我有一個svm模型的預測(prediction_svm_linear),我想用R中的pROC包繪製ROC曲線。我得到AUC 100%,這是不可能的,因爲基於混淆矩陣我沒有完美的預測。顯然我錯過了一些東西,可能我不完全瞭解ROC曲線的工作原理,請你向我解釋爲什麼會發生這種情況?奇怪的ROC曲線預測
Confusion Matrix and Statistics
Prediction Cancer Normal
Cancer 11 0
Normal 3 5
Accuracy : 0.8421
95% CI : (0.6042, 0.9662)
No Information Rate : 0.7368
P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 0.2227
Kappa : 0.6587
Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.2482
Sensitivity : 0.7857
Specificity : 1.0000
Pos Pred Value : 1.0000
Neg Pred Value : 0.6250
Prevalence : 0.7368
Detection Rate : 0.5789
Detection Prevalence : 0.5789
Balanced Accuracy : 0.8929
'Positive' Class : Cancer
testData_class = c(rep(c("Normal", "Cancer"), c(5, 14)))
prediction_svm_linear = data.frame(Cancer = c(0.11766249, 0.04765463, 0.08749940, 0.01715765, 0.10755376, 0.28358435, 0.37478957, 0.90603193, 0.91077112, 0.68602820, 0.64783894, 0.67916187,0.38785763, 0.66440580, 0.51897036, 0.93484214, 0.91719866, 0.83239007, 0.63491027), Normal = c(0.88233751, 0.95234537, 0.91250060, 0.98284235, 0.89244624, 0.71641565, 0.62521043, 0.09396807, 0.08922888, 0.31397180, 0.35216106, 0.32083813,0.61214237, 0.33559420, 0.48102964, 0.06515786, 0.08280134, 0.16760993, 0.36508973))
result.roc.model1 <- roc(testData$class, prediction_svm_linear$Cancer,
levels = rev(levels(testData$class)))
roc.default(response = testData$class, predictor = prediction.prob.b5_svm_linear$Cancer, levels = rev(levels(testData$class)))
Data: prediction.prob.b5_svm_linear$Cancer in 5 controls (testData$class Normal) < 14 cases (testData$class Cancer).
Area under the curve: 1
基於混淆矩陣的閾值是多少?你能證明你是如何生成它的嗎?顯然ROC曲線告訴你有一個更好的閾值... – Calimo
我沒有設置混淆矩陣的任何閾值。這是代碼: 'confusionMatrix(testData_class,prediction_svm_linear)' – Mati
從插入符號包? – Calimo