2014-09-30 102 views


vec2 worldToMapSpace(vec2 worldPosition) { 
    return (worldPosition/worldScale + 0.5); 

float getHeight(vec3 worldPosition) 
     #ifdef USE_HEIGHTFIELD 
     vec2 heightUv = worldToMapSpace(worldPosition.xz); 
     vec2 tHeightSize = vec2(HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE_WIDTH, HEIGHTFIELD_SIZE_HEIGHT); //both 512 
     vec2 texel = vec2(1.0/tHeightSize); 
     //float coarseHeight = texture2DBilinear(heightfield, heightUv, texel, tHeightSize).r; 
     float coarseHeight = texture2D(heightfield, vUv).r; 
     return altitude * coarseHeight + heightOffset; 
     return 0.0; 


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vec4 texture2DBilinear(sampler2D textureSampler, vec2 uv, vec2 texelSize, vec2 textureSize) 
    vec4 tl = texture2D(textureSampler, uv); 
    vec4 tr = texture2D(textureSampler, uv + vec2(texelSize.x, 0.0)); 
    vec4 bl = texture2D(textureSampler, uv + vec2(0.0, texelSize.y)); 
    vec4 br = texture2D(textureSampler, uv + vec2(texelSize.x, texelSize.y)); 
    vec2 f = fract(uv.xy * textureSize); // get the decimal part 
    vec4 tA = mix(tl, tr, f.x); 
    vec4 tB = mix(bl, br, f.x); 
    return mix(tA, tB, f.y); 

的texelSize被計算爲1 /高度圖大小:

vec2 texel = vec2(1.0/tHeightSize); 


float coarseHeight = texture2DBilinear(heightfield, heightUv, texel, tHeightSize).r; 

enter image description here




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爲什麼您首先使用自定義雙線性插值?如果每個頂點在高度圖中都有一個像素,則應該在紋理上使用高斯模糊以使其「平滑」。如果你有更多的頂點比像素內置的紋理插值將做的工作。 – dari 2014-09-30 22:10:21


嗨達裏,我將不得不編輯我的問題來澄清。原因是因爲我正在使用geoclipmapping技術。相機附近的地形是非常高的曲面細分。因爲曲面細分非常高,所以有更多的三角形比像素更多。所以它不是1比1。即採樣需要更精細,或者確實需要在像素值之間插值。 – Mat 2014-09-30 22:19:15


爲什麼你不使用內插插件? HTTPS://www.opengl。org/wiki/Sampler_Object#Sampling_parameters – dari 2014-09-30 22:26:37




// catmull works by specifying 4 control points p0, p1, p2, p3 and a weight. The function is used to calculate a point n between p1 and p2 based 
// on the weight. The weight is normalized, so if it's a value of 0 then the return value will be p1 and if its 1 it will return p2. 
float catmullRom(float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3, float weight) { 
    float weight2 = weight * weight; 
    return 0.5 * (
     p0 * weight * ((2.0 - weight) * weight - 1.0) + 
     p1 * (weight2 * (3.0 * weight - 5.0) + 2.0) + 
     p2 * weight * ((4.0 - 3.0 * weight) * weight + 1.0) + 
     p3 * (weight - 1.0) * weight2); 

// Performs a horizontal catmulrom operation at a given V value. 
float textureCubicU(sampler2D samp, vec2 uv00, float texel, float offsetV, float frac) { 
    return catmullRom(
     texture2DLod(samp, uv00 + vec2(-texel, offsetV), 0.0).r, 
     texture2DLod(samp, uv00 + vec2(0.0, offsetV), 0.0).r, 
     texture2DLod(samp, uv00 + vec2(texel, offsetV), 0.0).r, 
     texture2DLod(samp, uv00 + vec2(texel * 2.0, offsetV), 0.0).r, 

// Samples a texture using a bicubic sampling algorithm. This essentially queries neighbouring 
// pixels to get an average value. 
float textureBicubic(sampler2D samp, vec2 uv00, vec2 texel, vec2 frac) { 
    return catmullRom(
     textureCubicU(samp, uv00, texel.x, -texel.y, frac.x), 
     textureCubicU(samp, uv00, texel.x, 0.0, frac.x), 
     textureCubicU(samp, uv00, texel.x, texel.y, frac.x), 
     textureCubicU(samp, uv00, texel.x, texel.y * 2.0, frac.x), 

    // Gets the UV coordinates based on the world X Z position 
    vec2 worldToMapSpace(vec2 worldPosition) { 
     return (worldPosition/worldScale + 0.5); 

// Gets the height at a location p (world space) 
float getHeight(vec3 worldPosition) 

     vec2 heightUv = worldToMapSpace(worldPosition.xz); 

     // If we increase the smoothness factor, the terrain becomes a lot smoother. 
     // This is because it has the effect of shrinking the texture size and increaing 
     // the texel size. Which means when we do sampling the samples are from farther away - making 
     // it smoother. However this means the terrain looks less like the original heightmap and so 
     // terrain picking goes a bit off. 
     float smoothness = 1.1; 
     tHeightSize /= smoothness; 

     // The size of each texel 
     vec2 texel = vec2(1.0/tHeightSize); 

     // Find the top-left texel we need to sample. 
     vec2 heightUv00 = (floor(heightUv * tHeightSize))/tHeightSize; 

     // Determine the fraction across the 4-texel quad we need to compute. 
     vec2 frac = vec2(heightUv - heightUv00) * tHeightSize; 

     float coarseHeight = textureBicubic(heightfield, heightUv00, texel, frac); 
     return altitude * coarseHeight + heightOffset; 
     return 0.0; 

這很有用!謝謝。你能分享結果(圖片)嗎? – Nolesh 2017-07-06 04:15:37