2012-07-16 183 views



class MyString 
      MyString(const char *message); 
      MyString(const MyString &source); 
      const void Print() const; 
      const int Length() const; 
      MyString& operator()(const int index, const char b); 
      char& operator()(const int i); 

      MyString& operator=(const MyString& rhs); 
      bool operator==(const MyString& other) const; 
      bool operator!=(const MyString& other) const; 
      const MyString operator+(const MyString& rhs) const; 
      MyString& operator+=(const MyString& rhs); 
      friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& output, const MyString& rhs); 
      const int Find(const MyString& other); 
      MyString Substring(int start, int length); 

      char *String; 
      int Size; 


istream& operator>>(istream& input, MyString& rhs); 


    char temp[] = "Hello World"; 

    int counter(0); 
    while(temp[counter] != '\0') 
    Size = counter; 
    String = new char [Size]; 
    for(int i=0; i < Size; i++) 
      String[i] = temp[i]; 


//alternate constructor that allows for setting of the inital value of the string 

    MyString::MyString(const char *message) 
    int counter(0); 
    while(message[counter] != '\0') 
    Size = counter; 
    String = new char [Size]; 
    for(int i=0; i < Size; i++) 
      String[i] = message[i]; 

//copy constructor 
MyString::MyString(const MyString &source) 

    int counter(0); 
    while(source.String[counter] != '\0') 
    Size = counter+1; 
    String = new char[Size]; 
    for(int i = 0; i <= Size; i++) 
      String[i] = source.String[i]; 


    delete [] String; 

//Length() method that reports the length of the string 
const int MyString::Length() const 
    int counter(0); 

    while(String[counter] != '\0') 
      counter ++; 
    return (counter); 

/*Parenthesis operator should be overloaded to replace the Set and Get functions of your previous assignment. Note that both instances should issue exit(1) upon violation of the string array bounaries. 

    MyString& MyString::operator()(const int index, const char b) 
    if(String[index] == '\0') 
      String[index] = b; 

char& MyString::operator()(const int i) 
    if(String[i] == '\0') 
      return String[i]; 
/*Assignment operator (=) which will copy the source string into the destination string. Note that size of the destination needs to be adjusted to be the same as the source. 

MyString& MyString::operator=(const MyString& rhs) 
    if(this != &rhs) 
      delete [] String; 
      String = new char[rhs.Size]; 
      Size = rhs.Size; 

      for(int i = 0; i < rhs.Size+1 ; i++) 
        String[i] = rhs.String[i]; 

    return *this; 
/*Logical comparison operator (==) that returns true iff the two strings are identical in size and contents. 

    bool MyString::operator==(const MyString& other)const 
    if(other.Size == this->Size) {   
     for(int i = 0; i < this->Size+1; i++) 
        if(&other == this) 
          return true; 
      return false; 

//Negated logical comparison operator (!=) that returns boolean negation of 2 

bool MyString::operator!=(const MyString& other) const 
    return !(*this == other); 

//Addition operator (+) that concatenates two strings 

const MyString MyString::operator+(const MyString& rhs) const 
    char* tmp = new char[Size + rhs.Size +1]; 

    for(int i = 0; i < Size; i++) 
      tmp[i] = String[i]; 
    for(int i = 0; i < rhs.Size+1; i++) {   
     tmp[i+Size] = rhs.String[i]; 

    MyString result; 

    delete [] result.String; 
    result.String = tmp; 
    result.Size = Size+rhs.Size; 

    return result; 
/*Addition/Assigment operator (+=) used in the following fashion: String1 += String2 to operate as String1 = String1 + String2 

