2017-04-24 77 views


function findPath(world, pathStart, pathEnd) 
    // shortcuts for speed 
    var abs = Math.abs; 
    var max = Math.max; 
    var pow = Math.pow; 
    var sqrt = Math.sqrt; 

    // the world data are integers: 
    // anything higher than this number is considered blocked 
    // this is handy is you use numbered sprites, more than one 
    // of which is walkable road, grass, mud, etc 
    var maxWalkableTileNum = 0; 

    // keep track of the world dimensions 
    // Note that this A-star implementation expects the world array to be square: 
    // it must have equal height and width. If your game world is rectangular, 
    // just fill the array with dummy values to pad the empty space. 
    var worldWidth = world[0].length; 
    var worldHeight = world.length; 
    var worldSize = worldWidth * worldHeight; 

    // which heuristic should we use? 
    // default: no diagonals (Manhattan) 
    var distanceFunction = ManhattanDistance; 
    var findNeighbours = function(){}; // empty 


    // alternate heuristics, depending on your game: 

    // diagonals allowed but no sqeezing through cracks: 
    var distanceFunction = DiagonalDistance; 
    var findNeighbours = DiagonalNeighbours; 

    // diagonals and squeezing through cracks allowed: 
    var distanceFunction = DiagonalDistance; 
    var findNeighbours = DiagonalNeighboursFree; 

    // euclidean but no squeezing through cracks: 
    var distanceFunction = EuclideanDistance; 
    var findNeighbours = DiagonalNeighbours; 

    // euclidean and squeezing through cracks allowed: 
    var distanceFunction = EuclideanDistance; 
    var findNeighbours = DiagonalNeighboursFree; 


    // distanceFunction functions 
    // these return how far away a point is to another 

    function ManhattanDistance(Point, Goal) 
    { // linear movement - no diagonals - just cardinal directions (NSEW) 
     return abs(Point.x - Goal.x) + abs(Point.y - Goal.y); 

    function DiagonalDistance(Point, Goal) 
    { // diagonal movement - assumes diag dist is 1, same as cardinals 
     return max(abs(Point.x - Goal.x), abs(Point.y - Goal.y)); 

    function EuclideanDistance(Point, Goal) 
    { // diagonals are considered a little farther than cardinal directions 
     // diagonal movement using Euclide (AC = sqrt(AB^2 + BC^2)) 
     // where AB = x2 - x1 and BC = y2 - y1 and AC will be [x3, y3] 
     return sqrt(pow(Point.x - Goal.x, 2) + pow(Point.y - Goal.y, 2)); 

    // Neighbours functions, used by findNeighbours function 
    // to locate adjacent available cells that aren't blocked 

    // Returns every available North, South, East or West 
    // cell that is empty. No diagonals, 
    // unless distanceFunction function is not Manhattan 
    function Neighbours(x, y) 
     var N = y - 1, 
     S = y + 1, 
     E = x + 1, 
     W = x - 1, 
     myN = N > -1 && canWalkHere(x, N), 
     myS = S < worldHeight && canWalkHere(x, S), 
     myE = E < worldWidth && canWalkHere(E, y), 
     myW = W > -1 && canWalkHere(W, y), 
     result = []; 
     result.push({x:x, y:N}); 
     result.push({x:E, y:y}); 
     result.push({x:x, y:S}); 
     result.push({x:W, y:y}); 
     findNeighbours(myN, myS, myE, myW, N, S, E, W, result); 
     return result; 

    // returns every available North East, South East, 
    // South West or North West cell - no squeezing through 
    // "cracks" between two diagonals 
    function DiagonalNeighbours(myN, myS, myE, myW, N, S, E, W, result) 
      if(myE && canWalkHere(E, N)) 
      result.push({x:E, y:N}); 
      if(myW && canWalkHere(W, N)) 
      result.push({x:W, y:N}); 
      if(myE && canWalkHere(E, S)) 
      result.push({x:E, y:S}); 
      if(myW && canWalkHere(W, S)) 
      result.push({x:W, y:S}); 

    // returns every available North East, South East, 
    // South West or North West cell including the times that 
    // you would be squeezing through a "crack" 
    function DiagonalNeighboursFree(myN, myS, myE, myW, N, S, E, W, result) 
     myN = N > -1; 
     myS = S < worldHeight; 
     myE = E < worldWidth; 
     myW = W > -1; 
      if(myN && canWalkHere(E, N)) 
      result.push({x:E, y:N}); 
      if(myS && canWalkHere(E, S)) 
      result.push({x:E, y:S}); 
      if(myN && canWalkHere(W, N)) 
      result.push({x:W, y:N}); 
      if(myS && canWalkHere(W, S)) 
      result.push({x:W, y:S}); 

