2015-06-17 100 views

Inside fixtures.txt是英超聯賽下賽季裝置的內容。數據看起來像這樣:數據解析,pythonic方式

[email protected]:~/Desktop$ less fixtures.txt |head -n 4 
8 August 2015 
AFC Bournemouth v Aston Villa    #BOUAVL 
Arsenal v West Ham United    #ARSWHU 
Chelsea v Swansea City    #CHESWA 


teams = {'BOU' : 4, 'WAT' : 4, 'LEI' : 4, 'NOR' : 4, 'AVL' : 3, 'SUN' : 3, 'NEW' : 3, 'WBA' : 3, 'STK' : 2, 'SWA' : 2, 'EVE': 2, 'SOU' : 2, 'CPL' : 2, 'TOT': 2, 'ARS' : 1, 'CHE' : 1, 'MUN' : 1, 'LIV' : 1, 'MCI' : 1} 

fd = open("fixtures.txt", "r") 

for lines in fd: 
lines = lines.strip() 
matches = lines.split("#") 
if "CHE" in lines: 
    for k,v in teams.items(): 
     if k in matches[1]: 
      if "CHE" not in k: 
       print k,v 







teams = {'BOU' : 4, 'WAT' : 4, 'LEI' : 4, 'NOR' : 4, 'AVL' : 3, 'SUN' : 3, 'NEW' : 3, 'WBA' : 3, 'STK' : 2, 'SWA' : 2, 'EVE': 2, 'SOU' : 2, 'CPL' : 2, 'TOT': 2, 'ARS' : 1, 'CHE' : 1, 'MUN' : 1, 'LIV' : 1, 'MCI' : 1} 

def read_fix(filename): 
    """Reads a named fixtures-file and returns a list containing pairs of team names [["BOU","AVL"],["ARS","WHU"],...]""" 
    matches=[] #create an empty list, this is part of a so called accumulator pattern 
    with open(filename, "r") as fd: #The with statement guarantees that the opened file is closed when the block ends. 
     for line in fd: 
      line = line.strip().split("#") #You can chain multiple method-calls on one line, this does both white-space-stripping and splitting on #. 
      if len(line)==2: #Filter out only lines that contain a game (or well exactly one #, possibly dangerous) 
       teams=line[1] #Remember that python indexes lists and strings from 0 
       matches.append([teams[0:3],teams[3:6]]) #split the part after the # into two parts, 3 letters each and add the pair to the list (this is the accumulation step of the accumulator-pattern) 
    return matches 


def print_fix(games,team): 
    """Takes a list of games (as team-pairs) and prints information for the opposing team in each match that contains the specified team.""" 
    team=team.upper() #just for convenience 
    for game in games: 
     if team in game: #The in statement returns True if the team element is equal to at least one of the teams in the game-array. 
      #For example: team in ["CHE","LIE"] would return true if team was either "CHE" or "LIE" 
      if game[0] == team: #If "my team" is the first one of the pair, then the "Other team" must be the second, and the other way around. 
      print other, teams[other] 

matches= read_fix("fixtures.txt") 



正是我在找什麼 – jester112358