import java.util.TreeSet; 

import com.google.common.collect.Lists; 
import com.perseus.analysis.calculator.mean.IMeanCalculator; 
import com.perseus.analysis.calculator.timeseries.ITimeSeriesCalculator; 
import com.perseus.analysis.constant.LevelType; 
import com.perseus.analysis.model.Tuple; 
import com.perseus.analysis.model.technical.Level; 
import com.perseus.analysis.model.timeseries.ITimeseries; 
import com.perseus.analysis.util.CollectionUtils; 

* A support and resistance calculator. 
* @author PRITESH 
public class SupportResistanceCalculator implements 
     ISupportResistanceCalculator { 

    static interface LevelHelper { 

     Float aggregate(List<Float> data); 

     LevelType type(float level, float priceAsOfDate, final float rangePct); 

     boolean withinRange(Float node, float rangePct, Float val); 


    static class Support implements LevelHelper { 

     public Float aggregate(final List<Float> data) { 
      return Collections.min(data); 

     public LevelType type(final float level, final float priceAsOfDate, 
       final float rangePct) { 
      final float threshold = level * (1 - (rangePct/100)); 
      return (priceAsOfDate < threshold) ? RESISTANCE : SUPPORT; 

     public boolean withinRange(final Float node, final float rangePct, 
       final Float val) { 
      final float threshold = node * (1 + (rangePct/100f)); 
      if (val < threshold) 
       return true; 
      return false; 


    static class Resistance implements LevelHelper { 

     public Float aggregate(final List<Float> data) { 
      return Collections.max(data); 

     public LevelType type(final float level, final float priceAsOfDate, 
       final float rangePct) { 
      final float threshold = level * (1 + (rangePct/100)); 
      return (priceAsOfDate > threshold) ? SUPPORT : RESISTANCE; 

     public boolean withinRange(final Float node, final float rangePct, 
       final Float val) { 
      final float threshold = node * (1 - (rangePct/100f)); 
      if (val > threshold) 
       return true; 
      return false; 


    private static final int SMOOTHEN_COUNT = 2; 

    private static final LevelHelper SUPPORT_HELPER = new Support(); 

    private static final LevelHelper RESISTANCE_HELPER = new Resistance(); 

    private final ITimeSeriesCalculator tsCalc; 

    private final IMeanCalculator meanCalc; 

    public SupportResistanceCalculator(final ITimeSeriesCalculator tsCalc, 
      final IMeanCalculator meanCalc) { 
     this.tsCalc = tsCalc; 
     this.meanCalc = meanCalc; 

    public Tuple<List<Level>, List<Level>> identify(
      final List<Float> timeseries, final int beginIndex, 
      final int endIndex, final int segmentSize, final float rangePct) { 

     final List<Float> series = this.seriesToWorkWith(timeseries, 
       beginIndex, endIndex); 
     // Split the timeseries into chunks 
     final List<List<Float>> segments = this.splitList(series, segmentSize); 
     final Float priceAsOfDate = series.get(series.size() - 1); 

     final List<Level> levels = Lists.newArrayList(); 
     this.identifyLevel(levels, segments, rangePct, priceAsOfDate, 

     this.identifyLevel(levels, segments, rangePct, priceAsOfDate, 

     final List<Level> support = Lists.newArrayList(); 
     final List<Level> resistance = Lists.newArrayList(); 
     this.separateLevels(support, resistance, levels); 

     // Smoothen the levels 
     this.smoothen(support, resistance, rangePct); 

     return new Tuple<>(support, resistance); 

    private void identifyLevel(final List<Level> levels, 
      final List<List<Float>> segments, final float rangePct, 
      final float priceAsOfDate, final LevelHelper helper) { 

     final List<Float> aggregateVals = Lists.newArrayList(); 

     // Find min/max of each segment 
     for (final List<Float> segment : segments) { 

     while (!aggregateVals.isEmpty()) { 
      final List<Float> withinRange = new ArrayList<>(); 
      final Set<Integer> withinRangeIdx = new TreeSet<>(); 

