@IBAction func myButton(sender: UIButton){
//animation that zoom the button icon in and out
編輯:林使用的Xcode 6.4
@IBAction func myButton(sender: UIButton){
//animation that zoom the button icon in and out
編輯:林使用的Xcode 6.4
let timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(5, target: self, selector: "stopButtonAnimation", userInfo: nil, repeats: false)
let options = UIViewAnimationOptions.Autoreverse | UIViewAnimationOptions.Repeat | UIViewAnimationOptions.CurveEaseInOut
UIView.animateWithDuration(0.25, delay: 0, options: options,
animations: {
self.button.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(0.5, 0.5)
}, completion:nil)
func stopButtonAnimation() {
我是否把這個放在我的IBAction函數中? –
@TheDude是的,你應該 –
這太棒了!是否有可能使這個循環開啓一段時間? –
要展示另一種方法,我將展示一種使用圖層動畫的方法。 更多的相關信息吧here
// specify the property you want to animate
let zoomInAndOut = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "transform.scale")
// starting from the initial value 1.0
zoomInAndOut.fromValue = 1.0
// to scale down you set toValue to 0.5
zoomInAndOut.toValue = 0.5
// the duration for the animation is set to 1 second
zoomInAndOut.duration = 1.0
// how many times you want to repeat the animation
zoomInAndOut.repeatCount = 5
// to make the one animation(zooming in from 1.0 to 0.5) reverse to two animations(zooming back from 0.5 to 1.0)
zoomInAndOut.autoreverses = true
// because the animation consists of 2 steps, caused by autoreverses, you set the speed to 2.0, so that the total duration until the animation stops is 5 seconds
zoomInAndOut.speed = 2.0
// add the animation to your button
button.layer.addAnimation(zoomInAndOut, forKey: nil)
更好的方法! –
看一看http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14184619/how-can-i-animate-zoom-in-zoom-out-on-ios-using-objective-c – Yannick