2012-03-07 54 views

我一直在使用保羅赫克伯特出色的種子填充算法(可用here和書Graphic Gems (1990))。高效的8連接洪水填充






* A Seed Fill Algorithm 
* by Paul Heckbert 
* from "Graphics Gems", Academic Press, 1990 
* user provides pixelread() and pixelwrite() routines 

* fill.c : simple seed fill program 
* Calls pixelread() to read pixels, pixelwrite() to write pixels. 
* Paul Heckbert 13 Sept 1982, 28 Jan 1987 

typedef struct {  /* window: a discrete 2-D rectangle */ 
    int x0, y0;   /* xmin and ymin */ 
    int x1, y1;   /* xmax and ymax (inclusive) */ 
} Window; 

typedef int Pixel;  /* 1-channel frame buffer assumed */ 

Pixel pixelread(); 

typedef struct {short y, xl, xr, dy;} Segment; 
* Filled horizontal segment of scanline y for xl<=x<=xr. 
* Parent segment was on line y-dy. dy=1 or -1 

#define MAX 10000  /* max depth of stack */ 

#define PUSH(Y, XL, XR, DY) /* push new segment on stack */ \ 
    if (sp<stack+MAX && Y+(DY)>=win->y0 && Y+(DY)<=win->y1) \ 
    {sp->y = Y; sp->xl = XL; sp->xr = XR; sp->dy = DY; sp++;} 

#define POP(Y, XL, XR, DY) /* pop segment off stack */ \ 
    {sp--; Y = sp->y+(DY = sp->dy); XL = sp->xl; XR = sp->xr;} 

* fill: set the pixel at (x,y) and all of its 4-connected neighbors 
* with the same pixel value to the new pixel value nv. 
* A 4-connected neighbor is a pixel above, below, left, or right of a pixel. 

fill(x, y, win, nv) 
int x, y; /* seed point */ 
Window *win; /* screen window */ 
Pixel nv; /* new pixel value */ 
    int l, x1, x2, dy; 
    Pixel ov; /* old pixel value */ 
    Segment stack[MAX], *sp = stack; /* stack of filled segments */ 

    ov = pixelread(x, y);  /* read pv at seed point */ 
    if (ov==nv || x<win->x0 || x>win->x1 || y<win->y0 || y>win->y1) return; 
    PUSH(y, x, x, 1);   /* needed in some cases */ 
    PUSH(y+1, x, x, -1);  /* seed segment (popped 1st) */ 

    while (sp>stack) { 
    /* pop segment off stack and fill a neighboring scan line */ 
    POP(y, x1, x2, dy); 
    * segment of scan line y-dy for x1<=x<=x2 was previously filled, 
    * now explore adjacent pixels in scan line y 
    for (x=x1; x>=win->x0 && pixelread(x, y)==ov; x--) 
     pixelwrite(x, y, nv); 
    if (x>=x1) goto skip; 
    l = x+1; 
    if (l<x1) PUSH(y, l, x1-1, -dy);  /* leak on left? */ 
    x = x1+1; 
    do { 
     for (; x<=win->x1 && pixelread(x, y)==ov; x++) 
     pixelwrite(x, y, nv); 
     PUSH(y, l, x-1, dy); 
     if (x>x2+1) PUSH(y, x2+1, x-1, -dy); /* leak on right? */ 
skip:  for (x++; x<=x2 && pixelread(x, y)!=ov; x++); 
     l = x; 
    } while (x<=x2); 

也許你應該投入一點努力自己開始。設計和實施上述計劃可能需要花費100個小時。延長我可能需要花費幾個小時。展示下。 – wildplasser 2012-03-07 21:19:14


這是值得的事情,看看是否已經發明和完善了@wildplasser。我很欣賞你希望每個人都能始終重新發明。但是,我們都會住在山洞裏,或者使用Windows。如果沒有生成合適的算法,我一定會生成它。如果有,那麼利用現有的更好。 – Richard 2012-03-07 21:24:31


如果你依賴別人的珠子和鏡子,你就住在籠子裏。先試着製作你自己的作品,否則你永遠不會離開那個籠子。 – wildplasser 2012-03-07 21:38:12




void cvFloodFill(CvArr* image, 
       CvPoint seed_point, 
       CvScalar new_val, 
       CvScalar lo_diff=cvScalarAll(0), 
       CvScalar up_diff=cvScalarAll(0), 
       CvConnectedComp* comp=NULL, 
       int flags=4, 
       CvArr* mask=NULL)