文件組織成多個塊,整個文件有幾百吉字節。我需要以Pandas DataFrame的形式在內存中處理文件的過濾子集。同時讀熊貓的一個HDF5文件
import multiprocessing as mp, pandas as pd
store = pd.HDFStore('data.h5')
min_dset, max_dset = 0, len(store.keys()) - 1
dset_list = list(range(min_dset, max_dset))
frames = []
def read_and_return_subset(dset):
# each process is intended to read its own chunk in a concurrent manner
chunk = store.select('batch_{:03}'.format(dset))
# and then process the chunk, do the filtering, and return the result
output = chunk[chunk.some_condition == True]
return output
with mp.Pool(processes=32) as pool:
for frame in pool.map(read_and_return_subset, dset_list):
df = pd.concat(frames)
HDF5ExtError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-174-867671c5a58f> in <module>()
54 with mp.Pool(processes=32) as pool:
---> 55 for frame in pool.map(read_and_return_subset, dset_list):
56 frames.append(frame)
/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/pool.py in map(self, func, iterable, chunksize)
258 in a list that is returned.
259 '''
--> 260 return self._map_async(func, iterable, mapstar, chunksize).get()
262 def starmap(self, func, iterable, chunksize=None):
/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/pool.py in get(self, timeout)
606 return self._value
607 else:
--> 608 raise self._value
610 def _set(self, i, obj):
HDF5ExtError: HDF5 error back trace
File "H5Dio.c", line 173, in H5Dread
can't read data
File "H5Dio.c", line 554, in H5D__read
can't read data
File "H5Dchunk.c", line 1856, in H5D__chunk_read
error looking up chunk address
File "H5Dchunk.c", line 2441, in H5D__chunk_lookup
can't query chunk address
File "H5Dbtree.c", line 998, in H5D__btree_idx_get_addr
can't get chunk info
File "H5B.c", line 340, in H5B_find
unable to load B-tree node
File "H5AC.c", line 1262, in H5AC_protect
H5C_protect() failed.
File "H5C.c", line 3574, in H5C_protect
can't load entry
File "H5C.c", line 7954, in H5C_load_entry
unable to load entry
File "H5Bcache.c", line 143, in H5B__load
wrong B-tree signature
End of HDF5 error back trace
Problems reading the array data.
看來,熊貓/ pyTables有麻煩試圖訪問同一文件的併發方式時,即使只是閱讀。
我不確定你可以通過並行化來提高IO速度 - 你仍然需要從磁盤讀取完全相同的數據量以及「多處理」開銷。你打算怎麼處理你正在閱讀的大塊?你需要處理所有的數據還是隻處理其中的一部分? – MaxU
@MaxU我在閱讀您的評論後深入挖掘,看起來大部分時間都是花在由h5庫處理文件上,而不是實際上從磁盤上流式傳輸文件。事實證明,將相同的文件放入基於RAM的磁盤中看不到速度的提升。因此,我認爲同時閱讀文件可能會加快整個過程。 – Jivan