    // returns boolean value (world cell is available and open) 
    function canWalkHere(x, y) 
     return ((world[x] != null) && 
      (world[x][y] != null) && 
      (world[x][y] <= maxWalkableTileNum)); 

    // Node function, returns a new object with Node properties 
    // Used in the calculatePath function to store route costs, etc. 
    function Node(Parent, Point) 
     var newNode = { 
      // pointer to another Node object 
      // array index of this Node in the world linear array 
      value:Point.x + (Point.y * worldWidth), 
      // the location coordinates of this Node 
      // the heuristic estimated cost 
      // of an entire path using this node 
      // the distanceFunction cost to get 
      // from the starting point to this node 

     return newNode; 

    // Path function, executes AStar algorithm operations 
    function calculatePath() 
     // create Nodes from the Start and End x,y coordinates 
     var mypathStart = Node(null, {x:pathStart[0], y:pathStart[1]}); 
     var mypathEnd = Node(null, {x:pathEnd[0], y:pathEnd[1]}); 
     // create an array that will contain all world cells 
     var AStar = new Array(worldSize); 
     // list of currently open Nodes 
     var Open = [mypathStart]; 
     // list of closed Nodes 
     var Closed = []; 
     // list of the final output array 
     var result = []; 
     // reference to a Node (that is nearby) 
     var myNeighbours; 
     // reference to a Node (that we are considering now) 
     var myNode; 
     // reference to a Node (that starts a path in question) 
     var myPath; 
     // temp integer variables used in the calculations 
     var length, max, min, i, j; 
     // iterate through the open list until none are left 
     while(length = Open.length) 
      max = worldSize; 
      min = -1; 
      for(i = 0; i < length; i++) 
       if(Open[i].f < max) 
        max = Open[i].f; 
        min = i; 
      // grab the next node and remove it from Open array 
      myNode = Open.splice(min, 1)[0]; 
      // is it the destination node? 
      if(myNode.value === mypathEnd.value) 
       myPath = Closed[Closed.push(myNode) - 1]; 
        result.push([myPath.x, myPath.y]); 
       while (myPath = myPath.Parent); 
       // clear the working arrays 
       AStar = Closed = Open = []; 
       // we want to return start to finish 
      else // not the destination 
       // find which nearby nodes are walkable 
       myNeighbours = Neighbours(myNode.x, myNode.y); 
       // test each one that hasn't been tried already 
       for(i = 0, j = myNeighbours.length; i < j; i++) 
        myPath = Node(myNode, myNeighbours[i]); 
        if (!AStar[myPath.value]) 
         // estimated cost of this particular route so far 
         myPath.g = myNode.g + distanceFunction(myNeighbours[i], myNode); 
         // estimated cost of entire guessed route to the destination 
         myPath.f = myPath.g + distanceFunction(myNeighbours[i], mypathEnd); 
         // remember this new path for testing above 
         // mark this node in the world graph as visited 
         AStar[myPath.value] = true; 
       // remember this route as having no more untested options 
     } // keep iterating until the Open list is empty 
     return result; 

    // actually calculate the a-star path! 
    // this returns an array of coordinates 
    // that is empty if no path is possible 
    return calculatePath(); 

} // end of findPath() function 


currentPath = findPath(world,pathStart,pathEnd); 




