
using UnityEngine; 
using System.Collections; 

namespace Daniel { 
    public class EnemyAI : Living { 

     // Detection private int range = 10; private float speed = 10f; private bool isThereAnyThing = false; 

     // Waypoints/Targets 
     public GameObject[] targets; 
     private float rotationSpeed = 900f; 
     private RaycastHit hit; 
     GameObject target; 
     private int randomTarget = 0; 
     float timeToNextCheck = 3; 
     public float effectTimer = 2f; 
     public GameObject deathEffect; 
     public LayerMask detectThis; 

     void Start() 
      randomTarget = Random.Range(0, 8); 
      target = targets[randomTarget]; 
     void FixedUpdate() 
      timeToNextCheck = timeToNextCheck - Time.deltaTime; 
     void LookAtTarget() 
      //Look At Somthly Towards the Target if there is nothing in front. 
      if (!isThereAnyThing) 
       Vector3 relativePos = target.transform.position - transform.position; 
       Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(relativePos); 
       transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, rotation, Time.deltaTime); 
     void Move() 
      // Enemy translate in forward direction. 
      transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * Time.deltaTime * speed); 
     public void CheckForObsticales() 
      //Checking for any Obstacle in front. 
      // Two rays left and right to the object to detect the obstacle. 
      Transform leftRay = transform; 
      Transform rightRay = transform; 
      //Use Phyics.RayCast to detect the obstacle 
      if (Physics.Raycast(leftRay.position + (transform.right * 7f), transform.forward, out hit, range, detectThis) || Physics.Raycast(rightRay.position - (transform.right * 7f), transform.forward, out hit, range)) 
       if (hit.collider.gameObject.CompareTag("Obstacles")) 
        isThereAnyThing = true; 
        transform.Rotate(Vector3.up * Time.deltaTime * rotationSpeed); 
      // Now Two More RayCast At The End of Object to detect that object has already pass the obsatacle. 
      // Just making this boolean variable false it means there is nothing in front of object. 
      if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position - (transform.forward * 4), transform.right, out hit, 10, detectThis) || 
       Physics.Raycast(transform.position - (transform.forward * 4), -transform.right, out hit, 10, detectThis)) 
       if (hit.collider.gameObject.CompareTag("Obstacles")) 
        isThereAnyThing = false; 
     public void ScanForNewWaypoint() 
      if (timeToNextCheck <= 0) 
       timeToNextCheck = Random.Range(6, 3); 
       randomTarget = Random.Range(0, 8); 
       target = targets[randomTarget]; 
     public override void TakeHit(float dmg, Vector3 hitPoint, Vector3 hitDirection) 
      if (dmg >= health) 
       Destroy(Instantiate(deathEffect, hitPoint, Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.forward, hitDirection)) as GameObject, effectTimer); 
      base.TakeHit(dmg, hitPoint, hitDirection); 

這可能不是合適的做法......但你仍然有問題,如果你改變'FixedUpdate()''來更新()'? – ryeMoss


嘗試設置從離散到連續型 – Isma


您的剛體碰撞檢測我可能是錯的,但你正在做的只有4個主要方向光線投射,所以或許光線投射只是缺少障礙(即光線投射高於或障礙物等..下)。 –


