#define Stack struct _stack
#define _MALLOC_S(type,num) (type *)_GC_malloc(sizeof(type)*num)
#pragma pack(1)
//Structure for adressing alocated memory into.
Stack {
int *adress_i;
char *adress_c;
float *adress_f;
double *adress_d;
Stack *next;
//Safe malloc
void *_GC_malloc(size_t size)
void* ptr = malloc(size);
if(ptr == NULL)
return _GC_malloc(size);
return ptr;
//Push new element on Stack after every malloc
void Add_New(int *i, float *f , double *d , char *c , Stack *p)
Stack *q = _MALLOC_S(Stack,1);
q->adress_i = i;
q->adress_f = f;
q->adress_c = c;
q->adress_d = d;
q->next = p->next;
p->next = q;
q = NULL;
//before ending program remove adresses that was allocated in memory, and pop entire Stack
void Free_All(Stack *p)
//free head (dummy element)
Stack *Temp = p->next;
Stack *_free = p;
void *oslobodi;
while(Temp != NULL)
_free = Temp;
Temp = _free->next;
if(_free->adress_i != NULL){
oslobodi = _free->adress_i;
free((int *)oslobodi);
else if(_free->adress_c != NULL){
oslobodi = _free->adress_c;
free((char *)oslobodi);
else if(_free->adress_f != NULL){
oslobodi = _free->adress_f;
free((float *)oslobodi);
oslobodi = _free->adress_d;
free((double *)oslobodi);
_free = p = Temp;
declare variable (var) and dinamicly alocate memory with simple macro,
and add to stack of linked list
#define obj_int(var) int *var = _MALLOC_S(int,1); *var = 0; Add_New(var, NULL, NULL, NULL, Head);
#define obj_char(var) char *var = _MALLOC_S(char,1); *var = 0; Add_New(NULL, NULL, NULL, var, Head);
#define obj_float(var) float *var = _MALLOC_S(float,1); *var = 0; Add_New(NULL, var, NULL, NULL, Head);
#define obj_double(var) double *var = _MALLOC_S(double,1); *var = 0; Add_New(NULL, NULL, var, NULL, Head);
#define obj_struct(_type,_name) struct _type _*name = (struct _type *)malloc(sizeof(struct _type));
#define _INIT_ROW(var,num) for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) var[i] = 0;
same, but for row!
#define row_int(var, num) int *var = _MALLOC_S(int,num); _INIT_ROW(var,num) Add_New(var, NULL, NULL, NULL, Head);
#define row_char(var, num) char *var = _MALLOC_S(char,num); _INIT_ROW(var,num) Add_New(NULL, NULL, NULL, var, Head);
#define row_float(var, num) float *var = _MALLOC_S(float,num); _INIT_ROW(var,num) Add_New(NULL, var, NULL, NULL, Head);
#define row_double(var, num) double *var = _MALLOC_S(double,num); _INIT_ROW(var,num) Add_New(NULL, NULL, var, NULL, Head);
#define string(var, value) row_char(var, (strlen(value)+1)) strcpy(var, value);
/* with this you create a Stack and allocate dummy element */
#define Main(_type) _type main(void) { Stack *Head = _MALLOC_S(Stack,1); Head->next = NULL; Stack *_q_struct;
/* with this macro you call function for dealocate memory (garbage collecting)*/
#define End Free_All(Head); }
/*same thing for the other functions*/
#define Function(name_function, _type, ...) _type name_function(##__VA_ARGS__) { Stack *Head = _MALLOC_S(Stack,1); Head->next = NULL;
#define End_Ret(ret_var) Free_All(Head); return (ret_var); }
#define Call(name_function, ...) name_function(##__VA_ARGS__)
#define Define_Function(name_function, _type, ...) _type name_function(##__VA_ARGS__);
some_program.c的示例 PS頭文件系統IO是上面這樣的更多頭文件組! :)
#include <systemIO.h>
int num_elements = 10;
row_int(row_elements, num_elements); //alocating row_elements object
for(int i = 0; i < num_elements; i++)
row_elements[i] = i; //initializing row_elements
End //Garbage delete row_elements and end of program
// row_int[0] = 0, row_int[1] = 1 ....
不,這是行不通的。釋放後您不能訪問頭部。 – duedl0r
srry我的壞..我很着急,我錯過了那部分.. – Baz1nga