MyString& MyString::operator+=(const MyString& rhs) 
    char* tmp = new char[Size + rhs.Size + 1]; 

    for(int i = 0; i < Size; i++)  { 
      tmp[i] = String[i]; 
    for(int i = 0; i < rhs.Size+1; i++) 
      tmp[i+Size] = rhs.String[i]; 

    delete [] String; 
    String = tmp; 
    Size += rhs.Size; 

    return *this; 

istream& operator>>(istream& input, MyString& rhs) 
    char* t; 
    int size(256); 
    t = new char[size]; 

    rhs = MyString(t); 
    delete [] t; 

    return input; 

ostream& operator<<(ostream& output, const MyString& rhs) 
    if(rhs.String != '\0') 
      output << rhs.String; 
      output<<"No String to output\n"; 

    return output; 

/*MyString::Find that finds a string in a larger string and returns the starting location of the substring. Note that your string location starts from 0 and ends at length -1. If the string is not found, a value of -1 will be returned 

const int MyString::Find(const MyString& other) 

    int nfound = -1; 

    if(other.Size > Size) 
      return nfound; 
     int i = 0, j = 0;  
     for(i = 0; i < Size; i++) {    
     for(j = 0; j < other.Size; j++) {    
      if(((i+j) >= Size) || (String[i+j] != other.String[j])) 



      if(j == other.Size) 

        return i; 



    return nfound; 
/*MyString::Substring(start, length). This method returns a substring of the original string that contains the same characters as the original string starting at location start and is as long as length. 

MyString MyString::Substring(int start, int length) 
    char* leo = new char[length+1]; 
    for(int i = start; i < start + length+1; ++i) 
      leo[i-start] = String[i]; 

    MyString sub; 
    delete [] sub.String;  sub.String = leo;  sub.Size = Size; 
    return sub; 

    //Print() method that prints the string 

const void MyString::Print() const 

    for(int i=0; i < Size; i++) 


int main (int argc, char **argv) 

    MyString String1; 

    const MyString ConstString("Target string"); //Test of alternate constructor 

    MyString SearchString; //Test of default constructor that should set "Hello World". 

MyString TargetString (String1); //Test of copy constructor 

    cout << "Please enter two strings. "; 
    cout << "Each string needs to be shorter than 256 characters or terminated by /\n." << endl; 
cout << "The first string will be searched to see whether it contains exactly the second string. " << endl; 

    cin >> SearchString >> TargetString; // Test of cascaded string-extraction operator 

    if(SearchString.Find(TargetString) == -1) { 

    cout << TargetString << " is not in " << SearchString << endl; 

    else { 

    cout << TargetString << " is in " << SearchString << endl; 

    cout << "Details of the hit: " << endl; 

    cout << "Starting position of the hit: " << SearchString.Find(TargetString) << endl; 
    cout << "The matching substring is: " << SearchString.Substring(SearchString.Find(TargetString), TargetString.Length()-1)<<"\n"; 
    return 0; 



請輸入兩個字符串。每個字符串需要少於256個字符或由/ 終止。 第一個字符串將被搜索以查看它是否包含第二個字符串。






[減少問題。](http://dev.rootdirectory.de/wiki/MacheteDebugging)這比我們在這裏可以做的任何調試都要有用得多。 – DevSolar 2012-07-16 14:43:58


這個問題太長了,如果你提出一個更簡潔的問題會更容易。 – 2012-07-16 22:31:37



嘗試在MyString::MyString(const char *message)構造


你的意思是喜歡傳入的字符串嗎? – user1363061 2012-07-16 15:59:51


是的。 c和C++字符串通常以'\ 0'結尾。 – 2012-07-16 16:02:38


與該構造函數傳入的字符串由以下定義:const MyString ConstString(「Target string」);相反,它應該是常量MyString ConstString(「目標字符串\ 0」); ??對不起,我對這個有點新了 – user1363061 2012-07-16 16:09:54


在你的字符串末尾添加「\ 0」 @ Sam的答案是正確的。我將加入它來幫助你瞭解發生了什麼。





非常感謝!所以我的猜測是通過對所有構造函數說Size = counter +1來添加NUL字符。然後,我可能不得不在程序的後面更改函數的大小,例如我的子字符串函數。 – user1363061 2012-07-17 13:01:08