// First I retrieve all of these bodies, which I named "Body1" up to 9:
let bodies = _scene.rootNode.childNodes(passingTest: { (node:SCNNode, stop:UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Bool in
if let name = node.name
return name.contains("Body")
return false
// Then I create an array of SCNPhysicsShape objects, and an array
// containing the transformation associated to each shape
var shapes = [SCNPhysicsShape]()
var transforms = [NSValue]()
for body in bodies
shapes.append(SCNPhysicsShape(geometry: body.geometry!, options: nil))
// I remove it from the scene because it shouldn't be visible, as it has
// the sole goal is simulating the spaceship's physics
// Finally I create a SCNPhysicsShape that contains all of the shapes
let shape = SCNPhysicsShape(shapes: shapes, transforms: transforms)
let body = SCNPhysicsBody(type: .dynamic, shape: shape)
body.isAffectedByGravity = false
body.categoryBitMask = SpaceshipCategory
body.collisionBitMask = 0
body.contactTestBitMask = RockCategory
self.spaceship.physicsBody = body
我懷疑其他人曾試圖自己在做什麼。很少有人使用SceneKit。似乎更少用於遊戲。其他人不太可能導入物理體。我認爲您需要爲兩到三名在此閒逛的SceneKit員工提供一個示例打包項目。他們可能是唯一可以幫助解決這個問題的人。 – Confused
如果你看看那些回答了很多SceneKit問題的傢伙,我想你可以弄清楚他們是誰。而且你有這麼多的代表,你可以跟他們聊聊聊天室,或者其他一些直接交流的方式。 – Confused
@Confused你有什麼建議用於遊戲? –