2012-12-28 37 views


//Detects collision between a given player and a given line 
public function detectCollision(p:Player, l:Line): Boolean{ 
    //First create a line running parallel to l that runs through the center of p 
    //p hereby referred to by "the player" 
    //l hereby referred to by "the offending line" 
    //start by finding the center of p 
    var pCenter:Point = new Point(p.x + 38, p.y + 38); //38 = radius 
    //now find the angle of the offending line (in Q1 or Q2) 
    var theta:Number = Math.atan2(l.y2 - l.y1, l.x2 - l.x1); 
    //now make a line within the player that conforms to this angle 
    var paraLine:Line = new Line(pCenter.x - Math.cos(theta) * 38, pCenter.y - Math.sin(theta) * 38, pCenter.x + Math.cos(theta) * 38, pCenter.y + Math.sin(theta) * 38); 

    //Next we're going to create a perpendicular line in the circle pointing at the offending line 
    var perpenLine:Line = new Line(pCenter.x - Math.cos(theta) * 38, pCenter.y + Math.sin(theta) * 38, pCenter.x + Math.cos(theta) * 38, pCenter.y + Math.sin(theta) * 38); 
    var closestOnCircle:Point = new Point(pCenter.x - Math.cos(theta) * 38, pCenter.y + Math.sin(theta) * 38); //this is the point on the circle closest to the offending line 

    //Now to find where the line running perpendicular to the offending line through the center of the player intersects with the offending line 
    //this is done by using algebra 
    //y = mx + b (perpenLine) 
    //y = nx + c (offending line) 
    //mx + b = nx + c 
    //b - c = (n - m)x 
    //x = (b - c)/(n - m) 
    var xIntercept:Number = (perpenLine.getOffset() - l.getOffset())/(l.getSlope() - perpenLine.getSlope()); 
    var pointOnLine:Point = new Point(xIntercept, xIntercept * l.getSlope() + l.getOffset()); //point on the line where the intersection happens 

    //Finally whether a collision has occurred is calculated 
    //this is done by seeing if both pCenter and closestOnCircle are on the same side of pointOnLine 
    if((pCenter.y > pointOnLine.y && closestOnCircle.y > pointOnLine.y) || (pCenter.y < pointOnLine.y && closestOnCircle.y < pointOnLine.y)) 
     return false; 
     return true; 




好像你可以跳過幾個步驟 - 可能有一個更聰明的方法,但我不認爲你需要計算角度theta。

(x1, y1)(x2, y2)的線路將有傾斜m = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1);將圓的中心(xc, yc)連接到與最接近的直線垂直的直線(如您所說),因此它的斜率是-1/m。呼叫那些線路符合(xi, yi)的點。我們可以寫yi = (xi - x1)*m + y1(來自原始行),我們也可以寫yi = (xi -xc)(-1/m) + yc。 2個方程,2個未知數,相對簡單地求解xi和yi。然後,簡單地確定從圓心到交點的線的長度,並且如果它小於半徑(38),則與您聯繫。



我在解決xi和yi這兩個方程時遇到了問題,你能否提供一個解決這個問題的方案? – avorum


劃痕,讓它工作。感謝您的幫助,就像魅力一樣。 – avorum