      // Support/resistance level node 
      final Float node = helper.aggregate(aggregateVals); 

      // Find elements within range 
      for (int i = 0; i < aggregateVals.size(); ++i) { 
       final Float f = aggregateVals.get(i); 
       if (helper.withinRange(node, rangePct, f)) { 

      // Remove elements within range 
      CollectionUtils.remove(aggregateVals, withinRangeIdx); 

      // Take an average 
      final float level = this.meanCalc.mean(
        withinRange.toArray(new Float[] {}), 0, withinRange.size()); 
      final float strength = withinRange.size(); 

      levels.add(new Level(helper.type(level, priceAsOfDate, rangePct), 
        level, strength)); 



    private List<List<Float>> splitList(final List<Float> series, 
      final int segmentSize) { 
     final List<List<Float>> splitList = CollectionUtils 

     if (splitList.size() > 1) { 
      // If last segment it too small 
      final int lastIdx = splitList.size() - 1; 
      final List<Float> last = splitList.get(lastIdx); 
      if (last.size() <= (segmentSize/1.5f)) { 
       // Remove last segment 
       // Move all elements from removed last segment to new last 
       // segment 
       splitList.get(lastIdx - 1).addAll(last); 

     return splitList; 

    private void separateLevels(final List<Level> support, 
      final List<Level> resistance, final List<Level> levels) { 
     for (final Level level : levels) { 
      if (level.getType() == SUPPORT) { 
      } else { 

    private void smoothen(final List<Level> support, 
      final List<Level> resistance, final float rangePct) { 
     for (int i = 0; i < SMOOTHEN_COUNT; ++i) { 
      this.smoothen(support, rangePct); 
      this.smoothen(resistance, rangePct); 

    * Removes one of the adjacent levels which are close to each other. 
    private void smoothen(final List<Level> levels, final float rangePct) { 
     if (levels.size() < 2) 

     final List<Integer> removeIdx = Lists.newArrayList(); 

     for (int i = 0; i < (levels.size() - 1); i++) { 
      final Level currentLevel = levels.get(i); 
      final Level nextLevel = levels.get(i + 1); 
      final Float current = currentLevel.getLevel(); 
      final Float next = nextLevel.getLevel(); 
      final float difference = Math.abs(next - current); 
      final float threshold = (current * rangePct)/100; 

      if (difference < threshold) { 
       final int remove = currentLevel.getStrength() >= nextLevel 
         .getStrength() ? i : i + 1; 
       i++; // start with next pair 

     CollectionUtils.remove(levels, removeIdx); 

    private List<Float> seriesToWorkWith(final List<Float> timeseries, 
      final int beginIndex, final int endIndex) { 

     if ((beginIndex == 0) && (endIndex == timeseries.size())) 
      return timeseries; 

     return timeseries.subList(beginIndex, endIndex); 




public enum LevelType { 



public class Tuple<A, B> { 

    private final A a; 

    private final B b; 

    public Tuple(final A a, final B b) { 
     this.a = a; 
     this.b = b; 

    public final A getA() { 
     return this.a; 

    public final B getB() { 
     return this.b; 

    public String toString() { 
     return "Tuple [a=" + this.a + ", b=" + this.b + "]"; 


public abstract class CollectionUtils { 

* Removes items from the list based on their indexes. 
* @param list 
*   list 
* @param indexes 
*   indexes this collection must be sorted in ascending order 
public static <T> void remove(final List<T> list, 
     final Collection<Integer> indexes) { 
    int i = 0; 
    for (final int idx : indexes) { 
     list.remove(idx - i++); 

