2014-10-29 48 views

對JS很新穎,我一直在這裏一段時間。它幾乎可行,問題在於最後幾行。我想將x的當前值添加到運行總數。 x應該只包含循環當前迭代的數量* unitCost。我認爲這只是一個小的語法錯誤,但我可以找到的每個示例似乎都使用與我一樣的格式。基本的Javascript - 試圖在For循環中實現一個運行總數

我在Chrome中得到的控制檯錯誤是「Uncaught TypeError:無法讀取未定義的屬性值」。

var starters = ["tom_soup", "summer_salad", "fondue", "flatbread", "ahi_tatar"]; 
var startersLength = starters.length; 

function calcOrderVal() { 
var total; 
for (var i = 0; i < startersLength; i++) { 

    var x 

    // retrieve individual cost of dish 
    var unitCost = parseFloat(document.getElementById(starters[i]).getAttribute("data-price")); 
    console.log("Cost of the unit is " + unitCost); 

    // retrieve user-entered quantity 
    var quantity = document.getElementById(starters[i]).value; 
    console.log("Quantity required: " + quantity); 

    // Multiply the cost by the quantity 
    x = unitCost * quantity; 
    console.log("Cost of this: " + x); 

    // Add to running total 
    total += parseFloat(x[i].value); 
    console.log("Grand total: " + total); 


<h1>Pre-order form</h1> 
      <div class="qty">Quantity</div> 

        <legend>Order from any of our starters: </legend> 

       <div class="item"> 
        <label class="starter" for="tom_soup">Roasted Tomato Soup served with goat cheese croutons and basil puree.</label> 
        <input type="text" id="tom_soup" class="txt" name="quantity" size="5" data-price="2.0" onkeydown="r2t()" onchange="calcOrderVal()"> 
        <span class="num-error">Must be a non-negative integer</span> 

       <div class="item"> 
        <label class="starter" for="summer_salad">Summer Salad - organic butter lettuce with apples, blood oranges, and gorgonzola, 
         tossed with raspberry vinaigrette. </label> 
        <input type="text" id="summer_salad" class="txt" name="quantity" size="5" data-price="3.0" onkeydown="r2t()" onchange="calcOrderVal()"> 
        <span class="num-error">Must be a non-negative integer</span> 

       <div class="item"> 
        <label class="starter" for="fondue">Fondue of Brie, Goat Cheese, and Gruyere with green apples and garlic crostini.</label> 
        <input type="text" id="fondue" class="txt" name="quantity" size="5" data-price="5.0" onkeydown="r2t()" onchange="calcOrderVal()"> 
        <span class="num-error">Must be a non-negative integer</span> 

       <div class="item"> 
        <label class="starter" for="flatbread">Crispy Flatbread topped with asiago, prosciutto, and rocket. </label> 
        <input type="text" id="flatbread" class="txt" name="quantity" size="5" data-price="7.0" onkeydown="r2t()" onchange="calcOrderVal()"> 
        <span class="num-error">Must be a non-negative integer</span> 

       <div class="item"> 
        <label class="starter" for="ahi_tatar">Yellow-fin Ahi Tatar</label> 
        <input type="text" id="ahi_tatar" class="txt" name="quantity" size="5" data-price="11.0" onkeydown="r2t()" onchange="calcOrderVal()"> 
        <span class="num-error">Must be a non-negative integer</span> 

       <div class="btn order"> 
        <input type="submit" value="Order Now!" class="btn" name="subButton">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
        <input type="reset" value="Reset" class="btn" name="resetButton"> 


在代碼中,'x'是一個數字。你在'total + = parseFloat(x [i] .value)中期待'x [i] .value';'做什麼? – 2014-10-29 14:32:28


>我在Chrome中得到的控制檯錯誤是「Uncaught TypeError:無法讀取 >未定義的屬性'值'。 這意味着你調用'value'的某個對象在代碼中的某個地方是'undefined'。這種情況發生在沒有這種id的元素時。通常,瀏覽器控制檯中的錯誤消息顯示文件名和行號。您可以點擊它並在調試器中找到有問題的代碼部分。你也可以在那裏放置一個斷點,重載頁面,執行必要的操作並檢查它所調用的參數。 – 2014-10-29 14:35:30


使用jshint驗證您的JavaScript。我看到你聲明x(var x)後缺少分號(;)。另外嘗試使用jsfiddle或jsbin發佈您的代碼,這使得我們其他人想要幫助更容易。 – N30 2014-10-29 14:39:53





var total = 0; 


total += x; 
x = unitCost * quantity; 





total += x; 

並將'total'初始化爲0以開始。 – 2014-10-29 14:39:48