試着看看像Unity3D這樣的遊戲引擎。它也支持JS。 – Justinas


當然,我會的。最初我專注於邏輯,然後去美化 – RKR


那麼,你有很多的代碼和'代碼不工作'。請嘗試確定哪些是錯誤的,並告訴我們*如何*和*何時不能工作。 – Justinas






  1. 世界生成


  • 路徑生成
  • 找到怪物並且正在計算路徑的地方。

    //HTML elements 
    var canvas = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("canvas")); 
    canvas.height = 500; 
    canvas.width = canvas.height; 
    var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); 
    //Logic elements 
    var tileSize = 16; 
    var monster = { 
        x: Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.ceil(canvas.width/tileSize)/2) * 2, 
        y: Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.ceil(canvas.height/tileSize)/2) * 2 
    var player = { 
        x: 9, 
        y: 9 
    var aStar = { 
        path: [], 
        opened: [], 
        closed: [], 
        done: false 
    //Simple distance formular 
    function distance(a, b) { 
        return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a.x - b.x, 2) + Math.pow(a.y - b.y, 2)); 
    function draw() { 
        ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); 
        //Tested Tiles 
        ctx.fillStyle = "cyan"; 
        for (var pi = 0; pi < aStar.closed.length; pi++) { 
        var p = aStar.closed[pi]; 
        ctx.fillRect(p.x * tileSize, p.y * tileSize, tileSize, tileSize); 
        ctx.fillStyle = "blue"; 
        for (var pi = 0; pi < aStar.path.length; pi++) { 
        var p = aStar.path[pi]; 
        ctx.fillRect(p.x * tileSize, p.y * tileSize, tileSize, tileSize); 
        ctx.fillStyle = "red"; 
        ctx.fillRect(monster.x * tileSize, monster.y * tileSize, tileSize, tileSize); 
        ctx.fillStyle = "green"; 
        ctx.fillRect(player.x * tileSize, player.y * tileSize, tileSize, tileSize); 
        for (var x = 0; x < Math.ceil(canvas.width/tileSize); x++) { 
        for (var y = 0; y < Math.ceil(canvas.height/tileSize); y++) { 
         ctx.strokeRect(x * tileSize, y * tileSize, tileSize, tileSize); 
    function main() { 
        //If no steps, open "player" 
        if (aStar.opened.length == 0) { 
         x: player.x, 
         y: player.y, 
         step: 0 
        //Check for monster 
        if ((aStar.opened.some(function(c) { 
         return c.x === monster.x && c.y === monster.y; 
        })) == true) { 
        //if monster found 
        if (aStar.path.length < 1) { 
         //If no steps in path, add monster as first 
         aStar.path.push(aStar.opened.find(function(c) { 
         return c.x === monster.x && c.y === monster.y; 
        } else if ((aStar.path.length > 0 ? aStar.path[aStar.path.length - 1].step == 0 : false) === false) { 
         //If last step of path isn't player, compute a step to path 
         var lastTile = aStar.path[aStar.path.length - 1]; 
         var bestTile = { 
         x: lastTile.x, 
         y: lastTile.y, 
         step: lastTile.step 
         //Loop through tiles adjacent to the last path tile and pick the "best" 
         for (var x = lastTile.x - 1; x < lastTile.x + 2; x++) { 
         for (var y = lastTile.y - 1; y < lastTile.y + 2; y++) { 
          var suspect = aStar.closed.find(function(c) { 
          return c.x === x && c.y === y; 
          if (suspect !== void 0) { 
          if (suspect.step + distance(suspect, player) < bestTile.step + distance(bestTile, player)) { 
           bestTile = suspect; 
         //Add best tile to path 
        } else { 
        //If monster isn't found, continue world mapping 
        //"newOpen" will hold the next "opened" list 
        var newOpen = []; 
        //For each opened, check neighbours 
        for (var oi = 0; oi < aStar.opened.length; oi++) { 
         var o = aStar.opened[oi]; 
         for (var x = o.x - 1; x < o.x + 2; x++) { 
         for (var y = o.y - 1; y < o.y + 2; y++) { 
          if (x === o.x && y === o.y || 
          aStar.closed.some(function(c) { 
           return c.x === x && c.y === y; 
          }) || 
          aStar.opened.some(function(c) { 
           return c.x === x && c.y === y; 
          }) || 
          newOpen.some(function(c) { 
           return c.x === x && c.y === y; 
          })) { 
          //If neighbours isn't in any list, add it to the newOpen list 
          x: x, 
          y: y, 
          step: o.step + 1 
        //Close the previously opened list 
        aStar.closed = aStar.closed.concat(aStar.opened); 
        //Add new opened list 
        aStar.opened = newOpen; 
        //Draw progress 
    //Start process 

