爲什麼trace(...,edit = TRUE)不起作用要臨時編輯封裝函數func
的正文,我經常使用trace(func, edit=TRUE)
:當... = [.data.table
## Note: In this and the other cases below, once an editor pops up, I save and
## and then exit without making any edits to the function. The commented-out
## message below each call to trace() is what is then printed to my R console.
trace("[.data.table", where=data.table, edit=TRUE)
# Error in .makeTracedFunction(def, tracer, exit, at, print, doEdit) :
# the editing in trace() can only change the body of the function, not
# the arguments or defaults
## (#1)
trace("within.data.table", where=data.table, edit=TRUE)
# Tracing function "within.data.table" as seen from package "data.table"
# [1] "within.data.table"
## (#2)
trace("[.Date", edit=TRUE)
# Tracing function "[.Date" in package "base"
# [1] "[.Date"
我的Windows XP計算機上運行R-3.0.0
或使用R GUI的默認編輯器。
它爲我在2.15.3與data.table_1.8.6,Windows 7的 – 2013-04-10 17:02:10
不過,我得到了同樣的錯誤升級到1.8.8後, 。 – 2013-04-10 17:10:49
@MatthewPlourde - 謝謝!這真的有助於縮小問題範圍。 – 2013-04-10 17:12:06