2014-03-01 63 views

當我在問題中輸入時,我想從可用的座標中繪製骨架線(或繪製兩點之間的線)。繪製完成後,完成的手動骨架將如下所示。它和Skeleton Basic一樣繪製,但是我們提供的座標。如何從可用座標中繪製骨架?


我保存關節的座標中的一個文本文件,該應用程序會從這個文件中的數據來繪製。誰能幫幫我嗎 ?我真的需要它。


FileStream fs; 
    private void Model_DrawBoneAndJoints(ref Skeleton skeleton, DrawingContext drawingContext) 
     fs = new FileStream 
      (@"C:\Users\PhucTruongTien\Desktop\datagram.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None); 
     StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs); 
     float[] x = new float[20]; 
     float[] y = new float[20]; 

     SkeletonPoint position; 
     Array Joint_Types = Enum.GetValues(typeof(JointType)); 
     //Joint[] joint_array = new Joint[20]; 

     foreach (JointType j_types in Joint_Types) 
      Joint joint = new Joint(); 
      joint = skeleton.Joints[j_types]; 
      joint.TrackingState = JointTrackingState.Tracked; 
      position = joint.Position; 
      position.X = (float)Convert.ToDouble(sr.ReadLine()); 
      position.Y = (float)Convert.ToDouble(sr.ReadLine()); 
      position.Z = (float)Convert.ToDouble(sr.ReadLine()); 
      joint.Position = position; 
      skeleton.Joints[j_types] = joint; 


私人無效DrawBonesAndJoints(骨架骨架,的DrawingContext的DrawingContext) { Model_DrawBoneAndJoints(參照骨架,的DrawingContext);

     // Render Torso 
     this.DrawBone(skeleton, drawingContext, JointType.Head, JointType.ShoulderCenter); 
     this.DrawBone(skeleton, drawingContext, JointType.ShoulderCenter, JointType.ShoulderLeft); 
     this.DrawBone(skeleton, drawingContext, JointType.ShoulderCenter, JointType.ShoulderRight); 
     this.DrawBone(skeleton, drawingContext, JointType.ShoulderCenter, JointType.Spine); 
     this.DrawBone(skeleton, drawingContext, JointType.Spine, JointType.HipCenter); 
     this.DrawBone(skeleton, drawingContext, JointType.HipCenter, JointType.HipLeft); 
     this.DrawBone(skeleton, drawingContext, JointType.HipCenter, JointType.HipRight); 

     // Left Arm 
     this.DrawBone(skeleton, drawingContext, JointType.ShoulderLeft, JointType.ElbowLeft); 
     this.DrawBone(skeleton, drawingContext, JointType.ElbowLeft, JointType.WristLeft); 
     this.DrawBone(skeleton, drawingContext, JointType.WristLeft, JointType.HandLeft); 

     // Right Arm 
     this.DrawBone(skeleton, drawingContext, JointType.ShoulderRight, JointType.ElbowRight); 
     this.DrawBone(skeleton, drawingContext, JointType.ElbowRight, JointType.WristRight); 
     this.DrawBone(skeleton, drawingContext, JointType.WristRight, JointType.HandRight); 

     // Left Leg 
     this.DrawBone(skeleton, drawingContext, JointType.HipLeft, JointType.KneeLeft); 
     this.DrawBone(skeleton, drawingContext, JointType.KneeLeft, JointType.AnkleLeft); 
     this.DrawBone(skeleton, drawingContext, JointType.AnkleLeft, JointType.FootLeft); 

     // Right Leg 
     this.DrawBone(skeleton, drawingContext, JointType.HipRight, JointType.KneeRight); 
     this.DrawBone(skeleton, drawingContext, JointType.KneeRight, JointType.AnkleRight); 

     this.DrawBone(skeleton, drawingContext, JointType.AnkleRight, JointType.FootRight); 

     // Render Joints 
     foreach (Joint joint in skeleton.Joints) 
      Brush drawBrush = null; 

      if (joint.TrackingState == JointTrackingState.Tracked) 
       drawBrush = this.trackedJointBrush; 
      else if (joint.TrackingState == JointTrackingState.Inferred) 
       drawBrush = this.inferredJointBrush; 

      if (drawBrush != null) 
       drawingContext.DrawEllipse(drawBrush, null, this.SkeletonPointToScreen(joint.Position), JointThickness, JointThickness); 



當你總是讀取具有相同座標的單個骨架的文件時,應該產生什麼動作? –




using System.IO; 

StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(@path); 
int frames = 0; 


void AllFramesReady(object sender, AllFramesReadyEventArgs e) 
    using (SkeletonFrame sFrame = e.OpenSkeletonFrameData()) 
     if (sFrame == null) 


     Skeleton skeleton = (from s in skeletons 
           where s.TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked 
           select s); 
     if (skeleton == null) 

     if (skeleton.TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked) 
      foreach (Joint joint in skeleton.Joints) 
       writer.Write(joint.Position.X + "," + joint.Position.Y + "," joint.Position.Z + ","); 


StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(@path); 
int frame = -1; 
JointCollection joints; 


string[] lines = reader.ReadAllLines(); 


void AllFramesReady(object sender, AllFramesReadyEventArgs e) 
    string[] coords = lines[frame]; 
    int jointIndex = 0; 
    for (int i = 0; i < coords.Length; i += 3) 
     joints[jointIndex].Position.X = int.Parse(coords[i]); 
     joints[jointIndex].Position.Y = int.Parse(coords[i + 1]); 
     joints[jointIndex].Position.X = int.Parse(coords[i + 2]); 

    DepthImageFrame depthFrame = e.OpenDepthImageFrame(); 
    canvas.Children.Add(GetBodySegment(joints, brush, new JointType[] { JointType.HipCenter, JointType.Spine, JointType.ShoulderCenter, JointType.Head }, depthFrame, canvas)); 
    canvas.Children.Add(GetBodySegment(joints, brush, new JointType[] { JointType.ShoulderCenter, JointType.ShoulderLeft, JointType.ElbowLeft, JointType.WristLeft, JointType.HandLeft }, depthFrame, canvas)); 
    canvas.Children.Add(GetBodySegment(joints, brush, new JointType[] { JointType.ShoulderCenter, JointType.ShoulderRight, JointType.ElbowRight, JointType.WristRight, JointType.HandRight }, depthFrame, canvas)); 
    canvas.Children.Add(GetBodySegment(joints, brush, new JointType[] { JointType.HipCenter, JointType.HipLeft, JointType.KneeLeft, JointType.AnkleLeft, JointType.FootLeft }, depthFrame, canvas)); 
    canvas.Children.Add(GetBodySegment(joints, brush, new JointType[] { JointType.HipCenter, JointType.HipRight, JointType.KneeRight, JointType.AnkleRight, JointType.FootRight }, depthFrame, canvas)); 


Point GetDisplayPosition(Joint joint, DepthImageFrame depthFrame, Canvas skeleton) 
    float depthX, depthY; 
    KinectSensor sensor = KinectSensor.KinectSensors[0]; 
    DepthImageFormat depthImageFormat = sensor.DepthStream.Format; 
    DepthImagePoint depthPoint = sensor.CoordinateMapper.MapSkeletonPointToDepthPoint(joint.Position, depthImageFormat); 

    depthX = depthPoint.X; 
    depthY = depthPoint.Y; 

    depthX = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(depthX * 320, 320)); 
    depthY = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(depthY * 240, 240)); 

    int colorX, colorY; 
    ColorImagePoint colorPoint = sensor.CoordinateMapper.MapDepthPointToColorPoint(depthImageFormat, depthPoint, ColorImageFormat.RgbResolution640x480Fps30); 
    colorX = colorPoint.X; 
    colorY = colorPoint.Y; 

    return new System.Windows.Point((int)(skeleton.Width * colorX/640.0), (int)(skeleton.Height * colorY/480)); 

Polyline GetBodySegment(Joint[] joints, Brush brush, JointType[] ids, DepthImageFrame depthFrame, Canvas canvas) 
    PointCollection points = new PointCollection(ids.Length); 
    for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; ++i) 
     points.Add(GetDisplayPosition(joints[i], depthFrame, canvas)); 
    Polyline polyline = new Polyline(); 
    polyline.Points = points; 
    polyline.Stroke = brush; 
    polyline.StrokeThickness = 5; 
    return polyline; 

當你在做什麼工作,當我在過去已經這樣做了我用這種方法描述。另一種方法是使用類似的設置來完成頂部框架的數量,將每個關節寫入一條線,然後創建一個多維數組(例如,jointCoords = new string[amountOfFrames, 21, 3]),然後每幀增加幀計數器,然後去穿過所有的關節,然後是他們的x,y和z。然後從文件中讀取一個例子看起來像

 char[] delimiters = new char[] { '|', ' ' }; 
     //Make sure this file exists. 
     string file_name_2 = "C:\\path\\doctor.txt"; 
     string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(@file_name_2); 

     foreach (string line in lines) 

      // for the skeleton frame 

      string[] seperated = line.Split(delimiters, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); 
      seperated.CopyTo(delim, 0); 
      skeleton_frames_doctor[total_frames, count, 0] = int.Parse(delim[0]); 
      skeleton_frames_doctor[total_frames, count, 1] = int.Parse(delim[1]); 
      skeleton_frames_doctor[total_frames, count, 2] = int.Parse(delim[2]); 

      if (count == 21) 
       count = 0; 



   foreach (Joint joint in data.Joints) 

         Point jointPos = getDisplayPosition(joint); 

         //storing the patients x y coordinates 
         skeleton_frames[totalFrames1, joint_count, 0] = (double)jointPos.X; 
         skeleton_frames[totalFrames1, joint_count, 1] = (double)jointPos.Y; 