    編輯1 - 無尋路



    var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function() { 
        var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || 
         __proto__: [] 
         instanceof Array && function(d, b) { 
         d.__proto__ = b; 
         }) || 
        function(d, b) { 
         for (var p in b) 
         if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; 
        return function(d, b) { 
        extendStatics(d, b); 
        function __() { 
         this.constructor = d; 
        d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); 
    var Game; 
    (function(Game) { 
        var GameImage = (function() { 
        function GameImage(name, src) { 
         this.name = name; 
         this.src = src; 
         this.node = document.createElement("img"); 
         this.node.onload = GameImage._loading; 
         this.node.src = this.src; 
        GameImage.loaded = function() { 
         return this._loaded === this._pending; 
        GameImage._loading = function() { 
        GameImage.getImage = function(id) { 
         return this.all.find(function(img) { 
         return img.name === id; 
        return GameImage; 
        GameImage.all = []; 
        GameImage._loaded = 0; 
        GameImage._pending = 0; 
        new GameImage("background", "http://res.cloudinary.com/dfhppjli0/image/upload/c_scale,w_2048/v1492045665/road_dwsmux.png"); 
        new GameImage("hero", "http://res.cloudinary.com/dfhppjli0/image/upload/c_scale,w_32/v1491958999/car_p1k2hw.png"); 
        new GameImage("monster", "http://res.cloudinary.com/dfhppjli0/image/upload/v1491958478/monster_rsm0po.png"); 
        new GameImage("hero_other", "http://res.cloudinary.com/dfhppjli0/image/upload/v1492579967/car_03_ilt08o.png"); 
        function distance(a, b) { 
        return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a.x - b.x, 2) + Math.pow(a.y - b.y, 2)); 
        function degreeToRadian(degrees) { 
        return degrees * (Math.PI/180); 
        function radianToDegree(radians) { 
        return radians * (180/Math.PI); 
        function angleBetweenTwoPoints(p1, p2) { 
        return Math.atan2(p2.y - p1.y, p2.x - p1.x) * 180/Math.PI; 
        var Actor = (function() { 
        function Actor() { 
         this.angle = 0; 
        Actor.prototype.main = function() {}; 
        Actor.prototype.render = function(ctx) { 
         if (this.angle != 0) { 
         var rads = degreeToRadian(this.angle - 90); 
         ctx.translate(this.position.x + 0.5 * this.image.node.naturalWidth, this.position.y + 0.5 * this.image.node.naturalHeight); 
         ctx.drawImage(this.image.node, 0, 0); 
         ctx.translate(-(this.position.x + 0.5 * this.image.node.naturalWidth), -(this.position.y + 0.5 * this.image.node.naturalHeight)); 
         } else { 
         ctx.drawImage(this.image.node, this.position.x, this.position.y); 
        return Actor; 
        var Monster = (function(_super) { 
        __extends(Monster, _super); 
        function Monster(position) { 
         var _this = _super.call(this) || this; 
         _this.position = position; 
         _this.image = GameImage.getImage("monster"); 
         return _this; 
        return Monster; 
        Monster.all = []; 
        var Car = (function(_super) { 
        __extends(Car, _super); 
        function Car(position, target) { 
         if (target === void 0) { 
         target = null; 
         var _this = _super.call(this) || this; 
         _this.position = position; 
         _this.target = target; 
         _this.hitCount = 0; 
         _this.image = GameImage.getImage("hero"); 
         _this.speed = 10; 
         return _this; 
        Car.prototype.main = function() { 
         var angle = angleBetweenTwoPoints(this.target.position, this.position); 
         var cos = Math.cos(degreeToRadian(angle)) * -1; 
         var sin = Math.sin(degreeToRadian(angle)); 
         this.angle = angle; 
         this.position.x += cos * this.speed; 
         this.position.y -= sin * this.speed; 
         if (distance(this.position, this.target.position) < 10) { 
         this.target.position.x = Math.random() * mainCanvas.width; 
         this.target.position.y = Math.random() * mainCanvas.height; 
        return Car; 
        Car.all = []; 
        var background = GameImage.getImage("background"); 
        var mainCanvas = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("canvas")); 
        mainCanvas.width = background.node.naturalWidth; 
        mainCanvas.height = background.node.naturalHeight; 
        var ctx = mainCanvas.getContext("2d"); 
        var monster1 = new Monster({ 
        x: Math.random() * mainCanvas.width, 
        y: Math.random() * mainCanvas.height 
        var monster2 = new Monster({ 
        x: Math.random() * mainCanvas.width, 
        y: Math.random() * mainCanvas.height 
        new Car({ 
        x: Math.random() * mainCanvas.width, 
        y: Math.random() * mainCanvas.height 
        }, monster1); 
        new Car({ 
        x: Math.random() * mainCanvas.width, 
        y: Math.random() * mainCanvas.height 
        }, monster2); 
        function main() { 
        ctx.drawImage(background.node, 0, 0); 
        for (var ci = 0; ci < Car.all.length; ci++) { 
         var c = Car.all[ci]; 
        for (var mi = 0; mi < Monster.all.length; mi++) { 
         var m = Monster.all[mi]; 
    })(Game || (Game = {}));



    我認爲我用來查找路徑的函數也幾乎是一樣的。但是,問題在於將它與程序集成在一起。我更新了[pen](https:// codepen。io/RKR3/project/editor/ANBVpA /) – RKR


    非常感謝您寶貴的解釋 – RKR


    我使用了第二個,但它會更好地理解和實現第一個我認爲所以我試圖修改你的第一個方法到我現有的但是我在將筆路算法集成到筆中時遇到了一些困難。您能幫我解決嗎? – RKR