* Splits the given list in segments of the specified size. 
* @param list 
*   list 
* @param segmentSize 
*   segment size 
* @return segments 
public static <T> List<List<T>> splitList(final List<T> list, 
     final int segmentSize) { 
    int from = 0, to = 0; 
    final List<List<T>> result = new ArrayList<>(); 

    while (from < list.size()) { 
     to = from + segmentSize; 
     if (to > list.size()) { 
      to = list.size(); 
     result.add(list.subList(from, to)); 
     from = to; 

    return result; 


* This class represents a support/resistance level. 
* @author PRITESH 
public class Level implements Serializable { 

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -7561265699198045328L; 

    private final LevelType type; 

    private final float level, strength; 

    public Level(final LevelType type, final float level) { 
     this(type, level, 0f); 

    public Level(final LevelType type, final float level, final float strength) { 
     this.type = type; 
     this.level = level; 
     this.strength = strength; 

    public final LevelType getType() { 
     return this.type; 

    public final float getLevel() { 
     return this.level; 

    public final float getStrength() { 
     return this.strength; 

    public String toString() { 
     return "Level [type=" + this.type + ", level=" + this.level 
       + ", strength=" + this.strength + "]"; 


它工作得很好嗎? – experquisite 2015-11-11 23:05:36


是的,它確實工作。但它並不完美,一旦你理解了算法,那麼你必須調整它以獲得更多和更準確的結果。它給你這種靈活性。首先嚐試瞭解步驟,然後我會建議使用庫存數據進行嘗試。請檢查答案的「註釋」部分。 – 2015-11-16 07:38:35


我簡要閱讀雅各布的貢獻。我認爲它可能與下面的代碼的一些問題: #現在分鐘 如果分1 - 窗口< 0: MIN2 =分鐘(×[(分1 +窗口):]) 其他: MIN2 = MIN(X [ 0:(MIN1 - 窗口)])

# Now find the indices of the secondary extrema 
max2 = np.where(x == max2)[0][0] # find the index of the 2nd max 
min2 = np.where(x == min2)[0][0] # find the index of the 2nd min 

的算法並試圖找到二次最小值外給定的窗口,但隨後對應的位置,以np.where(X == MIN2)[0] [0]可能位於窗口內部,因爲窗口內可能有重複的值。



這個函數的最後成交價的numpy的陣列分別返回支持和阻力水平的 列表。 n是要掃描條目的編號 。

def supres(ltp, n): 
    This function takes a numpy array of last traded price 
    and returns a list of support and resistance levels 
    respectively. n is the number of entries to be scanned. 
    from scipy.signal import savgol_filter as smooth 

    # converting n to a nearest even number 
    if n % 2 != 0: 
     n += 1 

    n_ltp = ltp.shape[0] 

    # smoothening the curve 
    ltp_s = smooth(ltp, (n + 1), 3) 

    # taking a simple derivative 
    ltp_d = np.zeros(n_ltp) 
    ltp_d[1:] = np.subtract(ltp_s[1:], ltp_s[:-1]) 

    resistance = [] 
    support = [] 

    for i in xrange(n_ltp - n): 
     arr_sl = ltp_d[i:(i + n)] 
     first = arr_sl[:(n/2)] # first half 
     last = arr_sl[(n/2):] # second half 

     r_1 = np.sum(first > 0) 
     r_2 = np.sum(last < 0) 

     s_1 = np.sum(first < 0) 
     s_2 = np.sum(last > 0) 

     # local maxima detection 
     if (r_1 == (n/2)) and (r_2 == (n/2)): 
      resistance.append(ltp[i + ((n/2) - 1)]) 

     # local minima detection 
     if (s_1 == (n/2)) and (s_2 == (n/2)): 
      support.append(ltp[i + ((n/2) - 1)]) 

    return support, resistance 



如果你想繪製這些線條怎麼辦?你會如何找到相應的日期? – cJc 2017-10-13 13:20:16


我想你可以嘗試匹配原始數據的支持/阻力價格,這些價格應該包含日期字段。我已經繪製過這個,但我不記得這個項目! – 2017-10-13 15:09:23