我必須使用多線程來製作一個簡單的基於文本的遊戲。我選擇了猜我的動物遊戲。服務器會隨機挑選一個動物併發出線索,客戶必須猜測動物是在三條線索內。客戶端/服務器通信 - 猜我的動物遊戲
public class KKProtocol {
private static final int WAITING = 0;
private static final int ASKNAME = 1;
private static final int SENTCLUE = 2;
private static final int SENTCLUE2 = 3;
private static final int SENTCLUE3 = 4;
private static final int ANOTHER = 5;
private static final int NUMANIMALS = 4;
private int state = WAITING;
private int currentAnimal = (int) (Math.random() * 6); // number of first joke
private String[] clues = {"I like to play", "I like to scratch", "I eat salad", "I annoy you in the morning"};
private String[] clues2 = {"Love walks", "House pet", "garden pet", "I fly everywhere"};
private String[] clues3 = {"Woof", "Meow", "I live in a hutch", "Tweet Tweet"};
private String[] answers = {"Dog",
private String[] name = {};
public String processInput(String theInput) {
String theOutput = null;
// System.out.println("Welcome to my animal guessing game");
if (state == WAITING) {
theOutput = clues[currentAnimal];
state = SENTCLUE;
} else if (state == SENTCLUE) {
if (theInput.equals(answers[currentAnimal])) {
theOutput = "Correct...Your Score is 1....Want to play again? (y/n)";
state = ANOTHER;
} else {
theOutput = clues2[currentAnimal];
state = SENTCLUE2;
} else if (state == SENTCLUE2) {
if (theInput.equals(answers[currentAnimal])) {
theOutput = "Correct...Your Score is 2....Want to play again? (y/n)";
state = ANOTHER;
} else {
theOutput = clues3[currentAnimal];
state = SENTCLUE3;
} else if (state == SENTCLUE3) {
if (theInput.equals(answers[currentAnimal])) {
theOutput = "Correct...Your Score is 3....Want to play again? (y/n)";
state = ANOTHER;
} else {
theOutput = ("it's" + answers[currentAnimal] + " you fool! Want to play again? (y/n)");
state = ANOTHER;
} else if (state == ANOTHER) {
if (theInput.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) {
if (currentAnimal == (NUMANIMALS - 1)) {
currentAnimal = 0;
theOutput = clues[currentAnimal];
// else
state = SENTCLUE;
} else {
theOutput = "Bye.";
state = WAITING;
return theOutput;
你爲什麼標記「多線程」?協議對象是否被多個線程同時使用?如果是這樣,並且由於班上沒有同步,隨機行爲也不會令人驚訝。 – assylias
我標記多線程,因爲這是該單位在我的大學學位被稱爲。所以你說我需要在我的課堂上添加一個同步,它會一切正常嗎? – StephSetch
我的問題不是關於你的學位的名稱:你是否從多個線程訪問協議實例? – assylias