2016-02-29 54 views

我正在CoolRunner 2上運行一個60分鐘計時器的小項目。我想驅動四個7段顯示器來開發VHDL中的新技能,我大多是模擬工程師,所以如果你在VHDL中有任何提示,我會向他們開放。但我的問題是:我有四個計數器一起計數59分59秒,然後重置,但我的第三個計數器不增加(counter3)。當我運行測試臺時,它只能達到59秒,然後重置。計數器溢出或情況不是肉


Process (CLK1Hz,RST,SW1,overflow4) 
    if (RST = '0') or (overflow4 = '1') then 
     Counter1 <=0; 
    elsif Rising_edge (CLK1Hz)then 
     if (SW1 = '1') then 
      counter1 <= counter1 + 1; 
       if Counter1 = 8 then 
        overflow1 <= '1'; 
       elsif counter1 = 9 then 
        Counter1 <= 0; 
        overflow1 <= '0'; 
       end if; 
     end if; 
end if; 
end process; 

Process (CLK1Hz,RST,SW1,overflow1,overflow4,counter1) 
    if (RST = '0') or (overflow4 = '1') then 
     Counter2 <=0; 
    elsif Rising_edge (CLK1Hz) then 
     if (SW1 = '1') and (overflow1 = '1') then 
      counter2 <= counter2 + 1; 
       if counter2 = 5 and counter1 = 8 then 
        overflow2 <= '1'; 
       elsif counter2 = 5 and counter1 = 9 then 
        counter2 <= 0; 
        overflow2 <= '0'; 
       end if; 
     end if;  
end if; 
end process; 

Process (CLK1Hz,RST,SW1,overflow2,overflow4,counter1,counter2) 
    if (RST = '0') or (overflow4 = '1') then 
    Counter3 <=0; 
    elsif Rising_edge (CLK1Hz) then 
     if (SW1 = '1') and (overflow2 = '1') then 
      counter3 <= counter3 + 1; 
       if counter3 = 9 and counter2 = 5 and counter1 = 8 then 
        overflow3 <= '1'; 
       elsif counter3 = 9 and counter2 = 5 and counter1 = 9 then 
        counter3 <= 0; 
        overflow3 <= '0'; 
       end if; 
     end if; 
end if; 
end process;  

Process (CLK1Hz,RST,SW1,overflow3,overflow4,counter1,counter2,counter3) 
    if (RST = '0') or (overflow4 = '1') then 
     Counter4 <=0; 
    elsif Rising_edge (CLK1Hz) then 
     if(SW1 = '1') and (overflow3 = '1') then 
      counter4 <= counter4 + 1; 
       if counter4 = 6 then 
        counter4 <= 0; 
        overflow4 <= '1'; 
       else overflow4 <= '0'; 
       end if; 
     end if; 
end if; 
end process;  



請格式化並縮進您的代碼。 – Paebbels


希望這有助於您更好地理解我的代碼 –


我推薦使用啓用輸入和溢出輸出來編寫一個模數5/9的計數器。然後你可以將這個計數器的多個實例鏈接在一起。 –




if (SW1 = '1') and (overflow1 = '1') then 
     counter2 <= counter2 + 1; 
      if counter2 = 5 and counter1 = 8 then 
       overflow2 <= '1'; 
      elsif counter2 = 5 and counter1 = 9 then 
       counter2 <= 0; 
       overflow2 <= '0'; 
      end if; 
    end if;  

寄存器overflow2只能置位,當SW = '1'overflow1 = '1'counter2 = 5counter1 = '8'。但是,overflow1 = '1'counter1 = 8永遠不會同時發生。當舊值counter1是8時,設置寄存器overflow1,但是然後overflow1將是'1'只有連同counter1 = 9


if (SW1 = '1') then 
    if (overflow1 = '1') then 
     counter2 <= counter2 + 1; 
    end if; 

    if counter2 = 5 and counter1 = 8 then 
     overflow2 <= '1'; 
    elsif counter2 = 5 and counter1 = 9 then 
     counter2 <= 0; 
     overflow2 <= '0'; 
    end if; 
    end if;  


在上一個過程中,信號overflow4只能設置,因爲一旦設置,異步復位將永久執行。正如您已經描述的那樣,只需使用counter4的同步重置即可。 overflow4也應該重置其他計數器同步,但我會離開這個練習。


library ieee; 
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 

entity counter2 is 
end entity counter2; 

architecture counter2 of counter2 is 
    signal counter1, counter2, counter3, counter4 : integer := 0; 
    signal overflow1, overflow2, overflow3, overflow4 : std_logic := '0'; 
    signal RST : std_logic := '1'; 
    signal SW1 : std_logic := '1'; 
    signal CLK1Hz : std_logic := '1'; 

begin -- architecture counter2 

    -- clock generation 
    CLK1Hz <= not CLK1Hz after 500 ms; 

    Process (CLK1Hz,RST,SW1,overflow4) 
    if (RST = '0') or (overflow4 = '1') then 
     Counter1 <=0; 
    elsif Rising_edge (CLK1Hz)then 
     if (SW1 = '1') then 
     counter1 <= counter1 + 1; 
     if Counter1 = 8 then 
      overflow1 <= '1'; 
     elsif counter1 = 9 then 
      Counter1 <= 0; 
      overflow1 <= '0'; 
     end if; 
     end if; 
    end if; 
    end process; 

    Process (CLK1Hz,RST,SW1,overflow1,overflow4,counter1) 
    if (RST = '0') or (overflow4 = '1') then 
     Counter2 <=0; 
    elsif Rising_edge (CLK1Hz) then 
     if (SW1 = '1') then 
     if (overflow1 = '1') then 
      counter2 <= counter2 + 1; 
     end if; 
     if counter2 = 5 and counter1 = 8 then 
      overflow2 <= '1'; 
     elsif counter2 = 5 and counter1 = 9 then 
      counter2 <= 0; 
      overflow2 <= '0'; 
     end if; 
     end if;  
    end if; 
    end process; 

    Process (CLK1Hz,RST,SW1,overflow2,overflow4,counter1,counter2) 
    if (RST = '0') or (overflow4 = '1') then 
     Counter3 <=0; 
    elsif Rising_edge (CLK1Hz) then 
     if (SW1 = '1') then 
     if (overflow2 = '1') then 
      counter3 <= counter3 + 1; 
     end if; 

     if counter3 = 9 and counter2 = 5 and counter1 = 8 then 
      overflow3 <= '1'; 
     elsif counter3 = 9 and counter2 = 5 and counter1 = 9 then 
      counter3 <= 0; 
      overflow3 <= '0'; 
     end if; 
     end if; 
    end if; 
    end process;  

    Process (CLK1Hz,RST,SW1,overflow3,overflow4,counter1,counter2,counter3) 
    if (RST = '0') then-- or (overflow4 = '1') then 
     Counter4 <=0; 
    elsif Rising_edge (CLK1Hz) then 
     if(SW1 = '1') then 
     if (overflow3 = '1') then 
      counter4 <= counter4 + 1; 
     end if; 

     if counter4 = 6 then 
      counter4 <= 0; 
      overflow4 <= '1'; 
     else overflow4 <= '0'; 
     end if; 
     end if; 
    end if; 
    end process; 

end architecture counter2; 


simualtion output


嗨,感謝您的迴應和所有錯誤更正,它的好。幾周前我已經完成了這個項目,或多或少和你所做的一樣。我已經意識到,當我在做測試臺時,我的嵌套如果不正確地完成,它不得不執行很少的時間。回到VHDL是一個很有趣的項目。再次感謝您通過答案。我希望別人也能從中受益。 –