#This program calculates different shapes, their lengths/area
#pythag and 1/2bh for triangles
nSquareSide = float
nSquareArea = float
nShapeBase = float
nShapeHeight = float
nShapeArea = float
sChooseShape = str
sChooseLA = str #do you want to fins length or area?
#arranged in 'shapeCalcA' for area (A) or 'shapeCalcL' for length (L)
def squareCalcA(nSquareSide):
return float(nSquareSide ** 2)
def sqareCalcL(nSquareArea):
return float(nShadeArea ** 0.5)
def triCalcA(nShapeBase, nShapeHeight):
return float((0.5 * nShapeBase) * nShapeHeight)
#pythag goes here (work in progress)
while 1==1:
sChooseShape = str(input("What shape would you like to find the area/length of? "))
if sChooseShape in ['Square','square','sqr']:
sChooseLA = str(input("You have chosen square./nWould you like to find area or length? ")
if sChooseLA in ['area','a','A','Area']: #ONLY SYNTAX ERROR ON THIS COLON
nSqaureSide = float(input("Enter side length of square: "))
nSquareArea = squareCalcA(nSqaureSide)
print("The area of a square with a side length of " + str(nSqaureSide) + " is " + str(nSqaureArea)
elif sChooseLA in ['length','Length','L','l']:
nSqaureArea = float(input("What is the area of the square? "))
nSqaureSide = sqaureCalcL(nSqaureArea)
print("You did not enter a valid input, please restart...")
是的。這也是我注意到的問題。 – erewok