         //getting the doctors x y coordinates 
         XPos = (skeleton_frames[totalFrames1, 0, 0]) - (skeleton_frames_doctor[totalFrames1, 0, 0]); 
         YPos = (skeleton_frames[totalFrames1, 0, 1]) - (skeleton_frames_doctor[totalFrames1, 0, 1]); 

         //Scaling and transformation of doctors frame to patients frame 
         skeleton_frames_doctor_new[totalFrames1, joint_count, 0] = skeleton_frames_doctor[totalFrames1, joint_count, 0] + XPos; 
         skeleton_frames_doctor_new[totalFrames1, joint_count, 1] = skeleton_frames_doctor[totalFrames1, joint_count, 1] + YPos; 
         for (int j = 0; j < 19; j++) 
          double DistP = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((skeleton_frames[totalFrames1, JointNo[j, 0] - 1, 0]) - skeleton_frames[totalFrames1, JointNo[j, 1] - 1, 0], 2) + Math.Pow((skeleton_frames[totalFrames1, JointNo[j, 0] - 1, 1]) - skeleton_frames[totalFrames1, JointNo[j, 1] - 1, 1], 2)); 
          double DistD = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((skeleton_frames_doctor_new[totalFrames1, JointNo[j, 0] - 1, 0]) - skeleton_frames_doctor_new[totalFrames1, JointNo[j, 1] - 1, 0], 2) + Math.Pow((skeleton_frames_doctor_new[totalFrames1, JointNo[j, 0] - 1, 1]) - skeleton_frames_doctor_new[totalFrames1, JointNo[j, 1] - 1, 1], 2)); 
          double alpha = DistP/DistD; 
          skeleton_frames_doctor_new[totalFrames1, JointNo[j, 1]-1, 0] = skeleton_frames_doctor_new[totalFrames1, JointNo[j, 0]-1, 0] + (skeleton_frames_doctor_new[totalFrames1, JointNo[j, 1]-1, 0] - skeleton_frames_doctor_new[totalFrames1, JointNo[j, 0]-1, 0]) * (alpha); 
          skeleton_frames_doctor_new[totalFrames1, JointNo[j, 1]-1, 1] = skeleton_frames_doctor_new[totalFrames1, JointNo[j, 0]-1, 1] + (skeleton_frames_doctor_new[totalFrames1, JointNo[j, 1]-1, 1] - skeleton_frames_doctor_new[totalFrames1, JointNo[j, 0]-1, 1]) * (alpha); 

        Line jointLine = new Line(); 
        jointLine.X1 = jointPos.X - 3; 
        jointLine.X2 = jointLine.X1 + 6; 
        jointLine.Y1 = jointLine.Y2 = jointPos.Y; 
        jointLine.Stroke = jointColors[joint.ID]; 
        jointLine.StrokeThickness = 6; 


 int[,] JointNo = new int[19, 2]; 

     JointNo[0, 0] = 1; 
     JointNo[0, 1] = 2; 
     JointNo[1, 0] = 2; 
     JointNo[1, 1] = 3; 
     JointNo[2, 0] = 3; 
     JointNo[2, 1] = 4; 
     JointNo[3, 0] = 3; 
     JointNo[3, 1] = 9; 
     JointNo[4, 0] = 9; 
     JointNo[4, 1] = 10; 
     JointNo[5, 0] = 10; 
     JointNo[5, 1] = 11; 
     JointNo[6, 0] = 11; 
     JointNo[6, 1] = 12; 
     JointNo[7, 0] = 3; 
     JointNo[7, 1] = 5; 
     JointNo[8, 0] = 5; 
     JointNo[8, 1] = 6; 
     JointNo[9, 0] = 6; 
     JointNo[9, 1] = 7; 
     JointNo[10, 0] = 7; 
     JointNo[10, 1] = 8; 
     JointNo[11, 0] = 1; 
     JointNo[11,1] = 13; 
     JointNo[12, 0] = 13; 
     JointNo[12, 1] = 14; 
     JointNo[13,0] = 14; 
     JointNo[13, 1] = 15; 
     JointNo[14, 0] = 15; 
     JointNo[14, 1] = 16; 
     JointNo[15, 0] = 1; 
     JointNo[15, 1] = 17; 
     JointNo[16, 0] = 17; 
     JointNo[16, 1] = 18; 
     JointNo[17, 0] = 18; 
     JointNo[17, 1] = 19; 
     JointNo[18, 0] = 19; 
     JointNo[18, 1] = 20; 

你可以看到這一切,從this code作用,這是寫在Beta 2中,所以目前不會編譯,但它主要是你應該關注的方法。


謝謝,我工作過,我還有一個問題,如何在kinect中將骨骼的顏色從綠色變爲紅色? – iamatsundere181


@ iamatsundere181你改'刷' –


謝謝!你可以給我你的電子郵件或你的臉書嗎? – iamatsundere181